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2024香港天氣及風暴追擊 (Since 2017)
【暴力清零】「時空伴隨者」騰空出世 進入確診者800米範圍成噩夢 https://lih.kg/2769434 - 分享自 LIHKG 討論區


Forwarded from Twitter 英文補習
“I have a clear conscience,” Chung said in his plea. District court judge Stanley Chan said the sentence will be announced on 23 November.
⭐️ conscience(名詞):良知。(補充:佢原句係問心無愧,但英文入面冇呢個字,所以就只係clear consciecne)
⭐️ district court:區域法院
⭐️ sentence(名詞):可以係指"句子",但呢度嘅意思係"刑罰/判刑"

Like other anti-government organisations, Studentlocalism disbanded before Beijing imposed the security law in June 2020, to punish anything it deems as subversion, secession, terrorism and collusion with foreign forces with up to life in prison.
⭐️ disband(動詞):解散
⭐️ deem(動詞):認為,覺得
⭐️ subversion, secession, terrorism and collusion with foreign forces:https://t.me/TwitterEnglishDep/414

Since the enactment of the law, Hong Kong has taken a swift authoritarian turn, with most democratic politicians now in jail or in self-exile, dozens of civil society organisations folding, and international rights groups leaving the city.
⭐️ enactment(名詞):執行
⭐️ swift(形容詞):迅速
⭐️ authoritarian(形容詞):獨裁的,專制的
⭐️ turn(名詞):朝…發生變化
⭐️ exile(名詞):流亡
⭐️ civil society organisation:公民社會,係指市民自發組成嘅組織,通常因為成員有有共同目的,利益或價值觀而組成。唔屬於政府或商業機構。
⭐️ fold(動詞):可以指"對折",但呢度意思係"倒閉"
⭐️ international rights group:國際人權組織

Chinese and Hong Kong authorities deny the security law tramples individual rights and say the legislation was necessary to restore stability after mass protests in 2019 when millions took to the streets over many months.
⭐️ deny(動詞):否認
⭐️ trample(動詞):踐踏
⭐️ restore(動詞):回復
⭐️ stability(名詞):穩定

The former British colony returned to Chinese rule in 1997 with the promise of a high degree of autonomy, which democracy activists and western governments say was broken – an allegation China vehemently denies.
⭐️ allegation(名詞):指控
⭐️ vehemently(形容詞):強烈又激動地

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/03/hong-kong-activist-who-tried-to-seek-asylum-at-us-consulate-found-guilty-of-secession

- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
Forwarded from 香港人Secrets



- 世界都起來示威反對豆苗,人類似乎仍然有希望
- 豆苗真係毒針,傷害左好多人,希望我地呢個城市唔會真係咁癲去迫小朋友食豆苗
- 當然有好多理性分析都值得聽下,睇落好多都係醫生同學者咁,佢地真係咁大膽敢用自己專業去講意見!真係好感激佢地對人類既貢獻


補充多句,麻煩 admin 大大係尾加上去

Forwarded from 香港人Secrets
