Wendy Rogers
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I am getting great responses all around the country - many states are going to do forensic audits. Please make sure YOUR state is doing one and keep pushing to audit all areas, don't just stop with ballots, or machines, or one county. #AuditAll50States
Run for local office. School board. County Board of Supervisors. City Council. We need good people in those offices NOW.
When you all do forensic audits in your states, make sure they include a canvass of voters. #AuditAll50States
The reason politicians don’t want to do forensic audits is because they are hard. You get attacked, mocked, sued, and obstructed. Even the Feds threaten you. I say, all of those supposed deterrents are why we SHOULD do them. What are they hiding? #AuditAll50States
When I send an email out now about forensic audits, over 109,000 people OPEN it. And we are growing. This movement is unstoppable. #AuditAll50States
When the Arizona Audit drops, it is on the other 49 states to make sure they are doing audits. Start calling your reps and senators now. Know their names. Save their numbers in your phone. Email them. We want to #AuditAll50States. We are not going to stop until we know the truth.
We are now at 336,709 signatures to decertify the election. Every day it keeps building. I want to have 500k before the #AZAudit results are released and I want to have 1 million before the next state starts their forensic audit. Sign and share: https://action.wendyrogers.org/decertify/
Good afternoon to everyone but the millions of fabricated voters who don’t actually exist in fifty states across this country. #AuditAll50States #CanvassAll50States
I love you patriots. How in the world did I get to 97,932 followers? WOW
Ya'll are amazing. We are now at 426k signatures. We must get to 500k sigs before the AZ audit results are released and we must get to 1 million before the next state conducts a forensic audit. Let's gooooo... #AZAudit #AuditAll50States 🔥🔥🔥
SIGN: https://action.wendyrogers.org/decertify/
Big pharma is a disease.
Who here takes hydroxychloroquine?
Our nation is in the process of being conquered by a few oligarchs who are importing terrorists and illegals to out vote Americans in the next elections.
Most of the #FakeNews media are bought and paid for hacks who betray our country for 30 pieces of silver.
We must prosecute and try people for treason, and punish them accordingly.
There are more of us than there are of them.
The audit is coming guys, I promise you. I get a lot of comments asking and people think I can speed it up but I can't speed it up. It is a process and it is coming. Also - other information is coming out I can't disclose. Just know that it is all going to happen and this is real. Keep the faith. Make sure YOUR state is doing an audit because when our audit comes out the next steps are to get this done in other states. Start pushing that now. - Wendy
Oklahoma incoming...