Forwarded from Robert W Malone, MD
A President Betrayed by Bureaucrats: Scott Atlas’s Masterpiece on the Covid Disaster
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Brownstone Institute
A President Betrayed by Bureaucrats: Scott Atlas’s Masterpiece on the Covid Disaster ⋆ Brownstone Institute
Atlas’s book has exposed a scandal for the ages. It is enormously valuable because it fully blows up what seems to be an emerging fake story involving a supposedly Covid-denying president who did nothing vs. heroic scientists in the White House who urged…
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Dr. Zev postasi - Yksi (pieni) ihminen voi muuttaa kaiken.
Forwarded from Independent Side
WATCH: 1 Million Australians March For Freedom Against COVID-19 Restrictions And Mandatory Vaccination
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Tel Aviv on the streets as Israel imposes strict new travel ban amid "Omicron variant" scaremongering.
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Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
Twitter's Chief Tech Officer Parag Agrawal will replace Jack Dorsey.
The Sun
Jack Dorsey reveals why he resigned as Twitter CEO & names successor
JACK Dorsey announced on Monday that he will step down as Twitter’s CEO today. Parag Agrawal, the current Chief Technology Officer at Twitter, is set to replace the tech giant, who faced a st…
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"Floridassa me emme tule sallimaan lockdowneja emmekä anna heidän viedä työpaikkojanne. Emme salli bisnestenne vahingoittamista emmekä koulujemme sulkemisia. On hullua yrittää samaa asiaa moneen kertaan odottaen erilaista lopputulosta”
"Floridassa me emme tule sallimaan lockdowneja emmekä anna heidän viedä työpaikkojanne. Emme salli bisnestenne vahingoittamista emmekä koulujemme sulkemisia. On hullua yrittää samaa asiaa moneen kertaan odottaen erilaista lopputulosta”
Trump näyttää olevan tyytyväinen kehitykseen Arizonassa. Listalla saattaa olla jopa pidätyksiä.
Terveydenhuoltohenkilökunnan pakkorokotemandaatti blokattiin kymmenessä osavaltiossa.
Springfield News-Leader
Federal judge blocks Biden vaccine mandate for health care workers in Missouri, 9 other states
U.S. District Judge Matthew Schelp wrote that the mandate issued by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid \
Tuomioistuin esti pakkorokotemandaatin yliopistossa San Diegossa. Oppilaat eivät vielä kerinneet ottamaan yhtään rokotetta.
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Hyvismedia OAN raportoi että Epsteinin lentokoneiden lokitietoja tullaan käyttämään Maxwellin oikeudenkäynnissä.
Kun lista lennoilla mukana olleista pahiksista saadaan taas julkiseen keskusteluun, herää moni uinuva tavis.
Mitä nimiä sinä haluaisit listalta poimia?
Full clip:
Kun lista lennoilla mukana olleista pahiksista saadaan taas julkiseen keskusteluun, herää moni uinuva tavis.
Mitä nimiä sinä haluaisit listalta poimia?
Full clip:
Lisää Pizzagate-paljastuksia: Yhdysvaltojen lentohallinto julkaisi "vahingossa" 704:n tähän asti salassapidettyjen Epsteinin omistamien lentokoneiden lentotiedot. Noiden lentokoneiden lentotiedot vuosilta 2013-2016 olivat olleet "hukassa", vaikka niiden pitäisi olla julkisia.
Business Insider
The FAA accidentally disclosed more than 2,000 flight records associated with Jeffrey Epstein's private jets
Domestic flight records associated with Jeffrey Epstein's private jets, provided by the FAA, reveal more than 700 previously unknown flights.
Kuinka välttää konflikteja eri doktriinehin uskovien kanssa
Praying Medic
Doctrinal Differences - Praying Medic
I believe that embracing sound doctrine is a good thing, and that following false doctrine is the fast road to ruin. This message isn't about the value of having sound doctrine but how we prioritize doctrine in our lives—particularly as beliefs come into…
Tämä esimerkkinä huippujohtajien eroista: Brett Biggs, Walmart's Chief Financial officer said he will leave the firm after 22 years of employment but will remain in his current position until January of 2023.
Walmart's longtime chief financial officer, Brett Biggs, is leaving company
Biggs has worked for the company for 22 years and has served as a prominent leader for Walmart, which is the country's largest private employer.
Hyvä että näitä tuomareita piisaa - Pakotti sairaalan antamaan kuolevalle potilaalle median mustamaalaamaa ivermektiiniä (vaikka onkin uskomatonta että ivermektiiniä ei saa antaa potilaille)
RESCUE with Michael Capuzzo
A Judge Stands up to a Hospital: "Step Aside" and Give a Dying Man Ivermectin
A Chicago-area judge saved a grandfather's life with the single question that exposes hospitals blocking doctors from using a safe, FDA-approved drug: Why?
Media is too big
Etelä-Afrikan lääkeviraston johtaja (tyyliin): Ei ole mitään syytä paniikkiin, Moronic (Sic?) on hädin tuskin antanut oireita positiivisesti testatuille
15 osavaltiota uhkasi vetää satoja miljoonia dollareita pankeista jotka tukevat kommunistikorporaatioita
Monet [punavihreiden huijausilmastonmuutosagendaa tukevat] pankit ovat kieltäneet fossiilipolttoaineteollisuuden rahoittamisen ja nyt yritykset ovat alkaneet panna hanttiin.
"Kampanjan" tarkoitus on turvata osavaltioiden talous ja työpaikat sekä varmistaa niiden energiaomavaraisuus.
President Joe Biden has been aggressive in quickly curtailing oil and gas development as promised on the campaign trail.
Beyond the illegal suspension of new leases on federal land, the prohibition of new drilling sites on major untapped reserves, and higher fees in the pipeline for new energy exploration permits, however, it’s the administration’s pressure on Wall Street to refuse investment in the capital-intense industry that’s dealt the biggest blow to producers, spiking prices at the pump in the process.
Signatories to the letter putting banks on notice include chief financial officers from Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming, Alabama, Texas and Kentucky, in addition to West Virginia.
Monet [punavihreiden huijausilmastonmuutosagendaa tukevat] pankit ovat kieltäneet fossiilipolttoaineteollisuuden rahoittamisen ja nyt yritykset ovat alkaneet panna hanttiin.
"Kampanjan" tarkoitus on turvata osavaltioiden talous ja työpaikat sekä varmistaa niiden energiaomavaraisuus.
President Joe Biden has been aggressive in quickly curtailing oil and gas development as promised on the campaign trail.
Beyond the illegal suspension of new leases on federal land, the prohibition of new drilling sites on major untapped reserves, and higher fees in the pipeline for new energy exploration permits, however, it’s the administration’s pressure on Wall Street to refuse investment in the capital-intense industry that’s dealt the biggest blow to producers, spiking prices at the pump in the process.
Signatories to the letter putting banks on notice include chief financial officers from Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming, Alabama, Texas and Kentucky, in addition to West Virginia.
The Federalist
15 States Threaten To Pull $600B From Banks For 'Woke Capitalism'
Fifteen state financial officers sent a letter to U.S. banks last week over $600 billion in assets they pledge to take elsewhere.
Sidney Powell jakoi: Lue tämä tuomioistuimen päätös joka blokkasi pakkorokotemandaatin kaikissa 50:ssä osavaltiossa.
'This Unlawful Mandate is Now Blocked in All 50 States': Biden's Vaccine Mandate Suffers Another Blow in Ruling for Montana
“The liberty interests of the unvaccinated requires nothing less.”
Forwarded from ⚡️ 🇺🇸 Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽 (S P)
CDM - Human Reporters • Not Machines
Federal Judge Puts Healthcare Worker Vaccine Mandate On Hold Nationwide - CDM - Human Reporters • Not Machines
"There is no question that mandating a vaccine to 10.3 million healthcare workers is something that should be done by Congress, not a government agency," wrote Doughty.
Toistakymmentä "mediajättiä" on liittynyt tukemaan patriootti Steve Bannonin yritystä saada julkaista oikeuden salaamat tiedot Jan 6 tapahtumia koskien
Mail Online
EXCLUSIVE: CNN, ABC, and more than a dozen media companies file legal brief JOINING Steve Bannon’s bid to lift the DOJ’s order…
A group of major media companies has submitted a motion arguing that the government's proposed protective order on Steve Bannon would violate the First Amendment.