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Hi, please enjoy the 157th issue of We the Italians online magazine, everything about Italy, in English, for free. You can read it, download it and even order a printed copy, here http://wetheitalians.com/magazine
The year ends with the December issue of We the Italians magazine, number 158. 101 pages with topics covering Italy from the perspective of cuisine, sports, books, villages, culture, history, flavors, society, crafts, language, cinema, art, wine, good news, innovation, parks; and then music thanks to interviews with Cristina Fontanelli and Claudio Orazi. This time we wander around Italy touching on Tuscany, Piedmont, Puglia, Basilicata, Campania, Calabria, Lazio, Abruzzo, Sicily, Valle d'Aosta, Trentino Alto Adige, Veneto, Lombardy and Emilia Romagna

You can find it here where you can read it, download it, share it, print it or order a hard copy http://wetheitalians.com/magazine

Thank you to everyone who worked on it and to our readers. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from We the Italians, we are preparing so many things for 2023 (and after) that you have no idea :-)

Two Flags, One Heart
Oh a happy Day! We the Italians ends the 2022 with another beautiful award! On behalf of our team, thanks! We are honoured and proud for this award from the amazing Italian Enclaves Historical Society :-) Thanks, thanks a lot from all of us at We the Italians :-)
We begin the year with a first new feature, of many to come. From 2023 We the Italians will open up to the possibility of accepting donations via paypal or credit card. We've been asked by so many and so we thought we'd help you help us.

We thank everyone who would like to donate us a few bucks, although hey, the sky is the limit

Thank you, two flags, one heart, if you would like to donate to We the Italians you can use the QR code or click here https://bit.ly/3WIucAK
Our new yearbook is available NOW! The 2022 yearbook is here, it is our ninth book :-) https://wetheitalians.com/yearbook2022 23 interviews both in Italian and in English. In 2022 we interviewed 26 people, friends of We the Italians, who gave us 23 different points of view on 23 different topics of the relationship between Italy and the United States. Our guests included 14 men and 11 women in 23 interviews. Seven of our guests live in Italy, 18 in the United States.

I want to thank all the interviewees who made this possible. In addition, I want to thank our readers/viewers/listeners and our followers on the social media where we are present. Last but not least, I want to thank all the people who work hard to build and make this network unique. In particular, I want to thank Giovanni Vagnone and Sandra Tornberg, two exceptional friends and colleagues.

Please find here a preview of the book and the link to buy it on Amazon :-) https://wetheitalians.com/yearbook2022 Two flags, One heart, THANK YOU!!!