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Dear delegators, thank you for choosing WAFFLE [WFFL] as your chosen Cardano stake pool. As we are growing in numbers and popularity, I figured I should create a group where I can share all relevant information and announcements. Please feel free to invite other delegators you know into this chat.
Join the group chat using the link below:

Regarding SundaeSwap:
As some of you may know, WAFFLE was elected to be part of the SundaeSwap ISO, and some of you may be interested in what the next steps are.

As of now, we still do not know exactly when the ISO period will begin, but we do know it will last 5 epochs (25 days). During those 5 epochs, you will earn Sundae rewards on top of your ADA rewards. The ADA rewards will continue to appear in your wallet as before, but the Sundae rewards will have to be claimed. I will announce more about the exact procedure as soon as I know more about it.

For the moment, you do not need to do anything. I will be happy to answer any question you might have in the WAFFLE group chat.
WAFFLE POOL pinned «Join the group chat using the link below: https://t.me/joinchat/_xayYCzzOXxjNGU1»
Pool Update - 10th of December 2021

Dear Delegators,

First of all I would like to thank all of you for choosing Waffle and supporting us. We went from 30 delegators before the SundaeSwap vote to almost 800. It’s great to see new faces, and I hope you will all be satisfied with your experience with us.

A couple of points I would like to address regarding the SundaeSwap ISO:

⁃ When will the ISO and DEX launch?

We do NOT have a set date on the beginning of the ISO and the launch of the SundaeSwap DEX as of yet. As many of you probably know, they have launched the DEX on Testnet for people to try, and by the looks of it, they still have quite a few bugs to work and improve on. They did mention that “there is a high possibility” of launching before the end of the year, but that is not definitive and might be subject to change or delay.

When the ISO does begin, it will last for 5 epochs (25 days). In the meantime, you will still receive ADA rewards as per usual.

⁃ How many Sundae will you receive during the ISO?

5% of the total supply of Sundae will be distributed during the ISO (1% per epoch). Note that the total supply of Sundae tokens minted will be 2 billion.

The more ADA you stake, the more Sundae you will be eligible to claim. However, that formula is not linear (ie someone with twice as much ADA will not receive twice as much Sundae). This is to prevent large ADA holders, also known as whales, from claiming too many Sundaes. They will make their formula public after the ISO, to prevent people from tricking the system.

The performance, fee and saturation level of Waffle Pool has no impact on how many Sundae you will be able to claim during and after the ISO period. Even if oversaturated, delegators of our pool will receive their fair amount of Sundae.

⁃ How will I be able to claim my Sundaes?

After the ISO period is over, you will have to use a dApp-enabled wallet to claim your Sundaes. For now that only includes Nami wallet, but Yoroi and ccVault might also be added to that list later on. You will have a set period of time to claim your tokens (a year or more, to be confirmed). For the moment, you do not need to worry and start preparing a Nami wallet if that is not what you are currently using. When more definitive information is available, I will provide a step by step methodology on how you can claim your Sundaes.

That’s it for now. I wish you all a wonderful day wherever you are. Do not hesitate if you need more clarification on anything regarding SundaeSwap, or our pool.

Pool Update - 08/02/2022

Dear Delegators,

SundaeSwap has announced that ISO participants will be able to claim their tokens after March 1st 2022 on DripDropz!

The steps will be the following:

1. Go to https://dripdropz.io/
2. Under the “Drip it” tab, paste your receiving address in the search bar and click on “Check My Dropz”
3. Select Sundae token by selecting the checkbox
4. Click on “Claim my Dropz”
5. You will be asked to send 3 ADA (1.3ADA will be returned to you and 1.7ADA will be used as a service fee for DripDropz)

Again, the Sundae tokens will only be available after March 1st. Before then, you will not see any “Sundae tokens” when you follow the steps above.

If you do not want to pay any ADA to claim your Sundae tokens, you will have to wait until SundaeSwap build their own service to claim the tokens, something they will be releasing “in the coming months”. Please note that you will have more than a year to claim your Sundae tokens.

To see SundaeSwap’s announcement, click on the following link : https://sundaeswap-finance.medium.com/iso-rewards-claiming-date-information-via-dripdropz-4c46316826a9

Let me know if you have any questions :)
Pool update - 14th February 2022

Dear Delegators,

Today is the last day of the SundaeSwap ISO! As long as you stay with us until the beginning of next epoch (14th Feb 2022, 21:45:00 UTC), you will be eligible to claim Sundae Rewards for all 5 epochs of the ISO. See our previous update for how to claim those rewards on DripDropz after March 1st 2022.

Furthermore, SundaeSwap is now incentivising people to delegate to smaller pools to improve decentralisation. If, before 19th February, you stake to one of the single pool who did not make it in the top 40 in the ISO vote and who received at least one vote, you will be eligible to claim another final round of Sundae tokens. This promotion will only last one epoch and SundaeSwap will supply another 20 million Sundae tokens for that specific epoch. Please do not forget to come back to Waffle if you decide to delegate to one of those pools 😇

To see SundaeSwap’s original announcement, please visit the following link: https://sundaeswap-finance.medium.com/the-reverse-iso-proposal-promoting-cardanos-decentralization-5bbd2b290485

To see the list of eligible stake pools for the extra round of rewards, see the pools under “Others” with at least one vote in the following link: https://pool.pm/sundae/

Lastly, I would like to thank all of you for choosing Waffle during this ISO! We really appreciate all of you for your support and hope that you will stay with us for your regular ADA rewards.

Happy Valentines Day
Quick update regarding SundaeSwap reverse ISO:

SundaeSwap miscommunicated the date of the snapshot that would matter for the extra round of Sundae Rewards. It is no longer the snapshot of the 19th February 21:45 UTC that matters.

In order to receive those extra rewards, make sure you’ve staked with an eligible reverse ISO stake pool until the next epoch ends on 24th February 21:45 UTC.

After that feel free to come back to Waffle 😇🧇
Pool Update - 03/03/2022

Dear Delegators,

We are happy to announce that Waffle Pool is part of the “Droperatorz” program for dripdropz.io

By providing one of our Cardano relays to DripDropz, we help facilitate and speed up transactions for DripDropz users, improving the overall user experience. This is one of the reasons why the SundaeSwap token distribution has been very smooth so far.

What does this mean for you?
Delegators to our pool will enjoy an additional 10% of DRIP governance token. Currently the standard for every pool is that their delegators can claim up to 1000 DRIP tokens on DripDropz per epoch. By staking with us, you will be able to claim up to 1100 DRIP tokens per epoch.

Please do not hesitate if you have any questions.

Happy Weekend!
Pool Update - 26th May 2022

Dear Delegators! We have some good news for you.

1. Indigo Airdrop
Indigo will airdrop a total 175,000 of their token $INDY to delegators of stake pools that are part of the Single Pool Alliance (of which WAFFLE is a member). Indigo is a decentralised synthetic asset issuance protocol building on Cardano. The exact date of the airdrop has not been made public yet. See their article below for more details:

2. DripDropz rewards
As you may remember, WAFFLE is part of the Droperatorz program, meaning our delegators were able to claim 10% more $DRIP governance token per epoch on dripdropz.io, for a total of 1100 $DRIP tokens. That figure has now increased by 25%, meaning you will be able to claim a total of 1250 $DRIP tokens per epoch. See the official announcement below:

We are actively working to bring you more goodies/tokens by applying to join various ISPOs, so we hope to have more similarly good news in the future.

As usual, do not hesitate if you have any questions and thank you all for your continued support 😊

Waffle 🧇
Pool Update - 19/02/2022

Dear Delegators, it’s been a while!

Just a quick update regarding the Droperatorz program. As you may remember from our last announcement; by staking with WFFL you can claim up to 1250 Drip tokens per epoch on dripdropz.io.
As of today, you can now also claim up to 5 $WRT tokens per epoch, depending on how long you have been staking with us.

$WRT - tokens from the WingRiders DEX (https://www.wingriders.com/)

We hope you are all doing well, even in this bear market!

As usual, feel free to reach out if you have any questions 😊

Waffle 🧇
Pool Update - 29th November 2022

Dear delegators,

As you may or may not know, Indigo protocol has recently launched on Cardano. Indigo is an autonomous synthetics protocol for on-chain price exposure to real-world assets. Here is their official website: https://indigoprotocol.io/

This update is just to let you know that if you have been delegating to WFFL, or any stake pool that is part of the Single Pool Alliance, you are entitled to claim Indigo’s $INDY token on TosiDrop (as part of their one-time launch airdrop). TosiDrop works pretty much the exact same way as DripDropz, though it may take a few hours before you see the $INDY token arrive in your wallet, after you have sent the required transaction amount.

TosiDrop’s website - https://www.tosidrop.io/

Feel free to ask if you have any questions.

Hope everybody is doing ok during these turbulent times in crypto!

Waffle 🧇