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Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
Harvard Epidemiologist Dr. Martin Kulldorff: “I’m a huge fan of vaccinating children for measles, for mumps, for polio, for rotavirus, and many other diseases, that’s critical. But COVID is not a huge threat to children.”

Forwarded from We The Media (AwakenedOutlaw & OutlawJW on Gab)
James Baker reportedly 'resigned' from the FBI on On May 4, 2018 but Anons amazingly knew he was actually fired days earlier on April 27th.

Better yet, Anons have also known that he's been cooperating with Durham since as early as Sept 11, 2018. That he's now been publicly identified as someone who will testify against Sussman both illustrates that we were, in opposition to the fake news media that claimed otherwise, correct all along about him terminated against his will.

Now, were I one of the dirtbags involved in #SpyGate I'd be super worried right about now that the former/disgraced General Counsel for the FBI, a guy who having plotted with me & possesses intimate knowledge of the treasonous operation to target and remove #Trump, has been cooperating with John Durham....and for a few years at that.

But I suspect they've been aware of as much for some time. 😎
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Biden puhui Arlingtonissa tiistaina - "Me rakastamme Trumpia" keskeytti hänet
Maski- ja rokotemandaattivapaassa Floridassa, kiitos Trumpin (joka "asuu" siellä) ja kuvernööri DeSantisin, on Yhdysvaltojen "alhaisimmat Covidluvut"
Trumpin "parantanut " Lääkäri Vladimir Zev Zelenko TG:ssä: "Minne flunssa katosi" ☝️
Media is too big

Ennaltaehkäisevä ”hoito” influenssaan on keksitty!

Uutinen yksinkertaistettuna (katso video/koko haastattelu):

Trumpin "parantanut " Lääkäri Vladimir Zev Zelenko paljastaa videolla:

-Näyttää siltä että influenssaviruksia levitetään tarkoituksella vuosittain!
-influenssavirus on täysin kadonnut Covidin ajaksi
-Hänen koronalääkkeensä estää myös influenssan
-Hän testasi koronapotilaansa (tuhannet?), eikä heillä ollut influenssavirusta
-Covidvirus ja influenssavirus sairastuttavat ihmisen samalla metodilla
-tiedämme että Covidvirus on laboratoriossa tehty bioase, meillä on kaikki patentit tiedossa
-on mahdollista että influenssavirus ja Covidvirus voidaan kytkeä päälle ja pois päältä

Oma kommenttini: Zelenko on sanonut että hän on parantanut noin 7.000 koronapotilasta käyttämällään terapialla, ja että hänen ”tiiminsä” on parantanut miljoonia

Koko haastattelu (12:34):
Antti Heikkilä twiittasi: Tänään Saksan uutisissa: Ilmeisesti kolmatta rokotuskertaa ei tule ja muutenkin aletaan relaamaan koko juttua. Kiitos uuden hallituksen.
Forwarded from Insider Paper
BREAKING: Florida sues Biden Administration to challenge their federal contractor vaccine mandate, Gov. DeSantis announced.

Follow @insiderpaper
Forwarded from Tommy Robinson News
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FDNY and supporters outside Gracie Mansion In NYC the home of Mayor Bill DeBlasio protesting against covid mandates👏🏻
Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
Racine Sheriff spokesman:
The investigation began a year ago, is non-partisan and was a matter of upholding the law as they do in any other case.
The election law was "not just broken but shattered" by the Wisconsin Election Commission.
Forwarded from Jordan Sather
Vatican abruptly cancels live broadcast of Biden meeting Pope without explanation 🤔
Tuo on hyvä (huvittava) uutinen. Kaksi pelleä peruivat livelähetyksen. Kuvitelkaa mitä China-Buyden olisi voinut möläyttää!☝️
Forwarded from General Flynn ️
🚨🚨🚨HUGE NEWS on the case we published on today, in regards to the government purposefully scheming to deny religious exemptions!! There was a teleconference today and the government must submit to the court in writing by TOMORROW that NO ONE will be terminated after 11/8 if they have submitted a religious exemption and are unvaccinated. Huge kudos to BRILLIANT constitutional attorney Mike Yoder on this masterful case.

Forwarded from General Flynn ️
Let’s start a hashtag, #DeSantaClaus for Ron DeSantis’s saving this Christmas season by opening Florida’s Ports to sea going cargo ships looking for a place to distribute their cargo!!!
Forwarded from Dr. Tenpenny