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Our Gov. is a threat to Canadians. They are walking over Canadians as to accomplish their “green transition” This agenda is a UN agenda. We did not get to vote on it, we do not get a say in it. The Liberals are too dumb to come up with this on their own.

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In 1991, shortly after the collapse of communism, a globalist think-tank called the 'Club of Rome' released a document titled 'The First Global Revolution', in which they declared "global warming" as the new pretext to wage war on humanity, under the guise of "saving the planet"—as detailed in a must-watch new documentary titled 'No Farmers, No Food: Will You Eat The Bugs?'

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Speaking from the WEF's annual Davos summit, Bill Gates excitedly announces all the new vaccines he has up his sleeve, ready to foist upon the world: "We will have new vaccines... We need to make them have longer duration, more coverage, and we're gonna change—instead of using a needle—to use a little patch."

"The pandemic really highlighted that we've been underinvested in those innovations."

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🌎 Holy Crap - Joe Rogan unleashes hell when discussing Globalist attack on farmers.

“Fu*kng C*nts - they’re the people that grow your food Goddamn it”

He’s not wrong - what’s happening in every Western country should concern every single one of us.

No Farmers = No Food

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Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, speaking at the WEF's annual Davos summit: Digital ID is necessary, not only for financial services, but also for school enrolment, determining who is and isn't vaccinated, and the receipt of government subsidies.

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Dutch political commentator, Eva Vlaardingerbroek, on the WEF's plan to impose a personal carbon allowance, connected to digital ID, under the guise of tackling the imaginary "climate crisis":

"The CEO of one of the largest Dutch banks said, if everyone gets individual personal carbon credits, why don't we make it so that rich people, who for example want to go on holiday a little too often, can buy personal carbon credits from people who can't afford buying plane tickets or eating meat too often?"

"So what will happen is the rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer, and they're saying it openly as if it's not a controversial thing at all. It's neo-feudalism. That's what it is."

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Boston Children's Hospital Will Issue Hysterectomies To Kids

The mere fact that this hospital decided to make a bunch of happy fluff pieces about this is just beyond sickening. You are smiling about surgically stripping a child's (who cannot legally consent to anything) ovaries away, and any future possibilities they may want later on in life. God save your soul because right now the devil has you by the neck.

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Prince Philip: The growing human population is the biggest challenge to conservation.

Interviewer: "Do you have views about what should be done about that?"

Prince Philip: "Can't you guess?"

This is the man who said—in a 1988 interview with Deutsche Presse-Agentur: "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation."

He also told People Magazine: "Human population growth is probably the single most serious long-term threat to survival. We're in for a major disaster if it isn't curbed—not just for the natural world, but for the human world. The more people there are, the more resources they'll consume, the more pollution they'll create, the more fighting they'll do… If it isn't controlled voluntarily, it will be controlled involuntarily by an increase in disease, starvation, and war."

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🚨DEVELOPING: Last night President Donald Trump reminded America that eradicating Human Trafficking is still his goal and that it will be accomplished.

The battle cry has been signaled.

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💉 Holy Crap-Balls - even MSM are now discussing the toxic shots.

“Discovery billions fragments of DNA in every dose” - Florida Surgeon General

The masses are going to be severely pi$$ed off when they finally find out what they’ve injected themselves with numerous times.

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"What they really want to do is control all the food... They want you to be completely dependent on them."

Joe Rogan comments on the war on farmers being waged by sociopathic "elites"—using the pretext of "climate change"—as a means of seizing control of the global food supply.

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Reformed ex-climate alarmist: "There is no climate crisis... [There is] no consistent correlation between carbon dioxide and Earth's temperature—at times CO2 was 1300% of today, and we were stuck in very cold conditions... There is no foundation to the climate scare—it's all based on models that don't work."

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Tim Scott, Vivek and DeSantis have now all officially endorsed Trump after Trump's landslide in Iowa.

Ron DeSantis finally took the hint, has dropped out, and endorsed Trump.
Now we need Nimrod Nikki to follow suit so we can end this side show and unite to save our country.

Does Nimrod Nikki think she can convince enough of the BLM supporters that she supports to turn out and vote for her on Tuesday?

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Hidden images in old books

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Joe Rogan: "One of the things that I'm sad about... is how many people were promoters of the vaccine and then died suddenly."

"Sorry, you bought into the wrong bulls**t... Do you not know they lie, by now?"

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Now they're coming for your coffee.

Swiss banker and World Economic Forum "agenda contributor", Hubert Keller: "The coffee that we all drink emits between 15 and 20 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of coffee... Every time we drink coffee, we are basically putting CO2 into the atmosphere."

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Woman pushes Priest off stage during a mass live broadcast

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United States Corporation of America.

Time 2 wake up.

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German MEP, Christine Anderson, on 15 minute cities and the green agenda.

"The green agenda is just part of [the overall globalist agenda], which is to erect a totalitarian regime, in which people are under complete control".

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"I think the dam is finally cracking."

Award-winning journalist, Alex Newman, explains why the "human-induced climate change" narrative is finally crumbling.

"Three new peer-reviewed papers, published in major prestigious scientific journals... completely undermine the alleged scientific consensus on man-made global warming."

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Unelected globalist technocrat, Bill Gates, at COP 28: "The issue of food systems and how with climate change, a lot of farmers aren't able to grow their crops, which is a tragedy for them. We'll talk about using innovation to absolutely solve that problem."

Globalist doublespeak translation: Due to our deliberate war on farmers, a lot of farmers aren't able to grow their crops, which is a blessing for us, because it allows us to replace traditional agriculture with insect farms and fake meat laboratories, and assume total control of the global food supply, under the pretext of tackling "climate change".

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