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Violet Flame Practice Channel.
Serving the planet through daily Violet Flame practice. Offering curated and custom origional content for your use in self directed Violet Flame practice. Deep gratitude for your service! (Hosted by Ashley Woods)
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Violet Flame consuming all that no longer serves us in our DNA & Akash. Activating perfect health in our cells.
St. Germain and the Violet Flame

Published on January 30, 2017 by L.A. Hilden 

St. Germain is a legendary spiritual master of ancient wisdom. He is one of the Great Ascended Masters of love and light, which is why he plays a role in my new novel Higher Resonance. In my novel, St. Germain helps the Griffin sisters save the world by increasing Earth and human energy vibrations, while warding off an alien invasion with the planet’s coming pole shift. St. Germain is said to be the guiding light for humanity and serves as an avatar for the dawning Age of Aquarius. He is a master alchemist of the sacred violet flame, which can be used to transmute the world. He is the hierarch of the Aquarian Age, which is the age that we are currently transitioning into, which from an astrological viewpoint means false beliefs we have held onto for the past 2000 years will fall away, while truth and knowing will be revealed as we move toward true equality. It is believed that during this time many will come to see that God dwells within them and become more self-aware, doing away with the sheeple mentality. No one will be exempt from this conscious shift toward unity during the Golden Age of Aquarius. St. Germain is said to lead us into the 5thdimensional Earth by giving us the ascension tools necessary.  He believes no soul should be left behind.
The violet flame is believed to be a Divine gift to be utilized by all inhabiting this planet. It is spiritual alchemy in action and holds the qualities of mercy, freedom, forgiveness, and transmutation. Alchemy is said to turn lead into gold, thus the violet flame turns the human soul into the Divine soul by transmuting the denser darker energies that fill our planet and us, into a higher vibrational frequency. It is the alchemy of self-transformation. Everyone is creating vibration and form through individual consciousness at every second. The high vibration of the violet flame penetrates our nervous system, our heart, and our entire being in all aspects - physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional. The flame can accelerate spiritual growth, which activates your DNA. When done correctly, you may feel this healing energy fill your body with purity
St. Germain and the Violet Flame contd

Published on January 30, 2017 by L.A. Hilden. Violet has the highest frequency in the visible color spectrum and serves as a point of transition to the next octave of light. Amethyst gemstones and the color purple have been used throughout the ages for healing and religious ceremony.  Bernard Jensen, renowned pioneer of research in the healing arts, specializes in iridology color therapy. Jensen found the violet light activates the pituitary gland. This higher frequency prepares us for our ascension into a higher dimension and can be utilized by anyone. It is merely a matter of opening your heart chakra and setting your intent to fill yourself with the violet flame you visualize. Ask this healing energy to transmute all negativity in your life and to raise the vibrations of Earth and her inhabitants. Saints and like-minded individuals have used the violet flame throughout the ages. Ascended masters like St. Germain, Jesus, and Buddha have already walked the Earth and balanced their karma. They fulfilled their reason for being. They have reunited with the God Source and return to various people on Earth in various forms to assist as much as they can. The violet flame does not simply surround the negative energy you carry, but transforms it into light.
In physics, vibration is the speed in which something moves back and forth. On the atomic level, vibration is understood by the speed the electrons orbit around the nucleus of the atom. Atoms are mostly empty space and where this space resides negative energy can become stuck, clogging the atoms and auras of our physical and spiritual bodies. The violet light transforms this density within the atom, causing the electrons to whirl faster and your vibration to rise. When spirit energy can move freely throughout your body, you reestablish harmony and maintain optimal health.
Forwarded from Ashley Woods
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Press play and turn up your volume to watch. Take 10 minutes to Activate the Violet Flame first and Clear your energetic field, raise your vibration and then Allow the pulsation of this Flower of Life image to activate th information of perfection / Divine template in your entire body, each cell, your DNA and Akashic record. With love, Ashley Woods. Www.gridoflightproject.com
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Dear Violet Flame community in Action, please take a moment and read this aloud with your heart's intention to use this Violet Flame for the the planet, Mother Gaia and the highest good for all!
- with love and gratitude, Ashley Woods

Beloved I AM Presence, Dearest Mother/Father/ Creator, I request a great activation of the Violet Consuming Flame for our Mother Gaia and all of her oceans, rivers, and lakes. We request that the Violet Flame consume all lower frequency energies, the cause, effect and memory of human contamination in the substance of water for the benefit of all beings on the Earth. We request the amplification of this call for the Violet Consuming Flame's mercy, forgiveness, purity by the greatest degree allowed by karmic law. And so it is. Thank you!
Excerpt by- Indian in the machine: "I suggest to you that if do your part and work with unseen Light, that both you and the planet can be cleaned up, “in the blink of an eye”… that’s not to say mother earth won’t take her rest over the next 2000 years, while earth may be experiencing her ascension … there is a possibility that we now, not later… not for another generation… but here… and now… we perform the magic trick on a global scale, of working with the unseen Light… in this case… the violet flame.

The violet flame is the flame of transmutation… it’s a shortcut… it is a gift from our Creator… we don’t really need to dig through the garbage anymore.…  what we need is to use the violet flame to clean it all up energetically, to take a shortcut to return to perfection. In order to use the violet flame, you will need to be agree to serve the highest good.
ACTIVE IN ME NOW" https://www.pinterest.com/pin/864339353466787915/#amp
Beloved I AM presence,
Activate and anchor the Violet Consuming Flame in my cells, and my DNA. Consuming and purifying all that is not of service to my divine perfection. Activate the original template of this quantum body and I now receive the healing and upgrades to embody the light that I AM.

the Violet Flame is: "Accelerating your acension by Bathing and healing all aspects of your being in the purest light of the creator." - channeled message directly from the Violet Flame
Forwarded from Ashley Woods
A Reminder to use the VIOLET CONSUMING FLAME as Daily Hygiene- from Ashley Woods
Forwarded from Susie Holzshuh
Forwarded from Melissa Epple
Thank you Ashley for Your message of invoking Quantum Perfection Hygiene practice in substance and timing! Imagine this practice in every home, every School, Childcare, and University as part of morning announcements, worldwide State Houses before each committee and full legislative sessions, all world creatives, initiating every gathering of 1 or more, invocation before all athletic sporting events, invoked as day begins in every business, as healthcare, construction, law enforcement, judicial, public safety, scientists, military and municipal workers come on their shift! This Violet Flame Wave continuously activated in expansion.
Om Jai Jai Sai Maa
~5 MINUTE MIRACLE MEDITATION~ Chohan of the Seventh Ray, Ascended Master Saint Germain has brought the Violet Consuming Flame for us to rebalance and realign all misqualified energy. This short and easy tool combines the cleansing purity of the Violet Consuming Flame with the perfection of sacred geometry to return us to our inherent Divine state. ~5 MINUTE MIRACLE MEDITATION ~ First~ Sit quietly for 2 minutes bringing the Violet Consuming Flame in and around you. Visualize Bathing yourself in the purity of the V.C.F and repeat the decree (aloud) “I AM a being of Violet Fire. I AM the Purity God desires” Second~ Open your consciousness and Gaze at the Flower of Life for a few moments, allow the eyes to imprint this sacred geometry upon your inner vision. Close the eyes again and Activate the Flower of Life in your entire being, re-awaken the Divine Template of your own perfection. Allow the F.O.L to be active in each chakra and in every cell, with effortless remembrance of your Self in oneness with Source /Creator. Third ~ Sit in stillness for 1 minute allow your frequency to increase and the light to expand your field. Offered with love, by Ashley Woods
Forwarded from Ashley Woods
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💜This meditation uses the Grace of Gratitude, the Power of Invocation, and the Transmutative Qualities of the Violet Flame.

As we work down the body together, we release trauma stored in the cells.

The Violet Flame transforms the energy, and it's re-integrated into the body in its purified form.

The potency of the practice comes from the coupling of Mantra with the Science of Cellular Memory Mapping.

Use this Quantum Tool daily to create an anti-viral high frequency body during this Covid 19 Virus influx. - With Love, Julianne Santini Profound Life Welness