World Doctors Alliance
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Official WDA independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals around the world who have united in the wake of the Covid-19 response chapter to share experiences with a view to ending all lockdowns and related damaging measures.
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Sajid Javid directly challenged on mandatory coronavirus jabs by unvaccinated NHS doctor
Steve James, a consultant anaesthetist who has been treating coronavirus patients since the start of the pandemic, tells Health Secretary Sajid Javid about his displeasure with the government's policy of mandatory vaccination for NHS staff. - SkyNews
Forwarded from BE INFORMED
Latest UK Adverse Reactions and Fatalities to 22nd December 2021 per the MHRA following the experimental Covid-19 injections (released by the MHRA -6th January 2022)

It is understood that this data most likely excludes harm reported after boosters and child doses for which only case numbers are provided and so would only include the harm from doses 1 and 2 given to adults.

Only 1-10% of cases are reported

Link to data:
UK -latest ADR - 22nd December 2021

First and Second Doses Only:

24 additional deaths in the last week. Total of 1913 deaths to date
Almost 29k additional injuries reported in the last week. Total of almost 1.4 million injuries to date

Almost 10k extra people are now reporting an injury in the last week. Over 421k people have now reported an injury after the injections.

Doses given to Children Only:

120 additional cases in the last week. A total of 2.5k cases to date

By extrapolating deaths based on the harm rate on the total number of first and second dose injections combined , the deaths in children could number 72.

Also through one method of extrapolation there may now been 8,360 Injuries to children

The MHRA (see page 24 of their weekly report on the link below) have now stated that 44 children have reported an injury of myocarditis/pericarditis /related following a Pfizer injection and 1 after a Moderna injection.

Also note: the extrapolated numbers above are based on numbers of injections administered not the number of people who have received a first or second dose, if the calculation was based on the number of people injected the death rate and numbers of injuries would be almost twice as high as those extrapolated above, perhaps higher still given the vulnerability of "booster" and child populations.

Booster Doses:

8,070 additional cases of injury reported in the last week. A total of 30.5k cases to date after boosters injections

By one method of extrapolation deaths based on the harm rate on the total of first and second doses administered deaths in those given a booster injection would be 613.

Through extrapolation there may now have been 100,146 Injuries in those given a booster injection

Also note: the extrapolated numbers above are based on numbers of injections administered not the number of people who have received a first or second dose, if the calculation was based on the number of people injected the death rate and number of injuries would be almost twice as high.

Also see post above about why the deaths and injuries for doses given to children and booster doses has been extrapolated:

Link to data:
Novak Djokovic is 34 years of age.

The latest UK
shows that those in have age group (30-39) that are ‘’fully vaccinated’’ are more than twice as likely to have COVID than those unvaccinated.

Morrison & Dan Andrews have turned Australia into a laughing stock. They have both ignored the data and science that shows unvaccinated people are less risk at having COVID than the fully vaccinated.

But they can’t admit the truth, because it would be admitting their forced mass vaccination program was a failure.
Forwarded from Dr. Simon
Build Back Better.

French President Emmanuel Macron says that someone who refuses the Covid vaccine is “not a citizen" and that he wants to continue to piss them off. (

Joe Biden tells parents to keep kids away from the unvaccinated and that "this continues to be a pandemic of the unvaccinated." (

Justin Trudeau blames lockdowns on the unvaccinated, calls them "extremists", “misogynists”, and “racists". (

Michael Gunner (Northern Territory Chief Minister) says that "Work is not a reason to leave the home for the unvaccinated." (

Philippines President Duterte orders authorities to arrest unvaccinated people if they went outdoors. (

German Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach states that "Compulsory vaccination needs to pass legislation quickly as we can't wait for it to become obsolete." (

The truth is that the unvaccinated aren't a threat to society. Instead, they are a threat to authority and its misanthropic narrative.

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