Vaccine Choice Australia
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Join us to stand up for medical freedom in Australia. 💛
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In Part 1, Robyn Chuter was discussing why masks don't prevent viral respiratory illnesses.

In Part 2, of her 3-part series, she discussed (she has written many articles on both topics previously) why influenza vaccines AND the so-called covid19 'vaccines' (in fact they are not even a vaccine) don't prevent infection with, or transmission of, the influenza or the sars-cov-2 viruses. Even Fauci is agreeing with Robyn Chuter now.

In the final Part 3, Robyn discusses the latest findings on Merck’s antiviral drug molnupiravir (sold under the brand name Lagevrio) where she previously warned that it generated mutated versions of SARS-CoV-2 that were shed in recipients’ nose and throat secretions, and could potentially lead to new, transmissible variants of unknown virulence.
Forwarded from Stand-Up Australia
Tune in to our latest podcast from this week.

Today on the show…
👉 The Age says a shortage of fluoride in some Victorian towns water is causing tooth decay… or is it just a PR push by the government as damning evidence showing the toxicity of the chemical to forming brains is only months away from release in the USA

👉 RBA attempts to save the economy and run away inflation by raising interest rates again for the 10th time in as many months, pushing many lower and middle class home owners to their limit

👉 Problem - reaction - solution as Digital ID gets the green light from NSW and the federal government under the guise of protecting our privacy.. What could go wrong?

👉 Sling tackle cop has his case thrown out as Queensland looks at recruiting police from overseas to fill a gap in the market

👉 Backflips galore as Dominic PERROTET says covid vaccine is useless and various intelligence agencies in the US admit Sars-Cov-2 most likely came from a lab in Wuhan.

Find all the show notes on our website.
Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
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Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi receives a standing ovation and a hero's welcome in his hometown in Germany.

The legacy media has relentlessly smeared the retired University of Mainz microbiology professor for his public stance against COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

Forwarded from Stand-Up Australia
Here are a few generic definitions for "community"

👉 "the people living in one particular area or people who are considered as a unit because of their common interests, social group, or nationality" (Cambridge dictionary)

👉 "on social media, a group of people who have similar interests or who want to achieve something together" (Internet and Telecoms)

👉 "all the people who live in a particular area, or a group of people who are considered as a unit because of their shared interests or background" (American dictionary)

What does COMMUNITY mean to you?

Please share your story with us before the end of the month and we feature them on our social media channels.
Forwarded from Stand-Up Australia

A Live Webinar and Q&A with a number of Community Group Leaders from around Australia is planned for the end of the month. The line up is HUGE!

This is going to be dynamic round table discussion from some of the best known community founders and leaders across Australia. Amongst other things we'll be discussing how we can support each other and share valuable resources where possible, and you're invited to be part of the conversation. Save the date -
30 March 2023 at 8pm AEDST.
Hi @sam, this is another brilliant substack article published by Robyn. Has she sent this one to you yet? I noticed a couple of others she recently published. Would be great if we can get them up on our website in a timely manner and share them via or socials. Thanks
Forwarded from SECURE COMMS
GENTLE REMINDER: Nothing you view on Telegram or online will change your world.

That is only done by going inward and also focusing on your personal relationships.

Our lives are like a garden - and weeds will grow any time we stop paying attention.

We must CULTIVATE the life we want by paying conscious attention to the parts of our life we hope to see flourish.

Telegram is a great place to get informed and even be recharged - but real life is out there!

Forwarded from Dr. Tenpenny
Magnesium is crucial for the body's ability to produce and activate Vitamin D. It's required for the enzymes that convert Vitamin D to its active form. Without sufficient magnesium, Vitamin D levels can become depleted, even with adequate intake.
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Now published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature: "The mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous"

In case you missed it. Every health authority in the world should be warning the public about this. The paper was published Sept 21, 2022.
Forwarded from CoVision
Our CoVision nurses (we fondly refer to them as CoVision nightingales) are hitting the ground running with the health hubs. We are not waiting around for the total collapse of our health system before we act. We are taking the steps to look after you and set up the right processes to help you with setting up your Advanced Care Plans. So many exciting things coming up with dozens of workshops, our own herbal apothecaries, our own medicines, our own advanced first responder kits and training. If you want to stop complaining and start doing then join CoVision. Time to create solutions. The Advanced Care Plans are a critical part of understanding what medical care means to you and the limitations of that care. As a freedom loving community, our priority is not just our own health but caring for each other. So proud of our nightingales 🦢 All CoVisionaries would have been sent the relevant invitations. If you want to be part of our projects join here:
Forwarded from CoVision
Our thriving nightingales have called this workshop a triple whammy! And my it sure is! Our surprise nightingale who will present this workshop is not only a legend, she will blow you away with her knowledge and humour (she is funnier than me)- bio-resonance, EMF and mould! I am so excited I can’t contain myself! We are doing so much together and growing so fast. I am blessed to be in the presence of amazing achievers! Together we can do this. To be part of this you have to be a CoVision member, we screen everyone first. Our nightingales’ confidentiality means everything to us! It is important that we know you and you know us. This is how we grow.

Join CoVision to join our projects:
This is the speech from Queensland GP Dr Melissa McCann who spoke at a recent UAP event - the Covid 19 vaccines and effects tour - where US Dr Kory, Dr McCollough and other National and international speakers spoke on the topic.

Melissa McCann is one of the few Australian Doctors who had the courage to speak up after she has seen an increasing number of negative side effects in patients at her clinic and approached the TGA under the Freedom of information Act and found her worst fears confirmed.

It’s thanks to the courage of people like Dr McCann that the truth comes out. We must never forget that. 👊💛💛💛
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Now published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature: "The mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous"

In case you missed it. Every health authority in the world should be warning the public about this. The paper was published Sept 21, 2022.