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Media is too big
Dr. McCullough Issues Chilling COVID Vax Injury Analysis

“What we’re seeing, I’m convinced, is the tip of the iceberg.”

“In my practice, before the pandemic, I had only seen two cases of myocarditis ... [After the C19 shots] in my practice, I have well more than several hundred cases with myocarditis. That is how common it is.”

“In the Hulscher paper that I’ve quoted, the cause of sudden adult death syndrome is very likely to be vaccine-induced myocarditis.”

“I have seen cases evolve and present now three years after the vaccine, with documented cardiac arrests, three years after vaccination ... So, I think we should be very sober about this — that we’re looking at a very long period of time of concern for patients as the public wakes up to this.”

Full Video:

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Media is too big
Bill Maher Issues Brutal Reality Check to Hamas Demonstrators Blocking the Road

“You have to be pretty dumb to think that the way to bring people around to your point of view is to make them late to pick up their kids from daycare.”

“That’s what most normies are thinking. ‘I have a kid. I have a job.’ And yes, I’m sure there are injustices on both sides in the Middle East, as there are injustices all over the world. But I’m going to be late for work, something you protesters on the bridge seem to have the luxury of not having to worry about, which seems kind of [like a privilege].”

More Stories on @Vigilant_News:

Biden’s Surprise Live Interview with Howard Stern Goes Sideways

The Leading Cause of Death in America Isn’t What You Think

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Media is too big
Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You - Episode 20


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#10 - Explosive report unveils the shocking truth about skin cancer and the sun.

#9 - Biden's surprise live interview with Howard Stern goes sideways.

#8 - US birth rates plummet to lowest levels since 1979, failing to exceed replacement rate.

#7 - Michael Avenatti flips the script on Stormy Daniels. He says he is now willing to testify on Trump’s behalf.

#6 - Robert Kennedy Jr. reveals what the NIH isn’t telling you about mass shootings.

#5 - Biden wants to give himself “COVID-like” powers by declaring a climate emergency.

#4 - British thought police enter a Christian man’s home over a social media post.

#3 - Arizona Governor vetoes bill requiring proof of residency to vote.

#2 - Medical whistleblower says COVID jabs caused patients to “die so horrifically, so quickly.”

#1 - Elon Musk claps back at Australia’s censorship regime after Senator called for him to “be jailed” for allowing “misinformation” on  𝕏.

Plus, an exclusive interview with Senator Alex Antic on the rise of the global censorship regime. (Watch)

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BONUS #1 - Deleted Interview: Attorney Drops Alarming Claims on the Alex Jones Show

BONUS #2 - Could You Last a Week Without Food?

BONUS #3 - How to Get Ivermectin, Z-Pak, and More

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We'll be back with another episode next Sunday (pin this channel so you don't miss it).

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