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Forwarded from Dot Connecting Anons (𝑀𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓈𝒶)
This illustrates just how much the legacy media lies to the public! - Elon Musk

The media feeds on negativity.

This is how the media covers the company that is set to change the lives of millions and benefit humanity.

Perhaps they should read what the patient himself said about his experience:

“Y'all are giving me too much, it's like a luxury overload, I haven't been able to do these things in 8 years and now I don't know where to even start allocating my attention.

The biggest thing with comfort is that I can lie in my bed and use 'The Link'. Any other assistive technology had to have someone else help or have me sit up. Sitting causes stress mentally and on my body which would give me pressure sores or spasms. It lets me live on my own time, not needing to have someone adjust me, etc. throughout the day.

'The Link' has helped me reconnect with the world, my friends, and my family. It's given me the ability to do things on my own again without needing my family at all hours of the day and night.”
Forwarded from Dot Connecting Anons (𝑀𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓈𝒶)
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REPORTER: "When will you debate President Trump?"

BIDEN: "Set it up!"

RNC Research
Forwarded from Behizy
BREAKING: Panama's new president José Mulino has promised to put an end to illegal migrants going through his country to cross the United States border. He defeated all the communist & socialist ruling parties in a MASSIVE upset

Mulino has pledged to shut down the crossing and deport migrants who break Panamanian law, saying that he “will not permit thousands of illegals to pass through our territory like nothing, without control.”

His opponents were actually campaigning to open up the path even more to increase the flow of illegals to the US

He was originally supposed to be Vice President under Ricardo Martinelli but the current government sentenced Martinelli to 10 years for embezzlement & money laundering, Mulino became the Presidential candidate after that. Their Conservative Populist party had zero seats in the National Assembly and now they control the presidency. God has visited Panama

Mulino is already talking to President of El Salvador Nayib Bukele and Javier Milei in Argentina
Forwarded from Arrests~Indictments~Justice (Angel Patriot 🇺🇸)
In a brief 17 minutes, Biden told 15 lies — nearly a lie a minute.

From whoppers about the economy to prevarications on Israel, Biden spun a Fantasyland of a presidency that voters know is false.

LIE 1: “I’ve created over 15 million jobs since I’ve been president.”

Biden’s favorite falsehood, told over and over and over again no matter how many fact-checks call him out

He took office at the tail end of a pandemic that blew a hole in the economy, when lockdown policies wholeheartedly endorsed by Democrats took people out of the office and onto COVID stimulus checks.

He “created” nothing — after the introduction of the vaccine, people returned to the workforce. If anything, Biden’s policies slowed the recovery — it took until July 2022 for the US economy to regain all the jobs lost due to the pandemic.

15 lies and the truth:

This is a great article to show to the normies!!
Forwarded from Dot Connecting Anons (𝑀𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓈𝒶)
Boxing Promoter Don King Endorses Trump For President

The 92-year-old made the remarks on May 8 on the sidelines of an event after being asked if he has a message for President Trump, who’s facing a bevy of court cases that threaten to derail his presidential campaign.

Get reelected,” Mr. King said. “And we must reelect him to save ourselves. You know, a vote for Trump is a vote for yourself. Because we’ve got to fight the system of lies and the creation of wrong being right and right being wrong. That’s got to be eliminated.”

He called President Trump “the only man who’s got the intestinal fortitude to be able to stand up and fight the system like it should be fought,”
Forwarded from Ryan DeLarme (Vigilant News, Post-Liberal) (Ryan DeLarme)
More than a quarter of a million people have seen "Time of Deceit" and I'm told it's made it into the hands of some very well-known individuals in the decentralized media space. Fingers crossed that they watch and promote this film. Still working on getting the film up on Tubi and Amazon.
Forwarded from Ryan DeLarme (Vigilant News, Post-Liberal) (Ryan DeLarme)
The charge of antisemitism, in the United States particularly, has been an effective weapon for dealing with critics of Israel and its immensely powerful lobby, but has also been used to silence people who aren’t even talking about Israel.

For example, criticism of George Soros is always met with the scarlet letter of “Anti-Semitism”, this occurs still to this day despite the irony that the Foundation to Promote Open Society (FPOS), which is a part of the greater Soros network, funds the very same NGOs who are currently conducting a lot of the pro-Palestine, anti-Israel campus protests that are currently a focal point of conservative media.

Isn't it interesting that the same garden variety conservatives who were silenced as "Anti-Semitic" for mentioning Soros are now in favor of using the same strategy against mislead college students?
Forwarded from Ryan DeLarme (Vigilant News, Post-Liberal) (Ryan DeLarme)
The charge of antisemitism, in the United States particularly, has been an effective weapon for dealing with critics of Israel and its immensely powerful lobby, but has also been used to silence people who aren’t even talking about Israel.

For example, criticism of George Soros is always met with the scarlet letter of “Anti-Semitism”, this occurs still to this day despite the irony that the Foundation to Promote Open Society (FPOS), which is a part of the greater Soros network, funds the very same NGOs who are currently conducting a lot of the pro-Palestine, anti-Israel campus protests that are currently a focal point of conservative media.

Isn't it interesting that the same garden variety conservatives who were silenced as "Anti-Semitic" for mentioning Soros are now in favor of using the same strategy against mislead college students?
Special Prosecutor Jack Smith has just admitted that he and other DOJ and FBI minions manipulated documentary evidence underlying the Mar-a-Lago case against Donald Trump. Everybody from Judge Aileen Cannon on down realizes this is bad.

Still, I wonder how many people have noticed that Smith has admitted to doing what the J6 defendants are accused and have been convicted of doing: Violating 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2). The statutory charges against the J6 defendants are a specious abuse of the law but they perfectly fit Smith’s admitted conduct.

🔗 American Thinker
😮 👀The Vatican is preparing to release a document giving guidance on how to discern supernatural phenomena.

The Holy See Press Office announced the upcoming document will be published May 17 with a live-streamed press conference featuring Prefect for the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández.

Fernández has previously said the dicastery is "in the process of finalizing a new text with clear guidelines and norms for the discernment of apparitions and other phenomena," according to the National Catholic Register.

🔗 Fox News
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For the first time in 19 years, a "severe" solar storm warning has been issued for several plumes of solar material about to slam into the Earth.

These five coronal mass ejections (CMEs) were spat out by a huge and extremely hyperactive sunspot called AR3664 and are due to crash into our atmosphere between May 10 and May 11. The last time NOAA announced a Severe (G4) Geomagnetic Storm Watch was in January 2005.

Powerful geomagnetic storms can have various impacts on Earth, including voltage control issues with the grid, satellite problems, radio blackouts, and scrambled GPS navigation. They can also result in the aurora borealis being seen further from the poles than usual, with G4 storms, in particular, sparking the northern lights as far south as Alabama and northern California.

🔗 Newsweek
The mother of a U.S. solider detained in Russia says he was lured there by his girlfriend and arrested on purpose.

In an interview with NBC News, Melody Jones said she thinks her son, Staff Sgt. Gordon Black, was set up by his girlfriend, Aleskandra Vashchuk.

🔗 The Hill
Forwarded from Dot Connecting Anons (𝑀𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓈𝒶)
Earth could witness the worst solar storm in 165 years as five streams of plasma released from the sun this week are set to make crash into our atmosphere tonight.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) revealed Friday that the worst-case scenario would be what happened during the 1859 Carrington event, which set telegraph stations on fire and cutting communications worldwide.

In our modern-day society a geomagnetic storm - a major disturbance of Earth's magnetosphere- of that magnitude would cause widespread electrical disruptions, blackouts and damage to critical infrastructure.

Scientists have also predicted that three of the five streams, known as coronal mass ejections (CMEs), could combine to create a powerful 'cannibal CME.'

Data about what is in store for our planet will likely be captured around 8 pm ET when the explosions of plasma racing through space will be nearly one million miles from our planet - and NOAA plans to issue alerts immediately.
Forwarded from Justin Deschamps
Why do good people fail for evil and corruption. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking.

Human Corruption is a natural consequence of both our internal selfishness contained within our animal nature (the flesh) and pressures from our social surroundings. Without a clear moral compass, we will naturally justify corruption and its temptations of power, fame, and fortune.

First, the absence of a culture or family that teaches how to be a good person means the animal nature (the flesh) and its urges will create a naturally selfish and fearful person. Spiritual cowardice is the unwillingness to question our choices to know for sure if they are truly right.

Second, other people who are brave and confront corruption and immorality where it starts helps the one going through a moral crisis to not fall into their inner deceptions to be corrupt. However, when others lack this spiritual courage, they can’t help and we naturally drift into corruption.

Third, inner courage and humility demand that we question our intentions and actions with a higher power, to know if our choices are truly good by doing more than keeping our own council.

Like Judas, even people who start with goodness in their heart, can let themselves be deceived by their past pain, hurt, and false inner guidance that justifies harming others. Vengeance and a sense of entitlement to harm others finally seals the souls of these misguided ones into a career of corruption.

When we discover injustice and corruption, and we're threatened with loss of money, social connection, or worse, it can be very tempting to go along to get along. As a result, otherwise good people, who lack spiritual support and knowledge as well as social support from their allies in what's right, can be compromised and therefore not act to stop evil and corruption playing out right in front of them.

Despite these things, God has created a universe where everyone is given many chances to self reflect and stop going along with evil to repent and do the right thing. These defining moments make us who we are. When we act to upend evil and unrighteous, especially within ourselves, we in that moment do more good for all and almost instantly change the course of our lives and the lives of those around us for the better.
The dream of training AI tools to fight cyberattacks without human intervention could soon be a reality.

Several AI security companies unveiled products at the RSA Conference this week designed to help mitigate cyber threats before they land on a corporate system.
Forwarded from Insider Paper
BREAKING: Incredibly bright aurora graces the skies over New Zealand now due to the impact of the solar storm (📸 Dr. Andrew Dickson)
Forwarded from BrittRepublican
Barron Trump, President Trump‘s youngest son, will not be a Florida delegate at the 2024 Republican National Convention, according to his mother’s office.

“While Barron is honored to have been chosen as a delegate by the Florida Republican Party, he regretfully declines to participate due to prior commitments,” a spokeswoman for Melania Trump told the Washington Examiner.

🔗 The Washington Examiner