Vaccine Choice Australia
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Ontario Judge Rules in Favour of Dad Trying to Prevent his Kids from receiving Covid Jab & Openly Challenges Government, Courts, MSM, Health Authorities and Big Pharma ⚡️


Expanding freedom in 2023! 🥳

News reports (Feb 23):

A Canadian judge has ruled in favor of a father who challenged vaccine effectiveness and safety in a fight to keep his children from getting jabbed.

Newmarket Superior Court of Justice family branch judge, the Honorable Richard T. Bennett, recently ruled in favor of a father’s right to cite “expert evidence” during a court-case regarding vaccine safety and effectiveness in a 67-page ruling, allowing the debate over child vaccination to move on to trial.

“When it comes to the issue of government messaging and COVID-19 vaccines, it would appear that most courts have not questioned the messaging of governments,” Bennett stated in his ruling.

The case in question surrounds a dispute between divorced parents about whether they are going to inject their 3 young children – aged 4, 5 and 10 – with the experimental COVID vaccines.

The mother – identified as S.E.G. – was the one who originally brought the dispute before the court and is in favor of vaccination.

The father, however, known as J.W.T., has reservations regarding the safety and effectiveness of the jabs and has objected to his children receiving them.

Bennett argued in his ruling that while “many courts have been willing to accept and take judicial notice that because public health is telling us they are ‘safe’” that this should be “found as a ‘fact’ as to the truth of that statement,” he does not consider this sufficient proof.

“The pharmaceutical companies, the public health authorities, the government, and the mainstream media are all telling us that these vaccines are ‘safe,’” explained Bennett.

Specifically, Bennet pointed to Ontario’s chief medical officer, Kieran Moore, reminding the court that directly after he had announced the importance of masking to prevent the spread of the virus, he was spotted maskless at an indoor social event.

Despite claims from the pharmaceutical industry, world governments and the media, there exists a growing mountain of evidence to suggest that the COVID injections are not as safe or effective as marketed.

Further in the ruling, Bennett mentioned the numerous media reports of young people and young adults suddenly dying, saying that he “cannot ignore events of which (he) is aware that are possibly inconsistent with the proposition that these vaccines are ‘safe and effective.’”

“Is it possible that there may be a correlation between these players being vaccinated and these incidents?” he asked.

“The Charter of Rights [and Freedoms] ensures that accused persons have the right to a fair trial,” he concluded.

Freedom is snowballing. People are uniting. And it is unstoppable! 💞

Fed Up with Doom & Gloom?

So are we! That's why:

We do not avoid the problems. We focus on the solutions! 🌱🌱🌱

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We Free Ourselves Within:

read the article in full👇
Our new PHA Australia website is finally ready to share! Just click on !!

It was a massive project involving many hours of work and collaboration and discussion, and we would like to thank Simon Antolak and PHA's own LisaG for all they have done in putting it together for us. 🙏

Clicking on your state on the map on the front page will bring you to your state's home page where you will find your state's contact emails, volunteer and practitioner EOI forms, your state's events, and local hubs amongst other things.

Below the map on the front page is a video outlining who The People's Health Alliance are and what we are doing.

If you would like to consult with Simon, you can find him at:
The West Australian government is inviting feedback on its Covid response
An opportunity to STAND UP and be heard!

Here is Rebekah Barnett's substack article on the matter, which explains how and where to submit your response to and her take on the measures.

You have until 16 March to put your feedback in writing to the independent review of WA’s pandemic management and response. You can add to Rebekah's thoughts or submit your own.

Thanks Rebekah for pulling this together 🙏 Now it's on YOU to share with the WA Premier what you really think about the WA's Government's Covid response.

Everyone can submit their response. They don't have to be a WA resident. Go people 💪
Forwarded from AustraliaExitsTheW.H.O.
Does anyone know WHO these people are? Please let us know if you can identify them! These Australian representatives may well be about to sign your sovereignty over to the W.H.O. resulting in mandatory vaccinations and lockdowns that the Aussie Government will not have a say in. #AusExit #ExitTheWHO #ausexitswho #StopTheWHO
Forwarded from AustraliaExitsTheW.H.O.
Good morning, we have a subscription form linked to the website here you will not only receive important updates, but also receive links to a weekly zoom meeting on a Thursday night involving professionals within their field. Last week we had Professor Robyn Cosford who spoke about longevity and developing a healthy lifestyle which does not require a Vax subscription.... This subscription does not fill your mailbox, infact there is only one or two emails sent per week.

Thankyou Luke 🙏
Forwarded from Stand-Up Australia
One of the community organisations that has arisen, one could say, out of the ashes of the last couple of years, is CoVision.

CoVision is all about moving ahead, creating solutions and inspiring new Cooperative Cohesive Communities. It is "calling on everyone who is ready to transform their talents, time and resources into a cohesive assembly of solutions that will unlock our potential and create thriving and connected communities."

If you haven't done so, check their website out
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Community Connect Groups - Webinar Coming Up - Tuesday 14th March @8pm AEDT!

We are very excited to announce our first Community Connect Webinar where Ruby Jannsen and Peter Harris, the founders of Stand Up, will take you through what the Community Connect Groups are all about and how you can get involved. If you've already been in touch, you should have received an invite separately but you can also register for free here.

For an overview of Community Connect you can read more here.
Forwarded from Stand-Up Australia
Today we are featuring Hannah Bennett's community story. Some of you may remember Hannah, one of our panel members on our January Homeschooling Made Easy webinar.

Thanks Hannah for your beautiful contribution to Stand Up's 31 Days of Community
Forwarded from Stand-Up Australia
Before 2020 I would host workshops and screenings to try to help people make better health choices and to be the best they could as parents through my doula work. Family being the core of society or community and family being so broken as a concept, this is a huge passion of mine.
In 2018 we hosted the president and vice president of the AVN to show a screening of Robert Kennedy Jnr Gardisil.
In 2020 when everything quickly became apparent that something dodgy was at play, I started running workshops with guest speakers to empower people to make choices for their health that supports good immune function etc
Then I started running rallies...they grew from 60-100-200 to 1000 in our small country town of 37000 people.
There was a lot of push back and anger from the wider community who still lived in fear so I hosted gatherings at ours so people knew they weren't alone and were connected.
Regularly we had up to 70 seated for presentations on the science or up to 200 for informal parties to just be connected and share resources and food etc.

We started a LETS system (local exchange and trade service) with a directory, we established protocols for detoxing and wrote an ebook to help people be ready, we learnt how to can food, kill a chook and get it ready, just all sorts. It's been really hard to battle what the world has thrown at us, and at times even organsing all this I have felt the overwhelm and the angst, but with our village it has been better, I've made so many friends and feel very connected and I hope that through it all people have felt supported and not alone.
There's more to come but currently I'm working on a podcast with off grid living, detoxing and our first season on how to educate kids at home and that is starting to build an online community as well which is amazing.

Hannah Bennett - WA
Forwarded from Stand-Up Australia
Thanks Michelle 💛
"While I’ve always enjoyed a busy social life and had many long standing friendships, I often found myself holding back and not speaking my truth. I had views on local and global issues, thoughts on how society could operate for the betterment of all, and the intrusion of government in our lives - that less government was better government, all of which rarely fully aligned with the views of my circle of friends. I just accepted that I was different.
Since 2020 that has changed dramatically. Many of those long standing friendships are no longer (for which I still have very mixed feelings), and in place of those relationships I now have new ones where I can be my most authentic self. It has been a revelation, and an unexpected gift from what has been a very challenging 3 years. From this experience I’ve learned what community means, how it feels to sit amongst like minded people, how it feels to know I’m not alone, strange, or don’t fit. What an amazing gift!"

We want to hear from YOU.
Forwarded from Vaccine Choice Australia
We’re embarking on a new project with a group of incredible leaders in the medical & activism space, and we’re looking for your help!
Who are we? We’ll become an umbrella group for leading vaccine choice and vaccine injury groups across Australia. Our intention is to create a platform where all of these groups can come together, retain their autonomy and have their work enhanced by their fellow members through support and cooperation. Precious resources will be shared in a giving spirit and we trust that this unity will lead to the creation of high quality and high impact projects.
We’ll be seeking funding from various interested parties, however for now we’re pooling resources, ideas and support to get this project off the ground. If you would like to support our project with a logo submission, we look forward to hearing from you.
Our current name is Health Round Table, however we’re open to ideas that might better represent our identity & vision.
Forwarded from Vaccine Choice Australia
If you would like to contribute to this 👆🏼ambitious and important project with a submission, we very much look forward to hearing from you.
Please email any questions, or your submission to

Thank you for your continued support. We are looking forward to a very busy 2023 with many new projects and programmes in the pipeline, and we couldn’t and wouldn’t embark on them without you 💛
In Part 1, Robyn Chuter was discussing why masks don't prevent viral respiratory illnesses.

In Part 2 of Robyn's 3-part series, she summarises again (she has written many articles on both topics previously) why influenza vaccines AND the so-called covid19 'vaccines' (in fact they are not even a vaccine) don't prevent infection with, or transmission of, the influenza or the sars-cov-2 viruses.

Even Fauci is agreeing with Robyn Chuter now. WHAT? you might think. Are we talking about the same person here? Yes, we are.

But have a read for yourself and find out (if you don't know already) what we can easily do to maintain our health or produce the required antibodies that prevent respiratory diseases without having to inject ourselves with either of those 'vaccines'.
Forwarded from Stand-Up Australia
As our country spirals into chaos at the hands of political and economic leaders there is great hope. Us, the people.

The way forward is working together in our communities to build a new world by standing-up and doing what is right.

A world that is sustainable, respectful of what we have been given to care for and one that cares about the next person and generation.

This is not a time for fear, this is a time for strength and commitment to building a new future.

Let’s inform, empower, connect and activate one another to enable change to sweep through a system that has betrayed the people it was designed to serve.

Join us on March 14 at 8pm AEDT for the launch of Stand-Up Australia’s Community Connect program.

This is a free event and a recording will be sent to all who register.
Forwarded from Stand-Up Australia
Round Table Discussion on Community!!!

Live Webinar and Q & A with a number of Community Group Leaders from around Australia.

Save the date - 30 March 2023 @8pm AEDT.

Details coming soon.
An urgent reminder to submit your response to the WA government before the 16th of March on how well you think their Covid ‘pandemic’ response was. 👇👇👇
Forwarded from Vaccine Choice Australia
The West Australian government is inviting feedback on its Covid response
An opportunity to STAND UP and be heard!

Here is Rebekah Barnett's substack article on the matter, which explains how and where to submit your response to and her take on the measures.

You have until 16 March to put your feedback in writing to the independent review of WA’s pandemic management and response. You can add to Rebekah's thoughts or submit your own.

Thanks Rebekah for pulling this together 🙏 Now it's on YOU to share with the WA Premier what you really think about the WA's Government's Covid response.

Everyone can submit their response. They don't have to be a WA resident. Go people 💪
Last night the Australian Human Rights Commission launched its proposed model for establishing a national Human Rights Act for Australia.

Australia is the only liberal democracy that does not have a bill or charter of rights at the national level, and people’s human rights are not very well protected in Australian law.

A Human Rights Act would create legal protections for the fundamental rights of all people in Australia, and avenues for redress if their rights are breached.This model would increase the responsibility that governments have to fully consider how their laws, policies, and actions might affect people’s human rights.

It would also provide opportunities for people to challenge administrative decisions that infringe their human rights.

Detailed model:

#advocacy #advocate #awareness #community #support #disability #law #justice #empowerment #children #humanrights