World Doctors Alliance
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Official WDA independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals around the world who have united in the wake of the Covid-19 response chapter to share experiences with a view to ending all lockdowns and related damaging measures.
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World Doctors Alliance pinned «If you do decide to boycott Morrisons be sure to tell David Potts why at»
Media is too big
A gentle spoken, but a tower of strength. An articulate spokesperson for a generation.

Ladies and Gentleman, lets pleae try to give this man lots of supprt.

He is a beacon of truth, who is getting a message of sanity out on the main airwaves.

Neil Oliver
Forwarded from Brees Media
Media is too big
Hold the Line in Cardiff today
Forwarded from CITIZEN Mark Coulthread 🇬🇧
Media is too big
What if I was to tell you I know of a 26 Mile stretch of road where we could all HOLD THE LINE, and the worlds media would be covering it!!!

It just so happens I DO!!!, The 2021 LONDON MARATHON… Get yourselves there with your placards, keep them hidden till the lead runners go past, and then hold them high, we have the numbers, we have the cards, we have THIS.
OCTOBER 3rd 2021 - 9am
Forwarded from Clare Wills Harrison - Awakened World, lawyer, truthseeker, truth spreader. (Clare Wills Harrison)
The "scrapping" of passports is merely a delay to them imo. That is because I believe we will go back into an autumn and winter lockdown. It will likely be Nov at the latest. Given this they are willing to roll over on the passports. For now. But we will see them rear their heads in Spring next year, likely April, as a carrot to get out of lockdown, which will have been in place nearly 6 months by then. This is their plan I believe.

Some people are not going to make it through the next lockdown. Think about it, it will have been 2 years of this by next March. I'm holding them in my heart.

We have just been told that we need to pay more NI to pay for social care, (which the govt have ruined further than the mess it already was), more council tax for the same, and they are looking at IHT and CGT increases too. All the while they spent billions on failed track and trace and unnecessary schools testing, whilst giving their mates PPE contracts worth millions.

So if we go into a lockdown please do not expect furlough. How can they pay for it when they are telling us there is no money for social care?

The saddest thing for me is that there will be a significant number of people supporting any proposed lockdown, without putting their mind to the fact that we are in exactly the same position as last year, BEFORE the vaccination programme. They won't even consider why this is. That the vaccinations do not work, it's not about health but control, and that vaccination during a "pandemic" is a big no no because it makes things worse. If they believe in this virus, and that it is dangerous, they should at least look at that latter part carefully and the work of Vanden Bossche, who himself used to work for the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation

We know what we are seeing in Australia now is the template for what they want to roll out everywhere. People sent to quarantine camps and kept there for 14 days just like in China. At the moment I believe its only if you fly into the country but how long before they drag people off to them who haven't had the vaccine that doesn't work? It's the same here. The Heathrow internment camp (and other camps) where they lock you up if you are a citizen returning to your country, (and it costs you £1,750 per person for the pleasure), whilst non citizens get here by other means and don't suffer the same fate. And of course politicians never have to quarantine.

I honestly do not know what screwed up minds some people have to not be able to ask themselves why the golden calf "vaccination" programme hasn't worked as promised, and we are now WORSE off than before it, heading into a shit show of more rights being taken away. How can some people not question the broken promises, failed systems, stark inequality between those who have the restrictions applied to them and those that do not, and the utter blanket shut down of every renowned scientist and Doctor calling this out for what it is.

It's not about health. It never was. Many of us tried to tell people this from the beginning. Those people laughed at us, and likely will now be the ones cheering on the unconstitutional medical apartheid to be applied to the unvaccinated. Whilst they are cheering they will not be able to apply one critical thought about the lies told by those supposedly in power, the failed promises, the blanket shutdown of critical information, and the fact that we are no better off than when this utter rubbish started. In fact we are perhaps about to see many deaths due to the vaccination itself, and that is on the govts heads, and their heads alone.

The above sounds bleak and could terrify even the sanest of people. However, I have hope BECAUSE of it. I have hope because you cannot fool all of the people all of the time, and it seems to me that a lot less are fooled now. Tyranny will always make a sub culture spring up, from which are forged true bonds, a real commitment to care, and an agreement that never again will anything like this happen. That is evolution.
Forwarded from Oracle Films
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A member of our camera team stopped by a local demonstration; Hold the Line in Brislington, Bristol 🇬🇧 today.

Credit to all that turned up and made some noise. You are turning the tide 👏🏻
Forwarded from BiRD Group Channel (Tessarary)
New article on Trialsite news reports:
“The deception and secrecy surrounding the NIH ivermectin non-recommendation should have raised serious doubts about its integrity. The grotesque conflicts of interest of Panel members should make it clear that the NIH, as the FDA with its slandering of ivermectin as a “horse dewormer,” should not be taken seriously.”

Serious conflicts of interest may be the root cause of the ongoing failure of legacy institutions to manage the covid health crisis appropriately, including offering safe and effective early covid treatment. ~ BiRD
World Doctors Alliance pinned «The "scrapping" of passports is merely a delay to them imo. That is because I believe we will go back into an autumn and winter lockdown. It will likely be Nov at the latest. Given this they are willing to roll over on the passports. For now. But we will see…»
Forwarded from Dr. Tenpenny
"With over 13,000 reports to the CDC about death from the COVID-19 vaccines, COVID-19 vaccines now have the highest death rate of any vaccines in history. Indeed, the average total vaccine deaths reported each year to the CDC, before COVID-19, was a grand total of a little more than 100 a year. In other words, the COVID-19 vaccines have approximately 100 times more reports of death per year than the average reports for all other vaccines combined. In the past, individual vaccines have been taken off the market for as little as 12 to 50 reported deaths. COVID-19 vaccine deaths are catastrophic and, worst yet, reported deaths reflect only a small fraction of actual vaccine deaths in the community.  
During the interview with Dr. McCullough, I occasionally fill in with information about how and why the global predators are stopping Western nations from using early treatments while pushing failed and extremely lethal vaccines.   
There are few if any other interviews or sources where you can get such full and up-to-date vaccine coverage as in this presentation and discussion. "  
- Dr Peter Breggin
Watch Dr. McCullough and Dr. Breggin here.
One of the most important short speeches ever made under Parliamentary privilege. Chope’s words will be entered into the written record, called “Hansard”.
He summarised some key data from the U.K. suspected vaccine harms record termed “Yellow Cards”.
Best wishes
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Gareth Icke predicted in his July 23 tweet why the cancellation of the vaccination passport in the UK is a deception.