2024香港天氣及風暴追擊 (Since 2017)
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[Task 1] - 香港直擊

🆕️ 📌️ 1. [4h19m, 391, 423] Luke de Pulford, Luke對女記者一事既回應

🆕️ 📌️ 2. [6h24m, 1.7K, 1.5K] Ezra Cheung, ‼️女記者被性騷擾‼️

🆕️ 3. [5h40m, 176, 173] Xinqi Su 蘇昕琪, @hkpoliceforce which law allows this? PS: Anti-parallel trading protester Ng Lai-ying was convicted and sentenced…

🆕️ 4. [5h22m, 233, 226] Fight For Freedom. Stand With Hong Kong., What government would you like when you are faced with #coronarvirus? It is no longer about yellow or blue, it is a…

🆕️ 5. [6h21m, 260, 266] Girls on Games, We talked about this story on our podcast in depth, as it was one of the biggest stories of 2019. But you need to c…

🆕️ 6. [6h5m, 322, 309] Galileo Cheng, The worst case so far on sexual assault to journalists by police during the past 8 months of #antielab…

🆕️ 7. [6h13m, 325, 322] QuickTake by Bloomberg, ICYMI: Hong Kong police fired tear gas to disperse protesters on #LunarNewYear Day. The protesters gathered in the…

🆕️ 8. [9h39m, 374, 355] Kong Tsung-gan / 江松澗, Major new 200-page report by the #HK Progressive Scholars Group: ‘Silencing Millions: Unchecked Violations of Inter…

🆕️ 9. [6h40m, 469, 441] Ezra Cheung, This scene has once again revealed the reason why the riot police are so tempted to mask themselves during such cla…

🆕️ 10. [5h19m, 542, 500] Demosistō 香港眾志 😷, When HK is hit by #WuhanCoronovirus, a NBC reporter was sexually harassed by a #hkpolice officer. The #police refus…

🆕️ 11. [7h34m, 553, 618] Benedict Rogers, Carrie Lam: drop mask ban, to protect #Hongkongers from #coronavirus Carrie has decimated #HongKong's freedoms,con…

🆕️ 12. [7h18m, 629, 563] Xinqi Su 蘇昕琪, For a second LNY holiday night in a row, tear gas was fired in Mong Kok.

🆕️ 13. [9h29m, 834, 859] Vivienne Chow, Hong Kong govt’s inaction re #CoronavirusOutbreak is creating another political crisis for themselves. And this wil…

🆕️ 14. [11h18m, 845, 1012] Chris Bratt, As Blitzchung approaches the end of his Hearthstone suspension, we flew over to Hong Kong to ask him how he felt ab…

🆕️ 15. [16h24m, 1.1K, 1.1K] Guardian Books, Unfree Speech by Joshua Wong review – a call to arms for the Snapchat generation

🆕️ 16. [15h28m, 989, 1.2K] Kotaku, Suspended Hearthstone player Blitzchung doesn't regret speaking out about Hong Kong:

🆕️ 17. [23h35m, 1.1K, 1.2K] Archinect, How the #HongKong protests are reshaping the city's #urbandesign #HongKongProtests

🆕️ 18. [20h26m, 1.2K, 1.2K] Alvin L, Shantou, city in Guandong, decided to close its city border and ban all vehicles coming in... Hong Kong meanwhile,…

🆕️ 19. [18h46m, 1.2K, 1.2K] Vivienne Chow, We don’t hv a lot of info but one can only imagine how serious this #CoronavirusOutbreak is if Hong Kong’s neighbou…

🆕️ 20. [22h12m, 1.3K, 1.4K] TODAY, Toy Story: Hong Kong protest models become major hit

🆕️ 21. [12h0m, 1.8K, 2.1K] Luke de Pulford, Carrie’s record: - Actively eroded Hong King’s autonomy and way of life. - Presided over catastrophic loss of trus…

🆕️ 22. [19h6m, 2.5K, 4.8K] Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 😷, A few months ago, Hong Kong-ers are talking about which mask best guards us from teargas....... 1/ After 7 months,…
While the HKSAR government claimed that Fai Ming Estate had not yet been transformed into a "quarantine zone" and promised to district councillors that it was not prepared to be one, people unveiled that the flats had already been prepared for such purpose. HKSAR Govt -> LIAR!


@windseasonbro 同意要支持醫護手足,醫護手足唔係Condom,但係以目前 武漢肺炎疫情,貿然去醫院比較不明智。

如果以 @freehkxmascard @freehkNengajo @freehklunarcard 形式寄去,又有以下兩樣制肘:

1. 被政府喺郵局截信。

2. 到醫院時被藍絲醫護截信。

在此,我認為其中一個做法係發起 Twitter IG Facebook #StopCoronavirusinearlystage #StopCoronavirusfromChina

#Freehkthankscard 活動,畫連狗連豬Pepe同普通人醫護人員,而病人就係蝙蝠,老鼠,甴曱同普通人。

1. 國際戰線方面,清晰解釋畀外國聽,香港政府喺唔夠PPE (Personal Protection Equipment)嘅情況下推醫護去Frontline,但同時間一堆堆口罩送畀中国,呢個做法定會引起各國醫護關注。

2. 我知道:“畫連狗連豬Pepe同普通人醫護人員,而病人就係蝙蝠,老鼠,甴曱同普通人“ 有可能有歧視行為,可能搞唔成,或者大家集思廣益一下,覆我。

3. 可以用圖畫解釋以下概念:



C)畫一幅有好多唔同動物喺華南海鮮市場,然後寫:There is not zoo but a birthplace of Coronavirus in China.

D) 畫一堆喪屍一邊口咬蝙蝠老鼠一邊衝關,然後醫護無奈要等死圖。

用英文寫一堆說話感謝各國醫護一直救人,並強調:#wearehongkongerwedonteatbat #standwithhk #Coronavirus 食字:#StopCoronavisitfromChina



照畫咭,並寫低你對醫護人員嘅支持及鼓勵,Send畀我,如果係手寫,我會放喺 @freehkthankscard,如果係文字,我會放喺 @Hongkongersecret

如果有任何意見,請 @windseasonbro ,thanks all
2024香港天氣及風暴追擊 (Since 2017)

Do you know what's happening in Hong Kong? Hong Kong people is being killed by Chinese government, just like what happened in Nazi Germany. Please spread this message and let everyone know, thanks.

P.S. Coronavirus is from China, but not the rest of Asia countries, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan are innocent.
#Freehkeastercard by @windseasonbro

各位,本來我都有呢個Idea,不過都會覺得:『會唔會令到外國人覺得太Duplicate呢?』所以無發起呢個活動,但今日有手足建議之後,發現迴響都大,有好多手足PM我,打算發大嚟搞,當中有海外手足,話希望可以好似 #Freehkxmascard 咁成功。


重點: 放之前Xmascard 果個QRCode!可在Channel內搵到,實體咭的設計要包括以下Hashtag喺咭右下角:

前期Phase 1 (08/03/2020 - 15/03/2020)
1) 集中火力Design 復活節咭,我需要大量設計
a) 耶穌都係政治犯,大家可以畫黑警『叫你耶穌嚟見我』嚟作設計意念。
b) 儲七粒龍珠形象的復活蛋,然後復活彥霖、梓樂嚟作設計意念。
c) 以Coronavirusfromchina 為副主題,大家諗下點樣將復活節linked up with 以下Hashtags:


Do you know what's happening in Hong Kong? Hong Kong people is being killed by Chinese government, just like what happened in Nazi Germany. Please spread this message and let everyone know, thanks.

P.S. Coronavirus is from China, but not the rest of Asia countries, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan are innocent.

中期Phase 2 (16/03/2020 - 23/03/2020)
1. 繼續設計復活節咭。
2. Twitter Share, retweet #Freehkeastercard
3. 寄出 #Freehkeastercard 畀全世界 (簡單D講,Freehkxmascard果時你寄咗去邊度,今次再寄出去)。

後期Phase 3 (24/03/2020 - 31/03/2020)
1. 繼續設計復活節咭。
2. Twitter Share, retweet #Freehkeastercard
3. 寄出 #Freehkeastercard 畀全世界 (簡單D講,Freehkxmascard果時你寄咗去邊度,今次再寄出去)。
4. 印喺黃店派發。
5. 海外手足幫幫手,幫手宣傳,感謝!