Forwarded from The V programming language shitposting (v)
projects we should open vore prs to today:
- vlang -> vorelang
- v ui -> vore ui
- vbrowser -> vorewser
- vinix -> vorex
- vsql - voresql
- ved -> vored
- vlang -> vorelang
- v ui -> vore ui
- vbrowser -> vorewser
- vinix -> vorex
- vsql - voresql
- ved -> vored
Forwarded from Joe
[citation needed] because i dont have screenshots, but mintsuki themselves said vinix is pain to write in vlang
Forwarded from Joe
mint is a very skilled developer and i admire them (vinix codebase is very good considering it's partially written in vlang), i feel like if they didn't get paid for it, they wouldn't really want to work on vinix
Forwarded from The V programming language shitposting (v)
vlang can't handle arabic
rendering persian text is wrong · Issue #362 · vlang/ui
in persian characters have "Contextual forms". also persian is right to left so first character goose right not left. i think render...