Vaccine Choice Australia
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Join us to stand up for medical freedom in Australia. 💛
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The team at Stand Up Australia is wishing everyone a peaceful and relaxing Easter break. Take the time to remind yourself what’s and who’s important to you and spend time with your loved ones if possible.
It’s important we take some time out and also find our inner peace to recharge our batteries so we can continue to stand up and build the world we want. 💛💛💛
Forwarded from Stand-Up Australia
Excellent podcast with our host Mitch and regular guest speaker Robyn Chuter who dissect current Australian and international MSM news and give you their take on what's happening in the world.

Today on the show…

👉 The WHO no longer recommends vaccination for children, AstraZeneca vaccine discontinued in Australia & the Australian Newspaper finally admits that all covid 'vaccines' are neither safe nor effective
👉 Dan Andrews slams the Liberal Party as “bigotted” after losing the first by-election in 100 years
👉 Lord McGowan re-introduces Covid-style police checkpoints under the guise of cracking down on illegal drugs and bikies.
👉 Major Australian bank stops handling cash at certain branches
👉 RFK Jr throws his hat in to the ring for the democrats, Trump indicted in Manhattan while the QAnon shaman is released 14 months early
Robyn Chuter is providing insight in this article on another childhood vaccine that doesn't hold what it promises.
Surprised anyone?
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We’ve been receiving thank you emails from our COMMUNITY ROUND TABLE speakers, and it’s wonderful to see they got as much out of the webinar as the attendees did 💫
Special thanks to Dan Hanson of The Community Solution for his kind words. He’s absolutely right; collaboration, communication, and support makes the difference between living and thriving. Let’s thrive together! 💛

Our next round table will bring this month’s theme of FINANCIAL WELLBEING to its conclusion with a group of people who have different approaches to financial wellbeing, nevertheless have achieved it. Stay tuned for more information!
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It’s time for our fortnightly zoom catch up for COMMUNITY CONNECT again 💙
See you online at 8pm AEST, register below if you haven’t already registered.

Peter will be introducing our newly appointed National Community Connect Coordinator during the call, and we’ll share info on some great upcoming events 🌟💫 Hope to see you online with us!
Forwarded from Stand-Up Australia
Only one week to go for our webinar with Warren Black from Global Wealth Club💥
Learn how to set up legal structures such as trusts, companies, a foundation or whatever is appropriate for your situation. This way, you get more control over your money (instead of giving it to the government), potentially slash your taxes, and keep your assets safe from the government’s greedy hands.
Who doesn’t want to learn how to safeguard their assets?!

Click on the link below for more information and to register…and see you online this time next week 🌟💛
"The WHO thinks there's a 'vaccine crisis'" is the title of one of Robyn Chuter's latest articles.

As usual, you are up for a treat when Robyn dissects document's like the WHO's 'Vaccine Crisis Communication Manual'.
Forwarded from Ling
Forwarded from Vaccination Decisions
Here is a brilliant video describing the reason why Australian politicians have committed treason against the people. They are promoting false and misleading health information from companies and individuals that receive financial rewards for the information they are providing. And the media that is also financially rewarded by the medical industry through sponsorship, then crucifies academics with PhD’s (aka specialists in their field of knowledge) for telling you the truth about the academic literature. What value is there in going to an Australian university if the university logo is denigrated by newspaper reporters without any scientific knowledge? This prevents academics and doctors from speaking up on issues of health (life and death) because they are discredited and reputations destroyed for their efforts. Aka a medical mafia exists in Australia without any accountability for lying journalists or politicians.
Forwarded from Vaccination Decisions
The fake COVID pandemic is a repeat of history. Please read this history on polio below to understand the formula that the medical industry uses to create the illusion of a pandemic with changes to diagnostic criteria and surveillance of cases in the population. You are being played and we are losing our freedom because of this medical fraud.
Forwarded from CRAIG KELLY - Keeping the bastards honest. (Craig Kelly MP)
Media is too big

We owe it to all humanity to ensure that we are NOT going to let them get away with it.

We owe it to those killed by Covid that were intentionally denied access to any early treatment - and later pumped with REMDESIVIR.

We owe it to those crippled & killed by the greatest lie of all time - "safe & effective"

We owe it those that will continue to suffer in the years ahead from ill-advised & politically motivated lockdowns, mask & injection mandates.

We owe it to those that tried to raise the alarm, but we’re censored, bullied, vilified and lost their jobs.

We owe it to those that had their careers and livelihoods destroyed because they would not submit to the narrative.

For if we let them get away with it - they will come again with greater vengeance than before.

DR. TESS LAWRIE : It Was Planned, Executed Openly, Ongoing: "Don't let them get away with it. Don’t let them get away with it. Don’t let them get away with it."
Forwarded from Stand-Up Australia
This fab event is happening tomorrow night!
We’re very excited to see so many registrations already, it’s clearly a topic on many people’s radar.
Don’t forget to email any questions you might have for Warren ahead of time, and we’ll make sure they’re answered.

Learn how to set up legal structures such as trusts, companies, a foundation or whatever is appropriate for your situation. This way, you get more control over your money (instead of giving it to the government), potentially slash your taxes, and keep your assets safe from the government’s greedy hands.
Who doesn’t want to learn how to safeguard their assets?!
Click on the link below for more information and to register…and see you online tomorrow night 🌟💛
Forwarded from Stand-Up Australia

This fab event is starting in 90 minutes!

Learn how to set up legal structures such as trusts, companies, a foundation or whatever is appropriate for your situation. This way, you get more control over your money (instead of giving it to the government), potentially slash your taxes, and keep your assets safe from the government’s greedy hands.
Who doesn’t want to learn how to safeguard their assets?!
Click on the link below for more information and to register…and see you online tomorrow night 🌟💛
Forwarded from Stand-Up Australia
One of our dear friends and Stand Up volunteers, Giselle, and her family are grieving the loss of a young family member. We are heartbroken for them and would like to ask, if you are in a position to support them financially please consider sending a small donation via this link. Giselle has been a huge support and has always been there to help out wherever she can for Stand Up and many other organisations. This family has already been through so much the last few years and we want to send our love and support. 💛
Jonathan Otto, creator and host of the BRAND NEW, 9-Episode NEW HOPE docuseries shares his Episode 3: DETOXIFY: Top Natural Protocols & Repurposed Treatments to Reverse COV1D-Related Chronic Diseases & Vaxx Injuries

"Inside Episode 3, you will hear how to HEAL AT HOME…If you’re dealing with Long C0V!D, vaxx injuries, or chronic diseases – Get help directly from our leading health experts who reveal the disease-reversing treatments that are successfully achieving life-saving recoveries in their OWN patients!"

You will also hear from Gloria Sharlein's, who has gone through a two-year intense health struggle that she experienced as a result of the Pfizer jabs…and how it greatly impacted her closest relationships, especially with her daughter but also how those health protocols healed her. So she was keen to share her story to give other people hope.