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#Useful #idiom

20 idioms you can use to sound like a native speaker (Part 1)

1. A drop in the ocean - dengizdan tomchi

The government’s pledge to increase health funding by 100 million pounds is just a drop in the ocean compared to the billions that need to be spent. (Sog’liqni saqlashga milliardlab sarflanishi kerakligi bilan solishtirganda, hukumatning sog’liq fondini 100 million funtga oshirish va’dasi dengizdan tomchi kabidir.)

2. Actions speak louder than words - So’zlar emas ishlar gapirsin

Stop apologizing and prove to me that I can trust you – actions speak louder than words. (Kechirim so’rashni bas qil va senga ishona olishimni isbotla – so’zlar emas ishlar gapirsin.)

3. To add fuel to the fire – olovga benzin sepish (masalani chigallashtirish)

Don’t tell her about the delays - you’ll just be adding fuel to the fire. (Kechiktirishlar haqida unga aytmeng – siz bor-yug’I muammoni chigallashtirasiz.)

4. The ball is in your court - qaror qabul qilish sizning qo’lingizda.

I’ve done all I can do – the ball is in your court. (Qo’limdan kelgan barchasini qildim, endi qaror qabul qilish sizning qo’lingizda.)

5. To bend over the backwards - kimgadir foydasi tegish uchun astoydil sa'y-harakat qilish.

Our company is bending over the backwards to satisfy our customers. (Bizning kompaniya mijozlarimizni qondirish uchun astoydil urinmoqda.)

6. To bite off more you can chew - katta va'da berib yubormoq.

I think I’ve bitten more than I can chew with this project. (Menimcha, men bu loyihada katta va'da berib yubordim.)

7. By the skin of one’s teeth - muvafaqqiyatga ilashib qolish.

I think I might have passed that exam by the skin of my teeth . (Menimcha, bu imtihonning o'tish baliga zo'rg'a ilashgan bo’lsam kerak.)

8. To cry wolf - yordamga muhtoj bo'lmaganda ham, yordamga so’rash.

My new flatmate is always crying wolf. (Mening yangi xonadoshim yordamga muhtoj bo’lmasa ham har doim yordam so’raydi.)

9. To cut somebody some slack - kimnidir o’ta qattiq baholamaslik.

You need to cut the intern some slack – they are still learning. (Ish o’rganuvchilarni o’ta qattiq baholama, ular endi o’rganishmoqda.)

10. To cut to the chase - gapni aylantirmasdan, maqsadga o’tmoq.

To cut to the chase – I’m not comfortable working alongside John anymore. (Gapni lo’ndasi, John bilan ishlash men uchun noqulay.)

Forwarded from 𝑺𝑰𝑳𝑽𝑬𝑹_925_𝑩𝒀_𝑴𝑨𝑳𝑰𝑲𝑨╰ ╮ (▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ MaLiKa █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁)
#Useful #idiom

20 idioms you can use to sound like a native speaker (Part 1)

1. A drop in the ocean - dengizdan tomchi

The government’s pledge to increase health funding by 100 million pounds is just a drop in the ocean compared to the billions that need to be spent. (Sog’liqni saqlashga milliardlab sarflanishi kerakligi bilan solishtirganda, hukumatning sog’liq fondini 100 million funtga oshirish va’dasi dengizdan tomchi kabidir.)

2. Actions speak louder than words - So’zlar emas ishlar gapirsin

Stop apologizing and prove to me that I can trust you – actions speak louder than words. (Kechirim so’rashni bas qil va senga ishona olishimni isbotla – so’zlar emas ishlar gapirsin.)

3. To add fuel to the fire – olovga benzin sepish (masalani chigallashtirish)

Don’t tell her about the delays - you’ll just be adding fuel to the fire. (Kechiktirishlar haqida unga aytmeng – siz bor-yug’I muammoni chigallashtirasiz.)

4. The ball is in your court - qaror qabul qilish sizning qo’lingizda.

I’ve done all I can do – the ball is in your court. (Qo’limdan kelgan barchasini qildim, endi qaror qabul qilish sizning qo’lingizda.)

5. To bend over the backwards - kimgadir foydasi tegish uchun astoydil sa'y-harakat qilish.

Our company is bending over the backwards to satisfy our customers. (Bizning kompaniya mijozlarimizni qondirish uchun astoydil urinmoqda.)

6. To bite off more you can chew - katta va'da berib yubormoq.

I think I’ve bitten more than I can chew with this project. (Menimcha, men bu loyihada katta va'da berib yubordim.)

7. By the skin of one’s teeth - muvafaqqiyatga ilashib qolish.

I think I might have passed that exam by the skin of my teeth . (Menimcha, bu imtihonning o'tish baliga zo'rg'a ilashgan bo’lsam kerak.)

8. To cry wolf - yordamga muhtoj bo'lmaganda ham, yordamga so’rash.

My new flatmate is always crying wolf. (Mening yangi xonadoshim yordamga muhtoj bo’lmasa ham har doim yordam so’raydi.)

9. To cut somebody some slack - kimnidir o’ta qattiq baholamaslik.

You need to cut the intern some slack – they are still learning. (Ish o’rganuvchilarni o’ta qattiq baholama, ular endi o’rganishmoqda.)

10. To cut to the chase - gapni aylantirmasdan, maqsadga o’tmoq.

To cut to the chase – I’m not comfortable working alongside John anymore. (Gapni lo’ndasi, John bilan ishlash men uchun noqulay.)

Forwarded from 𝑺𝑰𝑳𝑽𝑬𝑹_925_𝑩𝒀_𝑴𝑨𝑳𝑰𝑲𝑨╰ ╮ (▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ MaLiKa █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁)
«Put a rose🌹on your nose👃🏻»

🇺🇿Agarda sizga kimdir biron bir narssni aytayotgan bo'lsa va u narsa sizga qiziq bo'lmasa siz shu idiomani ishlatshingiz mumkun.
🇷🇺Если вам кто-то говорит положить розу себе на нос , помните, что тем самым собеседник пытается вам сказать, что никого не волнует то, о чем вы рассказываете или делаете.

Example :
👧- I have so much to tell you. I have just had my first horseback riding lesson.
👦- Well, put a rose on your nose.
