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● Saturday, 24 April 2021 ●

● Word Coach: IELTS Vocabulary ●

1. YEARN (VERB): Desire strongly
Synonyms: crave, covet
Antonyms: abjure, dislike
Example Sentence: I am yearning for waterballs.

2. JABBER (VERB): Babble
Synonyms: chatter, gab
Antonyms: be silent, be quiet
Example Sentence: Anahita likes to jabber a lot.

3. UTOPIA (NOUN): Bliss
Synonyms: paradise, ideal place
Antonyms: hell, place of the condemned
Example Sentence: I live in a utopia.

4. SLING (VERB): Throw
Synonyms: hoist, hurl
Antonyms: receive, keep
Example Sentence: When I tried to do it with the sling on, I lost my balance.

5. VILIFY (VERB): Criticize
Synonyms: damn, malign
Antonyms: praise, laud
Example Sentence: She was vilifying Aman.

Synonyms: Guardian, advisory
Antonyms: careless, inattentive
Example Sentence: He was acting as a tutelary brother for me that day.

7. MOUSY (ADJECTIVE): Introverted
Synonyms: drab, shy
Antonyms: confident, fancy
Example sentence: Garima is a mousy person.

Synonyms: faulty, flawed
Antonyms: perfect, unbroken
Example Sentence: She has an impaired vision.

Synonyms: fervent, passionate
Antonyms: frivolous, silly
Example Sentence: His earnest approach made him winner.

Synonyms: uncivilized, unethical
Antonyms: cultured, civilized
Example Sentence: The judge deemed the torture and killings of innocent people to be unconscionable.


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● Sunday, 25 April 2021 ●

● Word Coach: IELTS Vocabulary ●

1.ANTECEDENT(NOUN/ADJ): A person's ancestors or family and social background.
Synonyms: anterior, former
Antonyms: current, future
Example Sentence: Her early life and antecedents have been traced.

2. COHORT (NOUN): A group of people with a shared characteristic.
Synonyms: unit, force
Antonyms: division, disunity
Example Sentence: A cohort of civil servants patiently drafting legislation.

3.CONVICTED(ADJECTIVE): Having been declaed guilty of a criminal offence.
Synonyms: culprit, captive
Antonyms: acquit, clear
Example Sentence: Criminals convicted with any offence do not get a job easily.

4.DETERRENT(NOUN/ADJ.): Discouragement
Synonyms: damper, impediments
Antonyms:encouragement, incentive
Example Sentence: Some people say that capital punishment acts as a deterrent.

5. LACKADAISICAL (ADJ.): Careless lazy, lax.
Synonyms:half-hearted, uninterested
Antonyms: enthusiastic, excited
Example Sentence: The food was nice enough but the servicewas somewhat lackadaisical.

6. PATRONAGE (NOUN): Support given to an organization by someone.
Synonyms: aegis, subsidy
Antonyms: attack, blockage
Example Sentence: The charity enjoys the patronage of many prominent local business people.

7. EXPEDIENCY (NOUN): Quality of being convenient but immorally.
Synonyms: convenience, prudence
Antonyms:limitation, disadvantage
Example sentence: As a matter of expediency we will not be taking on any new staff this year.

8.ERSTWHILE (ADJ/ADV.): Former, old, past
Synonyms: previous, prior
Antonyms: present, future
Example Sentence: The erstwhile donors might cease to donate.

9. PREPONDERATE (VERB): Predominant in influence,
number, or importance.
Synonyms: dictate, overrule
Antonyms: follow, lose
Example Sentence: Do not even think of preponderating me.

10. TRAGIC (ADJECTIVE): Appalling
Synonyms: awful, deplorable
Antonyms: pleasant, wonderful
Example Sentence: Merriam saw the tragic women of the wards.


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● Monday, 26 April 2021 ●

● Word Coach: IELTS Vocabulary ●

1.DEVOURING(NOUN/ADJ): Extremely strong and usually causes damage.
Synonyms: draining, depleting
Antonyms: conserving,preserving
Example Sentence: I have no discipline when it comes to the immediate devouring of burritos.

2. CONSORTIUM (NOUN): Organization or banks joined together as a group
Synonyms: company,conference
Antonyms: disunion, separation
Example Sentence: A consortium of banks is led by State Bank Of India.

3.INSISTENCE (NOUN): Demand, command
Synonyms: dictate, instruction
Antonyms: challenge, dispute
Example Sentence: At his insistence she continued living with her mother.

4.CONTINGENT(NOUN/ADJ.): Subject to chance, accidental, unforeseen
Synonyms: delegacy, delegation
Antonyms: predictable, expected
Example Sentence: Our success is contingent upon your support.

5. MORATORIUM (ADJ.): A temporary prohibition of an activity, embargo.
Synonyms: abeyance,dormancy
Antonyms: renewal, resumption
Example Sentence: They are proposing a five year moratorium on nuclear weapon testing.

6. DITHER (NOUN/VERB): Be indecisive, hesitate, state of agitation.
Synonyms: fluster, lather
Antonyms: calm, composure
Example Sentence: I can't bear people who dither.

7. GRIM (ADJECTIVE): Very serious, gloomy
Synonyms: stern, forbidding
Antonyms: amiable, pleasant
Example sentence: The situation in the drought stricken region is grim.

8.RETROACTIVELY(ADVERB): With effect from a date
before it was approved
Synonyms: previous, prior
Antonyms: present, future
Example Sentence: The new rates will apply retroactively from January 1.

9.CIPHER(NOUN): Nonexistence
Synonyms: nonentity, nobody
Antonyms: entity, somebody
Example Sentence: He is worried of his cipher.

10. HUNCH (NOUN): A humped position or thing,instinct;
Synonyms: intuition, premonition
Antonyms: certainty, fact
Example Sentence: The commentators had various hunches about the outcome of the next election.


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● Tuesday, 27 April 2021 ●

● Word Coach: IELTS Vocabulary ●

1. RIOT (NOUN): A violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd.
Synonyms: rampage, tumult, upheaval
Antonyms: peace, quiescence
Example Sentence: Riots broke out in the capital.

Synonyms: demolish, crash
Antonyms: rebuilt, repair
Example Sentence: They got wrecked on tequila.

3. AUTONOMY (NOUN): The right or condition of self-government. the right or condition of self-government.
Antonyms: dependence, credence
Example Sentence: They will require autonomy at later stages.

4. THICKET (NOUN): A dense group of bushes or tree.
Synonyms: grove, tangle
Antonyms: open place, prairie
Example Sentence: A thicket is often dominated by a few species.

5. MUTILATION (NOUN): Dismembering, damage
Synonyms: amputate, distort
Antonyms: beautify, decorate
Example Sentence: Her body had been mutilated beyond recognization.

6. PRUDENT (ADJECTIVE): Acting with or showing care and thought for the future.
Synonyms: careful, cautious
Antonyms: hasty, fool, imprudent
Example Sentence: No prudent money manager would authorize a loan without first knowing its purpose.

7. UNVEILED (VERB): Reveal, disclose, remove a covering from.
Synonyms: reveal, present
Antonyms: conceal, cover
Example Sentence: The President's new policy was unveiled at the press conference.

8. FORA (NOUN): Plural of forum
Synonyms: assembly, gathering
Antonyms: scatter, disperse
Example Sentence: The use of churches as public prayer rooms not sacramental for a began at once.

9. SUCCOUR (VERB/NOUN): Assistance or support in times of hardships
Synonyms: sustenance, aid
Antonyms: blockage, hindrance
Example Sentence: It is human to support the poor, help the helpless and support the weak.

10. ASSERT (VERB) : State a fact or belief, declare, behave confidently.
Synonyms: declare, maintain
Antonyms: deny, contradict
Example Sentence: The company asserts that the cuts will not affect development.


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#wordcoach #vocab #quiz #learn #hinduvocabulary #Vocabulary
● Wednesday, 28 April 2021 ●

● Word Coach: IELTS Vocabulary ●

1. INSISTENCE (NOUN): The fact or quality of insisting that something is the case or should be done.
Synonyms: urging, emphasis
Antonyms: satisfaction, satiation
Example Sentence: Our insistence for luxuries should not cause a misery to anyone.

2. NEGATE (VERB): Make ineffective; nullify.
Synonyms: annihilate, disallow
Antonyms: allow, assist
Example Sentence: The criminal will negate all charges if you failed to prove him guilty.

3. QUEER (ADJECTIVE): Abnormal
Synonyms: erratic, weird
Antonyms: sensible, sound
Example Sentence: They are queer in behavior and extremely uncultured in their lifestyle.

4. STIMULATE (VERB): Provoke
Synonyms: elate, arouse
Antonyms: neglect, dishearten
Example Sentence: The teacher has to stimulate the students in order to create a hunger in them.

5. BARB (NOUN): Point
Synonyms: prickle, prong
Antonyms: kindness, praise
Example Sentence: Watch out for barbs as they can hurt you badly.

6. RECEDE (VERB): Go or move back or further away from a previous position.
Synonyms: abate, regress
Antonyms: increase, extend
Example Sentence: The Cabinet will recede more and more from our principles, our party.

7.WANTON (ADJECTIVE): Extravagant
Synonyms: lustful, outrageous
Antonyms: good, moral
Example Sentence: Between 1868 and 1872 they added ten millions by wanton extravagance to the State debt.

8. NULLIFY (VERB): Make legally null and void; invalidate.
Synonyms: revoke, abolish
Antonyms: approve, allow
Example Sentence: Fortunately, the attempt to nullify its benefits proved ineffectual.

9. ALIGN (VERB): Place or arrange (things) in a straight line.
Synonyms: array, adjust
Antonyms: disorder, mess up
Example Sentence: Similar instruction is given the troopers in aligning themselves to the left.

10. GRAPPLE (VERB): Engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons; wrestle.
Synonyms: confront, cope
Antonyms: release, let go
Example Sentence: Every blood-vessel was striving.


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Quote of the day
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.


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● Thursday, 29 April 2021 ●

● Word Coach: IELTS Vocabulary ●

1. RECUPERATE (VERB): Bounce back
Synonyms: recover, heal
Antonyms: deteriorate, decline
Example Sentence: Although I won the case, I doubt I will ever recuperate my money from the scam artist.

2. WEARINESS (NOUN): Boredom
Synonyms: fatigue, languor
Antonyms: liveliness, vigour
Example Sentence: The woman’s weariness showed over her tired face.

Synonyms: disinclined, unenthusiastic
Antonyms: willing, enthusiastic
Example Sentence: She is applying pesticides with great caution.

Synonyms: inessential, needless
Antonyms: important, useful
Example Sentence: Many people are reluctant to talk about politics.

5. DOUR (ADJECTIVE): Bad tempered
Synonyms: rude, blunt
Antonyms: kind, polite
Example Sentence: In a dour voice, the police officer ordered the suspect out of his vehicle.

Synonyms: horrible, odious
Antonyms: delightful, gentle
Example Sentence: One man employed his nefarious scheme to hack into people's computers and steal bank account’s information.

7. ABLUTION (NOUN): The act of washing
Synonyms: cleansing, decontamination
Antonyms: contamination, pollution
Example Sentence: Mina performed the ablution of the wound and applied some disinfectant to avoid further infection.

8. AMBLE (VERB): To walk casually
Synonyms: stroll, wander
Antonyms: rush, dash
Example Sentence: Rashmi rather ambled through the halls than attend the session.

9. COVET (VERB): To greatly desire something you lack
Synonyms: crave, fancy to
Antonyms: abjure, hate
Example Sentence: Vikram tends to covet quality time with his family.

10. RECONNOITER (VERB): To survey a place or situation for planning purposes
Synonyms: inspect, examine
Antonyms: ignore, overlook
Example Sentence: One should constantly reconnoiter one’s enemy’s movements.


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Quote of the day
Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.


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