vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty
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Elites STOLE ancient symbols representing hidden knowledge of ⚡️ 🧲 🧬 & the true nature of Light / Suppressed Biology & perverted those symbols.

Magnetism / Static Electricity Governs the Universe. Everything is Frequency! : Nikola Tesla

⚡️ϕ 🧲
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I hope everyone is enjoying spending much neededed time with family this weekend!

Don't forget to unplug & try your best to draw smiles & laughs from yourself by those who are capable of pulling them out of you, above anyone else on the planet.

It's medicine for yourself, as well as them. Your mental health is important now more than ever due to the battle of evil you've put yourself in. You see what no one else does & you face what others refuse to stand up to.

You FIGHT, so they don't have to in the future.

Let your family ease & restore your mental health as often as you can.

ϕ 🧲

Forwarded from @Revolution1621
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🔥I haven't heard POTUS mention "The Leaker" in any of his speeches before. He also used the pronoun “he” when mentioning the leak. 👀

In this country they leak all over the place—even in the Supreme Court. By the way you have to find the leaker of the Supreme Court. You have to find the leaker.

You know how you find the leaker? They’ll say this is treasonous what I said. So they can’t find the leaker. HE leaked all about Roe V. Wade. This person leaked from the Supreme Court— never happened…You know how you find? They don’t want to mention this because it’s so terrible. You take the writer, because you are never going to find.. they are going through phone records. It’s been a long time.

You take the writer and/or the publisher of the paper—a certain paper. You know. And you say ‘Who is the leaker?’ -National Security.. and they say ‘We’re not going to tell you.’
‘That’s ok. You’re going to jail.’ And when this person realizes that he is going to be the bride of another prisoner shortly he will say I’d very much like to tell you exactly who that leaker is!

Can you imagine? They leaked out of the Supreme Court—neverhappened. A thing like that never happened before.


Forwarded from The Patriot Voice (TPV John 🇺🇸)
It’s moments like the one that we just witnessed when the crowd started singing the National Anthem that remind me WHY we do this day in & day out. That is what it is ALL about.

What is MOST important to us as AMERICANS, the amazing freedoms that we hold dear & how TROUBLING it is to watch them go through our hands like sand, watching our country crumble.

At that moment…Ego, personalities, infighting & disagreements DID NOT MATTER.

All that mattered was UNITY for our movement.

Forwarded from TPV Reports 🇺🇸🚨 (@Revolution1621)
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“The CONCLUSION was no COLLUSION. That would be a tough one. If they wrote that for Biden that would be the end of their job. He’d still be trying to figure it out.”


Forwarded from Resistance Radio Media (@Revolution1621)
Media is too big
I pray that God is protecting this Warrior. This brings to mind Drop 572—“THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD. THE GREAT AWAKENING.

Mislav Kolakusic, a Croatian lawyer and politician who is also a member of the European Parliament has called out Pfizer and the President of the European Commision, known as “Mrs. 4.5 billion doses.”

No one in the world, except maybe two or three people knows what it contains.👀

“We are talking about corruption here. The procurement of 4.5 billion products, with the intention of injecting them into people without anyone knowing what is inside, is surely the biggest corruption affair in the history of mankind, not only in the history of the EU”🔥


Forwarded from vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty (vDarkness Falls)
Media is too big
"Magnetism is a thing that rules the Universe."

Every Atom is an Electro-Static dynamo, (magnet) that's an entirely correct statement & an undeniable fact.
⚛️ 🧲 ☯️

"Sound & Resonance is the source of creation.
Sound is the breath of the Creator & is the Prime Resonance Frequency & Source Code.'

"Sound & Resonance - The Breath of God. Sound manifests physical form"

Cymatics - Language / Biology of the Uni-verse -> One Song <- Frequency

Nikola Tesla : "Light can be NOTHING OTHER than Soundwaves in the Ether."

EVERYTHING around us is driven by Sound & Magnetic Fields.

🎶-Keys to unlocking our Ancient past & future.

satan can't create.
Which means NONE of this is the devil's work. It's ALL God's creational tools.

It's necessary to understand what satan has been manipulating to enslave humanity.

Michael Tellinger -
Sound, Resonance, Magnetism & The Nature Of Reality :

Find me on Truth Social.

ϕ 🧲

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Liz Cheney Says January 6 Committee Will NOT Allow Trump Testimony to Be Televised & Says He Will Testify Before Her Under Oath

It SHOULD be Televised, but they're afraid he'll expose the entire damn J6 Hoax.

They don’t want to have President Trump's answers recorded publicly. They want to be able to change what he says.

"Liz Cheney’s political career will soon be over. We will never again be subjected to this evil, soulless woman.

But before she goes Liz is itching to get Donald Trump to sit before her sham committee. The same committee that would not allow any legitimate Republicans to join out of fear they would expose all of the violent FBI and government operatives and call on Pelosi to explain why she refused the National Guard but set up a special camera crew to trail her that day."

ϕ 🧲



ϕ 🧲

If Elon buys Twitter, he'd own EVERY piece of intellectual property that goes with it.

Including the Data Servers.
What happens if Twitter's mainfraim servers are located at the CIA HQ in Langley?

Interwoven 🧬 into those servers would be EVERY piece of intelligence from every CIA / FBI / DoD station around the world.

Legally obtained (bought) data to be used in military world court. Every crime

Would we even need to push our government to declassify TRUTHS our citizens need to SEE, at that point?

Big Govnt would be Implicated in coup d'etat against President Trump - being run directly out of & at the behest of the CIA.
Hence the pushback

The Facebook / DARPA-Lifelog connection is well known. No reason to believe that Twitter is any different.


Find me on Truth Social.

ϕ 🧲

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All of you were silenced & kicked off Twitter for claiming :

The news is owned by the people they're supposed to be investigating & they're working against humanity.

Criminals in Big Pharma push poisons unto the masses via drinking water, foods, medicine, spraying our skies with chemicals & through vaccines, all so they can maximize profits over people.

CIA performs False Flags to push & pass unconstitutional legislation that restricts our rights as sovereign citizens.

The 2020 election was stolen from President Trump via coup d'etat orchestrated by the weaponized CIA & the Radical Left in collusion with Big Tech, Big Media & Hollywood.

The most powerful World Leaders, Hollywood celebrities, intelligence agencies, & Big Media are involved with the Clinton Foundation & are concealing the largest worldwide Child Trafficking ring in history

They keep us broke, working 2-3 jobs to keep us obliviously busy to hide ALL their crimes & now that we're awake, they hope we'll tire & leave...

ϕ 🧲

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The Masses Dancing / Marching to the Beat.

What happens when all of YOUR collective frequencies / voices, OVERPOWER the 'authoritative' voices of the powers that SHOULDN'T be, being projected on the masses?
Do the citizens then start marching to a different tune?

Freeing America, one enslaved mind at a time.

Are we Electric creatures, or are we Electro-Static creatures?

Why are we not taught about these things?
Energy is the occult cabal's foundation.
All [Their] symbolism are STOLEN ancient representations of it.

The genius electrical inventors that gave us 100% of our modern world, knew damn well for this to be the case.

"Electricity : Is Electricity a cover-story / conspiracy for Electro-Statics & their secrets?"

Find me on Truth Social.
We'll have more fun there together with President Trump running point.

ϕ 🧲

I don't like it.
What did Kanye West say about Kushner again? 🤔

ϕ 🧲

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Remember when Kim treated Kanye West - the most powerful black artist on the planet - like a bitch slave for billionaire white fashion mogul Peter Dundas, designer to Roberto Cavalli, by holding his plate of ribs & fries?

Didn't Peter do a lot of work with Naomi Campbell who was alleged to be involved in Epstein’s Child Trafficking Rings?

Photos & Flight logs show her traveling frequently with Epstein, Ghislaine, fashion mogul Jean Luc Brunel & underage girls.

Ye needs to look deep within himself & see this video for exactly what it is & why they're laughing at him. They view themselves as being ABOVE him.

When you have ALL the money in the world, you can no longer get thrills from buying fancy things. You have to get it in other ways. Kim Kardashian is a psychotic narcissist that takes pleasure in controlling other people.
To the world, Kanye is a mega star.
To Kim, he's a mouse in her claws.

You aren't a slave.
You aren't a celebrity toy for elites.
Spill the Tea!

ϕ 🧲

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"Future Proves Past"

The War That Never Ended.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't terrified of what's to come. Whether it be bad, or good. We can't picture the "good life".

We can't picture life any other way other than the way it's always been.

People are terrified of change. It's why they stay at the dead end job they always threaten to leave. They get locked into certain mental & physical cycles & it becomes extremely difficult to find the courage to break free of them.

Get up for work at a specific time.
Make coffee, shower, shave & dress. Leave at a specific time. Drive home at a specific time. Cook dinner at a specific time. Give the kids a bath at a specific time. Watch TV at a specific time. Go to bed at a specific time.

We are creatures of ritualistic habbit & envisioning a utopian paradise is impossible because we don't have a parallel comprehension of what that could even mean or be like.

We all want change but we don't even know what we wanna change into or where to start.

The Great Reset
Forwarded from vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty (vDarkness Falls)
Media is too big
Robert Welch, Founder Of The John Birch Society's 1958 Speech Describing The NWO / Illuninatti Playbook To Destroy America

Welch concluded the real puppet masters, whom Welch came to call simply “the Insiders”, were a massive cabal of cultural & financial elites, the globalist power brokers of the Bilderberg Group, the grand strategists of the Council of Foreign Relations, & their obliging injected surrogates in the mainstream press.

"His John Birch Society is a self-described conservative advocacy group supporting anti-communism & limited government. It has been described as a radical right & far-right organization. The organization supports limited government & opposes wealth redistribution & economic interventionism. It opposes collectivism, totalitarianism, anarchism & communism. It opposes socialism as well, which it asserts is infiltrating U.S. governmental administration."

Find me on Truth Social.

ϕ 🧲

Media is too big
Hillary Clinton claims the Republican party is engaged in a conspiracy plot to rig the 2024 presidential race, claiming that the GOP is "literally" planning to steal that election from voters.

Hillary Clinton made the declaration last week in a video uploaded to social media. Addressing "Indivisibles," or members of the far-left Indivisible political action movement, Clinton broached a topic she claimed was "keeping me up at night."

You know what keeps ME up at night, Hillary? All your child trafficking connections. Your sick sadistic friend's art in his home. Your satanic emails released by Wikileaks. The fact that you're extremely good at distracting human conciousness from those very important subjects & convincing the brainwashed masses that you're human.

"Right-wing extremists already have a plan to literally steal the next presidential election and they’re not making a secret of it," she said in the video, which she retweeted on her own Twitter timeline".

Demon witch.

ϕ 🧲

Forwarded from vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty (vDarkness Falls)
Media is too big
Truth in movies

"You created a flu that sparked the demand for a vaccine that doesn't work. You created a panic & now everyone's begging for a vaccine."

"Yes, & now we have exectly what we want. Hundreds of Millions of Americans lining up, offering us their arms, & letting us give them our creation."

Plot :

*Convince the world's population that there is an outbreak of a deadly new virus

*Once convinced of the narrative of the faux-pandemic, announce to the public the creation of a new vaccine

*Through coordination between global elites & non-governmental organizations, (Private companies) governments move quickly to inject the world's population with this "vaccine"

*Once the population is injected, the vaccine is designed to sterilize almost all of those people that take it, causing the global population to drop from 7.8 billion to about 500 million

GMO's / Estrogen in food to target developing brains of young boys & pushing Trans-Genda is also pop control. They don't procreate.

ϕ 🧲

vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty
Truth in movies "You created a flu that sparked the demand for a vaccine that doesn't work. You created a panic & now everyone's begging for a vaccine." "Yes, & now we have exectly what we want. Hundreds of Millions of Americans lining up, offering us their…
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Predictive programming in the same movie.

Operation Paperclip comes to mind.
Replace 9/11 with WWII.

"After 9/11 the US Govnt recruited a group of scientists who helped beat the rest of the world with biological warfare. We don't necessarily want to USE the diseases, we just want to have them more than everyone else.

What we didn't know, was nested in this group was rogue scientists who took our info, resources & went global. You know how much money is to be made in precision biological warfare? A weapon that can target people with complete deniability.

Target people by race, ethnicity, drop a virus on a communion wafer. Target by religion. Weave a virus into tampons to target by gender. That's what's being perfected & it's worth billions & billions to the highest bidder."

ϕ 🧲

Media is too big
Tom Hanks-Rockefeller
Savannah Guthrie
Matt Lauer

"This virus, the worldwide plauge, if I had the flu shot this year, does that cover me from this thing"

"Idk there might be a conspiracy to GIVE you the virus when you get the shot"

Proceeds to talk about Malthusianism Theory, the idea that "Population growth is potentially exponential while the growth of the food supply or other resources is linear, which eventually reduces living standards to the point of triggering a population die off.

Malthusianism has been linked to a variety of political & social movements, but almost always refers to advocates of population control."

Nice play of the word Triage too:
A system used to allocate a scarce commodity, such as food, only to those capable of deriving the greatest benefit from it.
- A process in which things are ranked in terms of importance or priority. Sounds very 'Hunger Games' to me.

Savanah :
"Beautiful places -> 9th circle of hell"

Tom's "Inferno" - Virus movie 😳

ϕ 🧲
