V2Fly - Notification and Updates, V2Ray the second new
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Notifications & Updates from community mainternors for Project V

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In the upcoming release, we are adding support for a new transport: meek. It is highly censorship resistant by converting stream into plain HTTP request/responses, allowing it to be reflected by any service that can relay HTTP request/responses.

在下个版本中将包含新传输协议 meek 。此协议可以将连接转换为一般 HTTP 请求回复, 以期使用任何支持转发 HTTP 请求的服务来转发 meek 连接,无需再担心 IP 被封锁, WebSocket CDN 被阻碍的问题。这个协议的速度很有限,不求跑满万兆带宽,只愿送抵万金家书。
v5.7.0 User Preview is released. (unstable version)

New Features
meek transport: plain HTTP request/response based transport. Its traffic can be forwarded by any service that can forward HTTP traffics.
v5.9.0 User Preview is released. (stable version)
New Features
Tun service: It allows the creation of tun interface that accept network packet and convert them to stream based traffic. This is an alternative method of transparent proxy. It is supported on arm64 and amd64 version of Linux operating system.
uTLS h2 transport support.
v5.10.1 User Preview is released.
New Features
HTTPUpgrade transport: It is a reduced version of WebSocket Transport that can pass many reverse proxies and CDNs without running a WebSocket protocol stack. We have a questionnair ready for you once you tried to deploy it. It will help us improve this transport and V2Ray. 新功能:HTTPUpgrade 传输协议,精简版 WebSocket 免去使用Websocket 协议栈的同时还能继续被反向代理CDN转发。在您尝试部署后欢迎填写问卷反馈体验帮助 V2Ray 改进。问卷支持中文。
There was some transient(hopefully) instability of GitHub that shows a 404 result for some of V2Ray/Fly's repo, however, do not panic, we are here to stay and stand with you. 目前GitHub出现了一些临时(但愿) 的异常以至于V2的仓库出现404无法访问异常。不要惊慌,因为我们不屈不渝,与你同在!
v5.12.0 User Preview is released. (unstable version)
New Features
Shadowsocks2022 Client Support
Apply DomainStrategy to outbound target
Add DomainStrategy to JSONv5 outbound
Notice of Behavior Changes of domain-list database

Starting release 20240221053250 of v2fly/domain-list-community, geolocation-!cn no longer includes tld-!cn as changed by commit d59e0d4.
We are planning to release a security update. Please update your configuration to work with v5.13.0 version to receive the security update when it is published. Be aware as an open source project, the vulnerability is disclosed as soon as the fix is released.
v5.14.0 User Preview

## Security Update
• Fixed an encrypted traffic's malleable vulnerability that allow integrity corruption by an attacker with privileged network position to silently drop a segment of traffic from an encrypted traffic stream. Thanks Ellis Fenske for reporting this vulnerability.

-----> ⚠️ Important Message ⚠️<-----
This update includes security fix recommended for all users.
-----> ⚠️ 重要消息 ⚠️<-----