2024香港天氣及風暴追擊 (Since 2017)
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#Admin專欄 會有大量主觀見解
@happyfridayindex 每星期一次投票,極重要。
@Hongkongersecret 會Post香港人嘅心聲。
@Freehkxmascard (係Freehk文宣總頻道)

#投稿 可以PM 我哋個Bot喇!


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2024香港天氣及風暴追擊 (Since 2017)
#Freehkeastercard投稿 希望多d人參與創作,快 pm @windseasonbro ,thanks all!
#Admin專欄 #跪求各位參與 #Freehkeastercard 活動 @Windseasonbro


#Freehkxmascard 活動,可能係新鮮事,所以各位都一呼百應,大量投稿及文宣出現,大量派發聖誕咭,向不同國家寄出幾萬封聖誕咭,我當時一日收到嘅投稿都可能有五至六款聖誕咭,但今次隔咗幾日,都係得一個絲打仗義Design 復活節咭,希望各位可以多多參與。







各位,#freehkeastercard 要人,請按照 @freehkxmascard 嘅Instruction 多多參與,感謝!
Forwarded from 香港人Secrets
#頻友心聲 #freehkeastercard

1. 聖誕節紀念耶穌降生,代表上帝與人同在,受難節同復活節紀念耶穌被害、被殺、復活,強調死亡不是終結,邪不能勝正。教徒視兩個係性質唔同節日,但同樣重要
2. 外國人笑稱有啲人係C&E Christians,即可能BB受洗,甚少返教會的掛名基督徒,全年只會喺聖誕節(C) 同復活節(E)返教會崇拜湊熱鬧。可想而知,對積極基督徒,兩者都同樣重要
3. 若真怕重覆,再發掘新收信人寄便可以了
#Freehkeastercard by @windseasonbro

各位,本來我都有呢個Idea,不過都會覺得:『會唔會令到外國人覺得太Duplicate呢?』所以無發起呢個活動,但今日有手足建議之後,發現迴響都大,有好多手足PM我,打算發大嚟搞,當中有海外手足,話希望可以好似 #Freehkxmascard 咁成功。


重點: 放之前Xmascard 果個QRCode!可在Channel內搵到,實體咭的設計要包括以下Hashtag喺咭右下角:

前期Phase 1 (08/03/2020 - 15/03/2020)
1) 集中火力Design 復活節咭,我需要大量設計
a) 耶穌都係政治犯,大家可以畫黑警『叫你耶穌嚟見我』嚟作設計意念。
b) 儲七粒龍珠形象的復活蛋,然後復活彥霖、梓樂嚟作設計意念。
c) 以Coronavirusfromchina 為副主題,大家諗下點樣將復活節linked up with 以下Hashtags:


Do you know what's happening in Hong Kong? Hong Kong people is being killed by Chinese government, just like what happened in Nazi Germany. Please spread this message and let everyone know, thanks.

P.S. Coronavirus is from China, but not the rest of Asia countries, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan are innocent.

中期Phase 2 (16/03/2020 - 23/03/2020)
1. 繼續設計復活節咭。
2. Twitter Share, retweet #Freehkeastercard
3. 寄出 #Freehkeastercard 畀全世界 (簡單D講,Freehkxmascard果時你寄咗去邊度,今次再寄出去)。

後期Phase 3 (24/03/2020 - 31/03/2020)
1. 繼續設計復活節咭。
2. Twitter Share, retweet #Freehkeastercard
3. 寄出 #Freehkeastercard 畀全世界 (簡單D講,Freehkxmascard果時你寄咗去邊度,今次再寄出去)。
4. 印喺黃店派發。
5. 海外手足幫幫手,幫手宣傳,感謝!
2024香港天氣及風暴追擊 (Since 2017)

Dear friends,

Here is some advice for you in this period of difficulty.

To prevent from being infected with the coronavirus:

1. Wash your hands with hand sanitizers.

2. Wear a mask properly when you are outside or in crowded conditions.

3. Do not touch your hands and nose.

Not all Asians are Chinese. Not all Asians are carriers.

Keep calm and carry on. Hong Kong stands with you.

Wishing you a safe and healthy Easter Holiday!

From Hongkongese

Dear friends,

Here is some advice for you in this period of difficulty.

To prevent from being infected with the coronavirus:

1. Wash your hands with hand sanitizers.

2. Wear a mask properly when you are outside or in crowded conditions.

3. Do not touch your hands and nose.

Not all Asians are Chinese. Not all Asians are carriers.

Keep calm and carry on. Hong Kong stands with you.

Wishing you a safe and healthy Easter Holiday!

From Hongkongese
(大家可以用空白果幅然後手寫以下呢個文字又或者直接print out 寄出去)

Dear friends,

Here is some advice for you in this
period of difficulty.

To prevent from being infected with the coronavirus:

1. Wash your hands with hand sanitizers.

2. Wear a mask properly when you are outside or in crowded conditions.

3. Do not touch your hands and nose.

Not all Asians are Chinese. Not all Asians are carriers.(Pls remember that Hong Kong is not China)

Keep calm and carry on. Hong Kong stands with you.

Wishing you a safe and healthy Easter Holiday!

From Hongkongese
P.S. Pls spread this card in twitter and instagram with hashtag
2024香港天氣及風暴追擊 (Since 2017)

1. 參考 @Freehkxmascard 時寄出的外國地址再大量寄出。
2. 寄去外國教堂。
3. 寄去外國傳媒機構。

2。講畀全世界知,Coronavirus係Originated from 班支那賤種, #Stopcoronavirusfromchina #stopcoronavisitfromchina
3。Connected with Asians ( #Asiansareinnocent #Japanisnotchina koreaisnotchina #HongKongisnotchina)
Forwarded from 風雨時刻 Stormy HK


