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Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
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Lesco Brandon is now attending school board meetings. 😎
Think strategically, and expect surprises from Trump. He has a lot of leverage over many media companies to either acquire or destroy them in lawsuits.

Sue for damages
Stock price tanks
Pressure to settle
Make a deal
Take settlement award plus execute hostile market take over at same time, if you have the $ to do it, and your actions pushed the stock price down far enough.

Am I saying that's what Trump will do?
No, I'm just considering possible moves on the board.
Trump will most likely do something unexpected.
Forwarded from Tommy Robinson News
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Poland out in support of Trieste against covid passports 👏🏻
Forwarded from Tommy Robinson News
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Italians in Trieste again today calling on all squares across the nation to stand together against covid passports:

“Protest to the bitter end, people like us never give up” 🔥
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)
You cannot reverse a previous President’s EO’s involving a national emergency while that national emergency is ongoing. You also cannot reverse the previous President’s PEAD’s. Biden will NEVER come out and admit his hands are tied, he has to do this. Instead he and his impotent administration are forced to mumble one lame excuse after another.
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)
To reverse Trump’s EO’s signed and instituted and triggered into operational status by a national emergency, Biden would have to declare an end to the COVID pandemic. I’m pretty sure one of PEAD’s Trump signed involved his successor not being allowed by the military to reveal the election interference EO has become active. So Biden hasn’t declared an end to the national emergency because he can’t. Also, I’m pretty sure behind the scenes Trump’s EO on election interference being triggered activated several PEAD’s Trump signed that the Democrats in Congress are still trying get information about with their 1/6 commission subpoenaing Trump and Bannon. They will never get the information they’re frantically trying to uncover.
Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
WHILE A NATIONAL EMERGENCY IS ONGOING any EO’s or PEAD’s made directly relating to that national emergency cannot be reversed by an incoming administration. Learn how this actually works. Don’t just believe shit some media talking head told you. RESEARCH IT. Those of you who keeping asking for explanations about all the weird shit we’re watching Biden and Garland either do or allow, I’m TELLING you what the reason is. They do it because they have to. The military was given standing orders during a national emergency. As long as that national emergency is in effect -and it still is- Biden is not a fucking king. PEAD’s and EO’s enforced secretly by the military, the courts, and Congress tightly control him. He has to do certain things and is prevented from doing other things. And nobody in Biden’s administration can reveal any of this. He can’t publicly say why he and Garland haven’t shut down Durham or Weiss.
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)
Counterpoint: what you’re saying here about Trump and national emergency EO’s and PEAD’s is so explosive, if true, there is no way it would not have leaked. Counter-counterpoint: Durham and other US Attorneys were SPYING ON SOME MOST POWERFUL MEMBERS OF CONGRESS for more than THREE YEARS via federal grand juries issuing search/surveillance warrants for all their phone calls, text messages, and emails and it never leaked. Durham revealed last month he used grand juries to subpoena records from Hillary Clinton’s lawyers, the DNC, Perkins Coie, Fusion GPS for evidence that will allow Durham to prove in the courtroom they manufactured both the Steele Dossier and the Alfa Bank hoaxes before handing them off to federal officials. Durham beat them all in secret grand jury court proceedings that likely lasted more than a year. A truly epic legal battle between The Witch and The Prosecutor. And the prosecutor won. And he until he dropped that indictment on Sussmann, NONE OF THAT LEAKED. So claiming there would have been leaks isn’t the strong counter point you think it is.
Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
If Trump knew in advance the election was going to be stolen and there was nothing he could do to stop it, I would expect him to booby-trap the White House with executive orders and presidential emergency action directives that would leave his successor helpless. He would be unable to defuse the bombs. Trump tosses the keys to Biden and says, "Good luck."
Praying Medic postasi seuraavat kirjoitukset tililleen Telegrammiin:

Absolute Conviction kirjoitti:

Showerthought; This may actually be what Q meant with the Hunt For Red October references.

As we all know, in the movie, Ramius turns the sub right towards the torpedo. Thus keeping it from being able to arm in time.

Another time, he takes the sub to the *last* possible moment before steering the sub away from the wall.

My point? We have steered right into the “Scare Event” (The Great Reset) in order to keep it from “arming”. By going “warp speed”, Trump took away [their] time to properly pull off the great reset. By steering into it, we have disarmed it in the long run. Sure, the torpedo is scary as it heads right towards us, but it wont explode. In fact, it will be intercepted by The Great Awakening at the last possible moment.

Let’s see what happens …

Praying Medicin kommentti:

”I don't know that this is what Q referred to with Red October, but Trump's push to warp speed with the vaccine screwed up the normal timing of a vaccine rollout and will possibly result in massive legal liability for big pharma.
The timing is also screwed up on the great reset. They undoubtedly wanted more time to institute their plan, but Trump's actions forced them to launch sooner than they anticipated and that will likely result in failure.”

Pepe Lives Matter:

We had to experience a fraction of their diabolical plans because simply telling someone what [they] planned to do just doesn't suffice in wake up enough people. What has happened to us over the course of this year has left a permanent mark on people around the world. As hard as it if for people to accept: We are living on the best timeline. We've avoided far more suffering than we can really imagine. And as Trump once said: the future does not belong to globalist, it belongs to Patriots. A generation of Patriots are rising thanks to the very real precipice we have endured.
Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
Media is too big
Florida's Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, is a medical doctor who is not controlled by big pharma and not afraid to speak the truth.

"You remember when people were telling you that these vaccines would stop transmission and the rates of protection were greater than 90%. Well guess what, here we are, 10-months after, and we are finding that the data is showing that some of these vaccines the protection from infection is less than 40% and even less than that for some of them. As we now know, these vaccines are not preventing transmission."

"Part of the reason that people are not comfortable with these vaccines is because the climate of scientific dishonesty, whether it's natural immunity, denial of that in the face of data, or in the case of the vaccines, open and honest discussions about both effectiveness and safety...

It's completely ridiculous, many Americans can sense that there is total dishonesty about the safety of the vaccines."

Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
Construction Workers: FJB

Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
Media is too big
Swiss protest against vaccine passports.

The protestors wear yokes to symbolize the desire of the establishment elite to treat workers like livestock that they can drug at will.

Forwarded from Insider Paper
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WATCH: The chants of “Let’s go Brandon” have reached US House floor

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