UzDev Jobs – IT Jobs
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IT вакансии (IT Jobs) Узбекистана

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Требуется Мобильный разработчик ANDROID
Заработная плата: от 5 млн

Занятость Полная занятость

Разработка всей кодовой базы для мобильных приложений Android с использованием последних технологий и подходов.
Написание своих кастомных view.
Написание unit и integration тестов;

Основные требования:
Опыт мобильной разработки Android приложений от 1х лет;
уверенное знание Java/Kotlin и Android SDK;
понимание шаблонов проектирования и умение их применять;
опыт профилирования приложений;
Владеете английским языком на уровне понимания технической литературы.

Условия работы:
Работа в крупной, стабильной, динамично развивающейся Компании, которая занимается лидирующее положение в своем сегменте рынка;
Дружный коллектив;
Официальное трудоустройство;
Стабильная заработная плата с дальнейшим ростом;
График работы: 5/2 с 9:00 до 18:00.
Час перерыва на обед (за счет компании).
Работа в просторном офисе в Ташкенте:

Телеграм: @afarman0v

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#pm #remote #fulltime
Project Manager
$1000 - $2000


Understanding and managing the backend and frontend teams.

Accountable for all aspects of project management including all project resource planning and scheduling; risk and scope management; communications and status reporting.

Lead and motivate cross-functional teams and interact with all levels of team members. 

Assign and monitor work of technical personnel, ensuring that project steps are in alignment with business objectives, on-time and within budget. 

Create a method of change management including ownership of a documentation, communication plans, process training, etc. 

Establish, plan, and execute major milestone reviews


* Good Technical knowledge and degree
* Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English (!) 
* Ability to interact professionally with a diverse group through conference calls. 
* 2-4 years of Project Management experience 
* Deep understanding of Software Development Lifecycle, including gathering and defining requirements, creating user stories, and maintaining documentation 
* Experience building a strong relationship with team members 

Условия работы:
* Flexible schedule - you can work remotely  
* Interesting projects from clients across the globe 
* Work with the talented global team that brings a unique outlook to our team

(HR Team) 
Telegram id: @HR_Chowis

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#kokand #react developer
Teacher (преподаватель)

City: Qo’qon (office Full-time, part-time)

Required to have:
- Confident knowledge of frontend development
- Strong knowledge of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
- Strong knowledge of React, React Native, Redux
- Portfolio in the field of web development
- Ability to listen, communicate, punctuality
- Fluency in English

What we do offer:        
Official employment.
Friendly and perspective team
Performance bonus

Salary: ~1.500.000 + bonus

Contact: @bridge_k
PhoneN : 90 855 8885

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#Hiring #account #manager #NY #remote
Applied Labs is looking for an Project (Account) Manager
: $1000-1500
Location: 100% remote job, but we have an office in Tashkent, if you feel comfortable working from the office.
All stages of recruitment are carried out remotely by calling a video (Zoom).

You will need to have:

- Bachelor's Degree (direct industry experience can be substituted)
- Experience in IT services account management is highly preferable
- Proven success in a metrics driven environment
- Client-centered mentality and passion for customer service
- Ability to relate to a variety of people and sustain meaningful relationships
- Ability to anticipate client needs and take initiative to satisfy them
- Strong motivation to achieve results and meet goals
- Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and maintain a sense of urgency
- Self-motivated and achieve goals
- Obsessed with creating great experiences for our clients
- Outside the box thinkers

What will you do?

- Foster and maintain valuable relationships with current MSP clients
- Ensure the satisfaction of our client facilities through proactively meeting their IT service needs
- Work in a fast-paced environment and maintain a sense of urgency
- Strive for continuous improvement and career advancement

We offer:

- Flexible office policy - You can work from wherever you want or from our cozy office in Tashkent. You can even combine both - few days in the office and a few days remote
- 5/2 work week, 8 hours a day (you are expected to be available for communication between 18:00 to 23:00 Tashkent time, as you'll be working with the US team located in New York)
- Official employment in accordance with Uzbekistan's Labor Laws
- Frequent team-building activities and internal hackathons
- Health insurance
- English courses
- Group exercises
- Reimbursement for sport.

To apply for this position, please fill out the application form here:

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#SysOps #DevOps #middle #remote
Applied Labs is looking for a DevOps Engineer
: $1000-3000
Location: 100% remote job, but we have an office in Tashkent, if you feel comfortable working from the office.

All stages of recruitment are carried out remotely by calling a video (Zoom).

# You will need to have:

- Proven experience of minimum 2 years as SysOps/DevOps engineer
- Experience at the linux command line, including system-level debugging and networking
- Experience with public and private cloud platforms (Azure, AWS, Google)
- Experience with infrastructure automation tools such as Terraform, Bosh, Chef, Ansible or Capistrano
- A strong understanding of networking fundamentals including DNS, load balancing, proxies and firewalls
- A solid understanding of the modern software development lifecycle (SDLC) processes such as Continuous Integration and Delivery
- A [team player]( with excellent communication skills
- Analytical thinking and problem-solving capability
- Great attention to detail and time-management skills

# We would love to see:

- Experience managing web scale infrastructure using modern technologies and DevOps principles
- Experience with Docker and Kubernetes
- Expertise in analyzing and troubleshooting large-scale distributed systems
- Knowledge of network and application performance analysis using standard UNIX tools/

# Benefits we offer:

- Flexible office policy - You can work from wherever you want or from our cozy office in Tashkent. You can even combine both - few days in the office and few days remote.
- 5/2 work week, 8 hours a day
- Official employment in accordance with Uzbekistan's Labor Laws
- You are expected to be available for communication between 18:00 to 23:00 Tashkent time (because you'll be working with the US team located in New York)
- Frequent team-building activities and internal hackathons
- Frequent team-building activities and internal hackathons;
- Health insurance;
- English courses;
- Group exercises;

To apply for this position, please feel out the application form here:

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#devops #junior #remote
SelloPay - требуется Junior DevOps инженера.

Опыт работы от 1 года, полная занятость, удалённая работа.

- Умение работать в командной строке Linux;
- Контейниризация: Docker;
- Знание синтаксиса Bash;
- Веб-сервер(прокси): NGINX или Apache;
- Базовые представления о работе веб-сервисов и протоколов TCP/IP, HTTP;
- Опыт работы с БД: MySQL или PostgreSQL
- Английский (на уровне чтения тех.документации);

- Официальное трудоустройство по ТК РУз;
- График работы 5/2, 09:00-18:00;
- офис в центре Ташкента;
- Заработная плата от 300$ по итогам собеседования;

Контакты для связи:
Телеграмм: +998 93 980 28 28

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В команду крупной Sales Doctor Solutions IT компанию нужен:
(Наш сайт:
PHP-программист (Yii)

• Опыт разработки веб-проектов на PHP не менее 2 лет;
• PHP 5/7 (Yii);
• MySQL;
• JavaScript, HTML, CSS;
• Опыт работы с Git;
• Умеет читать чужой код, и сам тоже пишет чистый понятный код
• Наличие портфолио

Плюсы работы с нами:
• Много интересных и нестандартных задач
• Адекватная зарплата от 7.000.000 –до 15 000 000
• График работы 09:00-18:00 (или 10:00-19:00)
• Работа с профессиональной командой, перспективы роста
• Бесплатный обед, тимбилдингы, корпоративные отдыхи и путешествие, обучение
• Адрес офиса: г. Ташкент, Юнусабад 2 квартал, 25 дом
• Официальное трудоустройство по ТК РУз

Контактное лицо - Юлдуз
Телеграм: @hr_japan

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#php #laravel #vuejs #fullstack
PHP developers, minimum 1 200 USD
Required 3+ years of experience

Zuccotech is looking for Laravel PHP full-stack developers.
About the project:
The platform is an Ad-desk integrated with the publishers’ ad servers, CRM, and payment systems. The main customers/users of the system are Publishers and small and medium advertisers who want to market their business among web, mobile, and print units. Publishers are Media owners and SMB are direct advertisers and various digital agencies, and sales companies.

Required skills:
- 3+ years of experience in PHP development
- Solid experience with Laravel Framework
- Good Front-end development skills (JavaScript, jQuery, Vue.js)
- Strong OOP and design patterns knowledge
- Solid experience with MySQL (MariaDB)
- Experience with Git and GitFlow
- Understanding of CI concepts (TeamCity, Jenkins)
- Knowledge of Amazon Web Services
- Intermediate level of spoken and written English/Russian

- Code, develop unit and integration tests, debug, document, implement, and maintain portions of software
- Promote good design principles, such as code reuse, modularity, and extensibility
- Provide assistance to test engineers and support personnel in solving technical issues of software installation and its operation
- Perform code review for compliance with the best engineering practices, coding standards, and quality criteria set forth on the project
- Continuously participate in technical risks identification and analysis, immediately notify the Project Manager of new risks identified, and suggest a mitigation strategy
- Report status and progress according to the project and company demands
- Contribute to the creation of technical specifications
- Participate in estimation and planning sessions

We offer:
- Official full-time employment
- 5-day work, from 10:00 to 19:00 in the office
- Remote work or at office
- Minimum salary is $1200 and may be discussed based on interview results
- Probation period is 3 months

Send CV to rustam[at]
Call number: +998 90 947 5079
Telegram: @rustamqwert

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#react xalqaro kompaniyasiga Middle/Senior JavaScript (React) dasturchi kerak.

Ish haqi:
10 800 000 UZS - 37 800 000 UZS (1000$ - 3500$)

- HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 4, Tailwind CSS
- JavaScript, ES6-ES9, Axios,
- React.js, Redux/Mobx, Storybook, Next.js
- Git, GitHub, Yarn, Webpack, RESTful API, Postman
- Ingliz tili (stackoverflowni o'qish darajasida)
- 2+ yil real proyektlardagi tajriba

- Zip24 kompaniyasida xalqaro platformalarida professional dasturchilar bilan ishlash
- Shahar markazida joylashgan qulay ofis va yuqori tezlikdagi internet
- Kompaniya hududida bepul tushliklar, cheksiz miqdorda sifatli kofe.
- Xalqaro proyektlar ustida ishlab kerakli tajriba va daromadga ega bo'lish imkoniyati

Biz haqimizda:
- «» – bu elektron tijorat sohasida logistika, yetkazmalar zanjiri va buyurtmani mijozgacha yetkazib berish bo‘yicha xizmatlar majmuini boshqarish SaaS B2B tizimi hisoblanadi.
- «» kompaniyasining shtab-kvartirasi BAA, Dubay shahrida joylashgan va u quyidagi proyektlar va kompaniyalarni o'z ichiga oladi:
- - Complete Delivery Management (DMS) platform
- - Warehouse Management System (WMS)
- - ALL-IN-ONE business management solution
- - Agile-oriented IT Company

Agarda bilimingiz va tajribangiz yetarli bo'lmasa, siz mazkur proyektlarda kerakli texnologiyalarni o'rgangan holda stajirovka (internship) o'tish imkoniga egasiz.

Stajirovka (Internship):
- Yuqorida ko'rsatilgan talablar va texnologiyalar bo'yicha 3+ oy real tajriba
- IELTS 5.5/TOEFL 46-59 total score yoki Rus tilini mukammal bilishi
- Yuqori mustaqil o'rgana olish va Effective Googling qobiliyati
- Internship uchun haftasiga kamida 30 soat ajrata olishi kerak.
- Muvaffaqiyatli yakunlaganlar kompaniyaga doimiy ishga qabul qilinadi.

CV yoki Resume yuborish:
HR Manager: Sarvar Salyamov
Telegram: @zip24HR

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#pm xalqaro kompaniyasiga Middle/Senior Project Manager dasturchi kerak.

Ish haqi:
10 800 000 UZS - 37 800 000 UZS (1000$ - 3500$)

- 1+ yil IT Project Manager sifatida tajriba
- 2+ to'liq yakunlangan Enterprise IT project
- 1+ yil Frontend yoki Backend sohasidagi tajriba
- Dasturchilar komandasini boshqarish tajribasi
- Ingliz tili yoki Rus tili mukammal bilishi

- Zip24 kompaniyasida xalqaro platformalarida professional dasturchilar bilan ishlash
- Shahar markazida joylashgan qulay ofis va yuqori tezlikdagi internet
- Kompaniya hududida bepul tushliklar, cheksiz miqdorda sifatli kofe.
- Xalqaro proyektlar ustida ishlab kerakli tajriba va daromadga ega bo'lish imkoniyati

Biz haqimizda:
- «» – bu elektron tijorat sohasida logistika, yetkazmalar zanjiri va buyurtmani mijozgacha yetkazib berish bo‘yicha xizmatlar majmuini boshqarish SaaS B2B tizimi hisoblanadi.
- «» kompaniyasining shtab-kvartirasi BAA, Dubay shahrida joylashgan va u quyidagi proyektlar va kompaniyalarni o'z ichiga oladi:
- - Complete Delivery Management (DMS) platform
- - Warehouse Management System (WMS)
- - ALL-IN-ONE business management solution
- - Agile-oriented IT Company

Agarda bilimingiz va tajribangiz yetarli bo'lmasa, siz mazkur proyektlarda kerakli texnologiyalarni o'rgangan holda stajirovka (internship) o'tish imkoniga egasiz.

Stajirovka (Internship):
- Yuqorida ko'rsatilgan talablar va texnologiyalar bo'yicha 3+ oy real tajriba
- IELTS 5.5/TOEFL 46-59 total score yoki Rus tilini mukammal bilishi
- Yuqori mustaqil o'rgana olish va Effective Googling qobiliyati
- Internship uchun haftasiga kamida 30 soat ajrata olishi kerak.
- Muvaffaqiyatli yakunlaganlar kompaniyaga doimiy ishga qabul qilinadi.

CV yoki Resume yuborish:
HR Manager: Sarvar Salyamov
Telegram: @zip24HR

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
Project (Account) Manager

Tashkent (100% remote. Work from wherever you want or from our office at C-Space coworking in Tashkent or combine both).

Salary: $1000-2000

About us: Applied Labs LLC ( is a successful product development and outstaffing (staff augmentation) company focused on providing a wide range of tech solutions to the US market. The company has offices in New York, London, Moscow, and Tashkent.

Core skills:

Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English;
2-4 years of Project Management experience;
Deep understanding of Software Development Lifecycle;
Experience managing detailed work across multiple work-streams;
Ability to become Subject Matter Expert (SME) on business domains;
Ability to analyze client needs and provide solutions;
Ability to effectively communicate and present data, analyses, and business recommendations.

We would like to see:

Attend and participate in conference calls
Conduct requirements analysis to determine the needs of a stakeholder or the feasibility/scope of solutions.
Process and business analysis and diagraming
Collaborate with key stakeholders to define the project phase plans
Document functional and other requirements based on customer or business partner feedback on moderately complex projects.
Develop and define requirements using best-practice techniques (interviews, document analysis, business process descriptions, use cases, prototyping, mock-ups, etc.).
Identify options for potential solutions, prioritize them based on business value, and present findings to client representatives.
Communicate complex and technical information to the client in business terms.
Document and manage requirements through the Agile Development Lifecycle.
Create Agile Sprints in JIRA and ensure the items are delivered on time

What we offer:

100% remote. Work from wherever you want or from our office at C-Space coworking in Tashkent or combine both;
Official employment;
5/2 work week. 8 hours a day;
Work with a team of IT professionals with an amazing experience.

Apply here:
The position is open for the residents of Uzbekistan only.

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#pm #education
Project Manager (educational program)

Tashkent (100% remote. Work from wherever you want or from our office at C-Space coworking in Tashkent or combine both).

Salary: $1000-$2000

About us: Applied Labs LLC ( is a successful product development and outstaffing (staff augmentation) company focused on providing a wide range of tech solutions to the US market. The company has offices in New York, London, Moscow, and Tashkent.
Under general supervision, the Education Project Manager will coordinate and manage the realization of the educational program of the company.

Key Responsibilities:

• Leading our contribution to the development of education projects by communicating with the Principals in Charge and Project Teams;
• Ensuring alignment and understanding of project scope and objectives with the Principals in Charge and Project Team at the local universities;
• Ensuring that project scope, requirements and approvals comply with current governance guidelines, best practices, and methodology;
• Monitoring scope requirements and identify scope-related gaps and issues;
• Ensuring that all project dependencies / linkages are identified and followed through;
• Ensuring that project schedules include all tasks and activities necessary to achieve project objectives.

You will need to have:

• Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English (!);
• At least two years of proven experience in an educational or similar project management role;
• Understanding and proven experience in a formal and/or informal educational setting;
• Leadership and management skills, including the ability to develop collaborative relationships both internally and externally;
• Ability to work collaboratively across multi-disciplined teams;
• Bachelor's Degree in IT Management, Business Management, Computer Science, Engineering or related field or strong track record proving the equivalent level of experience.

We offer

• Flexible office policy;
• 5/2 work week, 8 hours a day;
• Official employment in accordance with Uzbekistan's Labor Laws;
• Frequent team-building activities;
• Health insurance;
• English courses;
• Group exercises;
• Reimbursement for sport.

Apply here:

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
Applied Labs is looking for a React Developer

Tashkent (100% remote. Work from wherever you want or from our office at C-Space coworking in Tashkent or combine both).

Salary: $1000-2500

About us: Chatgenie is focused on changing IT landscape by bridging traditional ticketing workflows with real time conversational service delivery. We make use of deep integrations with leading communication platforms, ticketing systems, and other services to empower IT engineers with industry latest tools.

# We would love to see:
- Experience developing React Native apps for iOS and Android
- Experience with Electron to build apps for Windows and MacOS
- Experience with distributed systems
- Experience with AWS Cloud Services (Cloudfront/S3/Serverless)

# You will need to have:
- 2+ years experience building SPAs and scalable web applications
- Strong knowledge of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
- Strong knowledge of with React, React Native, Redux, & various build systems
- Proficient using Git
- Familiar with Agile methodologies
- Degree in Computer Science or related technology field
- Ability to listen, communicate, evaluate, problem solve, multi-task, and prioritize in a high-pressure, mission-critical, and rewarding team environment

What we offer:
• Flexible office policy - You can work from wherever you want or from our cozy office in Tashkent. You can even combine both - few days in the office and a few days remote;
• 5/2 work week, 8 hours a day (you are expected to be available for communication between 18:00 to 23:00 Tashkent time, as you'll be working with the US team located in New York);
• Official employment in accordance with Uzbekistan's Labor Laws;
• Frequent team-building activities and internal hackathons;
• Health insurance;
• English courses;
• Group exercises;
• Reimbursement for sport.

Apply here:

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
Applied Labs is looking for a Mid/Senior Front-End Developer

We're looking for a strong Mid to Senior Front-End Developer to join our e-Commerce team. In this role you'd be a part of rapidly expanding team with the headquarters and management in New York. As a Front-End e-Commerce Developer you'd be helping to build websites on Shopify for some of the leading brands in the US, such as Hugo Boss, O'Neil, Tommy Hilfiger and others. Additionally, you'd be using the latest front-end technologies and methodologies, while collaborating with team members that have a previous experience at leading corporations in North America and Europe.

City: Tashkent (100% remote. Work from wherever you want or from our office at C-Space coworking in Tashkent or combine both).

Salary: $1000-2000, depending on skills

About us: Applied Labs LLC ( is a successful product development and outstaffing (staff augmentation) company focused on providing a wide range of tech solutions to the US market. The company has offices in New York, London, Moscow, and Tashkent.

# What will you be doing?

- Train and earn your certificate on Shopify theme and app development
- Develop and maintain eCommerce websites on Shopify
- Develop websites using Headless CMS technologies that leverage JavaScript, ReactJS and VueJS
- Integrate third-party services (ERP, accounting, payment systems) using RestAPI or GraphQL
- Work with dedicated project managers on a daily basis to track your tasks and progress
- Communicate periodically with the technical team to make sure we're using the right methods and technologies for given tasks

# You will need to have:

- Good English. You'll be working directly with the American team, where communication is conducted only in English (both verbal and written)
- At least 3 years of active Front End Development experience
- Excellent experience with UI implementation on the web
- Solid understanding of CSS and ability to do complex styling
- Confident knowledge of plain vanilla JavaScript (ES2015 +)
- Solid experience with RestAPI, GraphQL and integrations in general
- Ability to work with Git
- Big bonus if you have experience with:
- Shopify
- React/Redux
- Working remotely with the US company

# We offer:

- Flexible office policy - You can work from wherever you want or from our cozy office in Tashkent. You can even combine both - few days in the office and a few days remote;
- 5/2 work week, 8 hours a day (you are expected to be available for communication between 18:00 to 23:00 Tashkent time, as you'll be working with the US team located in New York);
- Official employment in accordance with Uzbekistan's Labor Laws;
- Frequent team-building activities and internal hackathons;
- Health insurance;
- English courses;
- Group exercises;
- Reimbursement for sport.

# Apply here:

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#Hiring #account #manager #NY #remote
Applied Labs is looking for a Business Analyst (Account) Manager
: $1000-1500
Location: 100% remote job, but we have an office in Tashkent, if you feel comfortable working from the office.
All stages of recruitment are carried out remotely by calling a video (Zoom).

You will need to have:

- Bachelor's Degree (direct industry experience can be substituted)
- Experience in IT services account management is highly preferable
- Proven success in a metrics driven environment
- Client-centered mentality and passion for customer service
- Ability to relate to a variety of people and sustain meaningful relationships
- Ability to anticipate client needs and take initiative to satisfy them
- Strong motivation to achieve results and meet goals
- Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and maintain a sense of urgency
- Self-motivated and achieve goals
- Obsessed with creating great experiences for our clients
- Outside the box thinkers

What will you do?

- Foster and maintain valuable relationships with current MSP clients
- Ensure the satisfaction of our client facilities through proactively meeting their IT service needs
- Work in a fast-paced environment and maintain a sense of urgency
- Strive for continuous improvement and career advancement

We offer:

- Flexible office policy - You can work from wherever you want or from our cozy office in Tashkent. You can even combine both - few days in the office and a few days remote
- 5/2 work week, 8 hours a day (you are expected to be available for communication between 19:00 to 03:00 Tashkent time, as you'll be working with the US team located in New York)
- Official employment in accordance with Uzbekistan's Labor Laws
- Frequent team-building activities and internal hackathons
- Health insurance
- English courses
- Group exercises
- Reimbursement for sport.

To apply for this position, please fill out the application form here:

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#SysOps #DevOps #middle #remote
Applied Labs is looking for a DevOps Engineer
: $1000-3000
Location: 100% remote job, but we have an office in Tashkent, if you feel comfortable working from the office.

All stages of recruitment are carried out remotely by calling a video (Zoom).

# You will need to have:

- Proven experience of minimum 2 years as SysOps/DevOps engineer
- Experience at the linux command line, including system-level debugging and networking
- Experience with public and private cloud platforms (Azure, AWS, Google)
- Experience with infrastructure automation tools such as Terraform, Bosh, Chef, Ansible or Capistrano
- A strong understanding of networking fundamentals including DNS, load balancing, proxies and firewalls
- A solid understanding of the modern software development lifecycle (SDLC) processes such as Continuous Integration and Delivery
- A [team player]( with excellent communication skills
- Analytical thinking and problem-solving capability
- Great attention to detail and time-management skills

# We would love to see:

- Experience managing web scale infrastructure using modern technologies and DevOps principles
- Experience with Docker and Kubernetes
- Expertise in analyzing and troubleshooting large-scale distributed systems
- Knowledge of network and application performance analysis using standard UNIX tools/

# Benefits we offer:

- Flexible office policy - You can work from wherever you want or from our cozy office in Tashkent. You can even combine both - few days in the office and few days remote.
- 5/2 work week, 8 hours a day
- Official employment in accordance with Uzbekistan's Labor Laws
- You are expected to be available for communication between 18:00 to 23:00 Tashkent time (because you'll be working with the US team located in New York)
- Frequent team-building activities and internal hackathons
- Frequent team-building activities and internal hackathons;
- Health insurance;
- English courses;
- Group exercises;

To apply for this position, please feel out the application form here:

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#backend #laravel
В Центр по развитию ИКТ в сфере строительства требуется "Middle +" Back-end разработчик.

Требования к разработчику:
Опыт проектирования и разработки современных высоконагруженных веб-проектов
Умение писать SQL запросы и работа с MySQL, PostgreSQL
Oпыт работы с фреймворком Laravel
Знаниe принципов OOP
Опыт работы с Git

Наши условия:
Оформление согласно ТК РУз
График 5/2, с 09:00 до 18:00, современный офис недалеко от станции метро Алишер Навои
Заработная плата от 5,000,000 сум
Работа в перспективной, развивающейся центр
Молодой, амбициозный коллектив

Телеграм: @Stive323
Тел: 99 000-33-45

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#pm #product_owner
"Cyberspace Development Centre" - IT компания в ГК Artel. Мы специализируемся на внедрении инновационных IT решений для наших производств. В связи с началом нового проекта мы с поиске опытного Product owner/Project manager Odoo ERP (модуль Sales)!

Оклад на данной позиции: 15-25 млн сум после вычета налогов.

Что мы предлагаем:
- Работа в крупной, стабильной компании;
- Возможность принять участие в интересном амбициозном проекте;
- Адекватное руководство;
- Высокая белая заработная плата;
- Дружная, сплоченная и эффективная команда профессионалов;
- Возможность карьерного роста;
- Обучение за счет компании;
- Возможность профессионального и духовного роста;
- Полноценное здоровое питание за счет компании.

Что мы от Вас ожидаем:
- Высшее техническое (желательно IT) или экономическое образование желательно.
- Опыт внедрения любой ERP системы (модуль продаж).
- Опыт работы с системой ERP Odoo (большой плюс).
- Опыт формализации бизнес-требований для автоматизации бизнес-процессов.
- Понимание Business, Operating, Value Proposition Canvas методов.
- Опыт построения моделей данных или работы с такими моделями Entity Relationship Diagrams, Data Flow Diagrams, Data Dictionary.
- Знание программ Miro,, G-suite, MS Office (опытный пользователь), JIRA, Confluence.
- Владение английским языком на уровне intermediate, владение русским и узбекским языками обязательно;
- Ответственность, пунктуальность и внимательность к деталям.

Чем нужно будет заниматься:
- Описание и формализация бизнес-процессов компании, согласование со стейкхолдерами.
- Анализ и формализация требований заказчиков относительно аналитики и отчетности.
- Разработка технических требований для автоматизации бизнес-процессов.
- Внедрение ERP-системы (модуль продаж).
- Управление бэклогом продукта (ERP-системы).
- Проведение презентаций заказчику по новой функциональности продукта (ERP-системы).
- Консультации пользователей по функциональности продукта (ERP-системы).
- Постановка и контроль задач разработчикам.

Условия работы:
- Тип занятости: полный рабочий день, 5-дневная рабочая неделя c 9.00 до 18.00.

Резюме направляйте в телеграмм на номер +998909857734 (Вадим) @Work_in_Tashkent

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
Blue Lemon is looking for a PHP Developer with extensive WordPress experience. We do run multiple WordPress sites that are all highly customized with individual code and highly sophisticated solutions.

We do have a team with roughly 2-3 developers, each developer will have their own defined projects, but obviously, there will be a collaboration/overlap.

Time: Minimum 6 months (full time)- potentially longer, after the 6 months (part time or project wise)

Start: As soon as possible
Salary starts from 2000$+ as per experience

Skillset (not all is mandatory):

- PHP (WP) (5 years experience)
- JS (ES6, JSX, React, React hooks, Gutenberg api, WP rest api, axios, lodash, - Material UI, npm)
- HTML5, markup
- Git, webpack, yarn
- English level: Conversational

Company website for more information:

Telegram: @sherboss9977
Telephone: +998919979977

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#fullstack #remote
Full Stack Developer

100% Remote
Salary: $1000-3000

Tech stack:
⁃ React.js
⁃ Node.js
⁃ TypeScript
⁃ AWS (Lambda, DynamoDB, ApiGateway, RDS, Cognito, S3)
⁃ Serverless

⁃ 2+ years of experience with our tech stack
⁃ English

The position is only available for the residents of Uzbekistan.
The position is not for junior developers or interns.

Apply here:

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs