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分享我如何在一周开发一个图片流量站并在一个月达到Google千万索引自然搜索达百万UV并赚取上千美刀💰然后在三个月被Google Kill的神奇经历。

Download Telegram
1. Listen for requests to CDN, and trigger a Lambda function that hijacks any viewer request.
2. Determine if the request event is for an image and if the browser requesting the resource supports WebP based on the user-agent we receive from the request.
3. If we determine that the request is for an image and that the browser supports WebP, we replace it with therequest uri image extension with .webp and add the original extension into the request header
4. Next, we trigger a separate Lambda that hijacks any CDN origin response.
5. If the request uri on the response event has a .webp extension, and the response status is a 404, we check our S3 bucket for the same image, but with the original extension, we placed into our request header in step 3.
6. If we find an image with the original extension in S3, we run a WebP conversion using Sharp and place it in the origin response, otherwise, we leave the 404 response unaltered.
1. Listen for requests to CDN, and trigger a Lambda function that hijacks any viewer request. 2. Determine if the request event is for an image and if the browser requesting the resource supports WebP based on the user-agent we receive from the request. 3.…
aws lambda edge查看器请求大小不能超过1MB,而源响应却可以很大,所以在打包的时候尤其注意不要将node module打包到查看器请求zip包中(这个大坑花了半天时间)
You will need a server (or service) in the middle. Remember that Hexo just generate static site and there is no "action" beyond HTML transfer from the server where you host your site. That being said, one alternative you can try is to design a deployment plugin for hexo that actually send a message through a push service API. That would be simple to accomplish and your readers only have to subscribe to that push service (ie. Google Cloud Message, NMA, etc).
Other option: AWS SNS can be used to implement a push service and/or/mixed email/sms messaging. You will have to setup a queue, push to it on hexo deploy, and design a interface that can subscribe your readers to a list of recipients. I never used it as push service but I do use it to notify me after a success/failure hexo generate on travis-ci. This is paid option and I know there are other suppliers already prepared as push service, you just need use their API.
IFTTT integration: Use your RSS feed on a IFTTT applet to trigger a push notification through one of the available services (like notify my droid, etc).
Other idea: Telegram Channel and a ChatBot (switch Telegram for: skype, facebook messenger, slack or other way a "chatBot" can push messages to). I use this to be notified by my homeTheather system when a new episode of my favorite TV Show is available. To accomplish this I wrote a microservice that receive a HTTP request and send it as message to me (or family group chat in my case) through a Telegram ChatBot. Telegram offers a thing called Channel, it is like a whatzapp group chat but only Channel owner can write message while all other members can just receive that message. (very similar to a Push notification). The microservice I wrote is way too simple written (badly) in NodeJS, runs for free on Hook.io but could be run on AWS Lambda or Google Cloud Function, App Engine, Heroku or any other, few modifications needed.
Based on the microservice idea above and a mix of push service or IFTTT I think it should be pretty simple to have a deploy plugin for hexo where the deploy action is a simple API call or a HTTP request to specified URL and PUSH messages would be sent way. The worst part, IMHO, would be to elect a push service free for the subscribers (your reader) and with no need to install apps (many would no use if they have to install a new app just because of you).
Web Push服务大多是收费的,还不便宜,自己搭建又需要集成数据库,比较麻烦啊,不知道AWS有啥好方案没
Web Push服务大多是收费的,还不便宜,自己搭建又需要集成数据库,比较麻烦啊,不知道AWS有啥好方案没
webpushr.com 最终使用了这个推送服务,免费版有5万个月推送设备额度,还不错,不过调试netlify耗时几小时。。。心累,文档太点差了
user->browser->js check ua->aws lambda->s3 这种方案应该便宜一些