UzDev Jobs – IT Jobs
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IT вакансии (IT Jobs) Узбекистана

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Senior Back End developers needed
SALARY $2500+
Working Hours: 6PM - 1AM

Comston Technologies - консалтинговая-компания полного цикла по разработке мобильных приложений для западных мидл-сайз бизнесов и стартапов

Team management and technical support;
• Quality control of work performed on the development of web and mobile applications;
• Mentoring, code review, and development processes (front-end and back-end);
• Maintenance of efficiency and modernization of current projects;
• Maintenance of technical documentation;
• Selection and coordination of technologies and tools for the implementation of tasks in the field of web development.

Contact: @abdulkhamid

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В компанию Jafton требуется копирайтер

- Написание статей для блога (IT-тематика)

- Продвинутый уровень английского языка (обязательно)
- Опыт работы в написании статей от 1 года;
- Умение писать читабельные статьи на английском языке

Мы предлагаем:
- Возможность карьерного и профессионального роста в компании;
- Конкурентоспособный уровень заработной платы;
- Удаленная работа
- Дружный коллектив, регулярные тимбилдинги и учебные курсы.
- Зарплата от 400$ (по результатам собеседования)

Кандидаты без опыта работы и знания английского языка не рассматриваются.

Для связи:

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SMM-менеджер в MME Holding
Мы быстро развивающееся производителная компания, в поиске креативных ответстинных и селиустремлнных SMM - специалистов

Мы предлагаем:
- Зарплата от 5.000.000 по результатам собеседования;
- Работа в офис 6/1, полный день;
- Уютный офис на Чилонзар, ароматный кофе и снеки;
- Участие в амбициозных проектах, стать частью крутой команды.

Мы ждем от тебя:
- Наличие опыта работы в сфере SMM более одного года;
- Знание особенностей социальных сетей;
- Коммуникативные способности и креативное мышление.;
- Грамотный русский и узбекский язык (обязательно);
- Предоставление портфолио (обязательно).

- Ведение и полное администрирование страниц компаний в социальных сетях;
- Грамотное управление командой (копирайтер, дизайнер, медиа);
- Регулярная аналитика, повышение качества, анализ конкурентов;
- Ведение отчетности по социальным сетям.

Присылать резюме на @HR_1SONiA

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Full time Middle/Strong Middle Frontend dasturchi kerak

- 3 yil Frontend sohasida real loyihalarda tajriba;
- JavaScript, ES6+, TypeScript, OOP;
- React, Redux/Context, WebPack;
- API lar bilan ishlash (GraphQL, REST);
- Clean Code, SOLID, Design Patterns;
- Scrum, Agile;
- Ishiga mas'uliyatli bo'lish;
- Time management.

- Next.js, PWA, React Native bo'yicha tajriba;
- Algoritmlar bo'yicha tajriba;
- UX/UI tamoyillarini tushinish;
- Jamoa bilan ishlay olish.

- Ahil jamoa;
- Turli qiziqarli loyihalarda tajriba orttirish imkoniyati;
- Ish vaqti: 09:00 dan 18:00 gacha
- Ish kuni: 5/2
Oylik maosh: 15.000.000

Aloqa uchun: +998970348467 @sirojiddinpm
+998909424200 Nurbek
Tashkilot: “Soliq-servis” DUK
Manzil: Toshkent shahar, Chilonzor tumani,
Muqimiy, 166.

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
Алокабанк ищет опытных тестировщиков QA

⁃ ручное (UI, функциональное), интеграционное, регрессионное тестирование;
⁃ автоматизированное тестирование, разработка скриптов автоматизированного тестирования;
⁃ разработка сценариев тестирования (тест-кейсов), оформление и документирование дефектов, контроль их исправления;
⁃ взаимодействие с командой (разработчики, системные аналитики, тестировщики).

⁃ знание Bug-tracking систем - Jira;
⁃ опыт работы тестировщиком программного обеспечения от 3 лет.
⁃ возможность реализовывать масштабные и уникальные проекты совместно с успешной командой профессионалов;
⁃ график работы 5/2 с 9:00 до 18:00;

Зарплата до $3500 на руки

Telegram: @aqlify (отправьте резюме)

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Media is too big
#fullstack #javascript
AMC Bridge is looking for JavaScript Full Stack Software Engineer!
Starting from $1500+

AMC Bridge is a global IT company that is now a resident of the IT Park in Tashkent. Since 1999, we have specialized in engineering software and have been developing solutions for the aerospace, engineering, robotics, architecture, and industrial construction industries.

As the team is growing, the company is looking for long-run team players.

JavaScript Full Stack Software Engineer, is that you?


- 3+ years of software development experience
- Strong JavaScript development skills
- Strong experience with React or React Native, Redux, Node.js
- Expert-level knowledge of HTML5 and CSS
- Profound skills in object-oriented programming and design, and so on.

We offer market-competitive compensation for your work and encourage the balance between work and life by offering flexible work schedule.

More about vacancy
More about AMC Bridge

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Applied Labs is looking for a Project Manager (e-commerce)

Tashkent (100% remote. Work from wherever you want or from our office at C-Space coworking in Tashkent or combine both).

Salary: $1500 - $3000

About us: Applied Labs LLC ( is a successful product development and outstaffing (staff augmentation) company focused on providing a wide range of tech solutions to the US market. The company has offices in New York, London, Moscow, and Tashkent.

Core skills:
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English;
• 2-4 years of Project Management experience;
• Deep understanding of Software Development Lifecycle;
• Experience managing detailed work across multiple work-streams;
• Ability to become Subject Matter Expert (SME) on business domains;
• Ability to analyze client needs and provide solutions;
• Ability to effectively communicate and present data, analyses, and business recommendations.
• Experience in e-commerce projects is a great advantage

We would like to see:
• Attend and participate in conference calls
• Conduct requirements analysis to determine the needs of a stakeholder or the feasibility/scope of solutions.
• Process and business analysis and diagraming
• Collaborate with key stakeholders to define the project phase plans
• Document functional and other requirements based on customer or business partner feedback on moderately complex projects.
• Develop and define requirements using best-practice techniques (interviews, document analysis, business process descriptions, use cases, prototyping, mock-ups, etc.).
• Identify options for potential solutions, prioritize them based on business value, and present findings to client representatives.
• Communicate complex and technical information to the client in business terms.
• Document and manage requirements through the Agile Development Lifecycle.
• Create Agile Sprints in JIRA and ensure the items are delivered on time

What we offer:
• 100% remote. Work from wherever you want or from our office at C-Space coworking in Tashkent or combine both;
• Official employment;
• 5/2 work week. 8 hours a day;
• Work with a team of IT professionals with an amazing experience.

Apply here:

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🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 tilini o'zbek tilida o'rganmoqchiman. Qanday qilib?

🔤🔤 sohasida karyerangizni noldan boshlashga hohlaysizmi? Xalqaro platformada o'zbek tilida o'qishni xohlaysizmi?

Ushbu taklif aynan siz uchun!

Skillbox-dan "Python Basic" kursi uchun 50% chegirma bilan o'zbek tilida IT yo'nalishini o'rganing.

❗️Kursda siz:

▪️ O'zbek tilida 10 oy o'qish;
▪️ 3 ta yakuniy loyihani tamomlash;
▪️ yondosh yo'nalishlar bo'yicha qo'shimcha kurslar o'rganish;
▪️ Ingliz tilini 12 oy o'rganish (sovg'a sifatida);
▪️ ishlab chiqish muhitiga bepul kirish;
▪️ ishga joylashishda yordam berish.

❗️Siz quyidagilarni o'rganasiz:

▪️Pythonda har qanday murakkablikdagi dasturlarni ishlab chiqish;
▪️GET va POST- so'rovlari va requests-kutubxonasi bilan ishlash;
▪️toza kod yozish;
▪️kodni sinab ko'rish;
▪️algoritmlar va ma’lumotlar tuzilmalarini tushunish.

Havola bo’yicha o'ting va kursga ro'yxatdan o'ting. Va 5️⃣0️⃣🔤 chegirmani faollashtirish uchun menejerga UZ_DEV50 promokodini ayting.

*️⃣Shoshiling! Chegirma 30 noyabrgacha amal qiladi.
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Skillbox – крупнейшая образовательная онлайн-платформа в России, объединяющая ведущих экспертов и практиков рынка.
На сегодняшний день мы предлагаем 780 образовательных продуктов: курсов дополнительного профессионального образования, программ бакалавриата, магистратуры и бизнес-образования, а также корпоративное обучение для бизнеса.
Cейчас мы находимся в поиске Middle\Senior Node.js Backend разработчика для проекта по онлайн-школе английского языка.

- Разработка веб-приложения в сфере онлайн-образования;
- Переезд на асинхронную архитектуру;
- Бесшовная авторизация со сторонними системами;
- Интеграции с CRM, платежными системами и другими внешними провайдерами;
- Разработка продуктовых фичей: ученический словарь, поиск по контенту в LMS,
подбор преподавателей в режиме реального времени, распознавание аудио;
- Построение корпоративного хранилища данных и интеграции с BI системой.

- Опыт от 3 лет коммерческой разработки бэкенда на Node.js;
- Уверенное знание баз данных SQL, JS и Typescript;
- Опыт работы с облачными провайдерами (GCP, AWS, Azure и т.д.);
- Умение работать асинхронно и доводить задачи до релиза.

Стек используемых технологий на проекте:
- TypeScript, React, Postgres;
- Все новое пишем на Next.js, Prisma, GraphQL; старые сервисы – koa + sequelize;
- Фронт деплоим на Vercel (статика и лямды) через GitHub, бэкенд на GCP (Cloud functions, app engine, Cloud SQL, PubSub).

- Полностью удаленная работа;
- Гибкий график;
- Дополнительные бонусы;
- Оплата 2200-3000$.

Будем рады ответить на возникшие вопросы и ознакомиться с резюме - @Dmitriy_Ptolemay, @rinapina_ptolemay

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#flutter #senior #middle #mobile
Ищем Middle/Senior Flutter Разработчика

Новый стартап ищет талантливых мобильные разработчики

- Разработка и поддержка существующего приложения
- Принимать активное участие в проектировании задач
- Доработка, оптимизация и поддержание продукта
- Написание программного кода в соответствии с установленными требованиями.
- Тестирование разработанного кода

- Высокая требовательность к качеству кода
- Oпыт работы с ERP-системы
- Высокая требовательность к себе и другим, в том числе к качеству кода
- Знание протоколов HTTP и WS, умение работать с ними
- Понимание клиент-серверной работы REST API
- Умение разбираться в чужом коде
- Опыт работы со сторонними библиотеками (Firebase, Stripe, Google maps и т. д.)
- Навыки работы с GIT

Заработная плата: от $1000 до $3000

- Удаленная
- Гибкий график работы

Контакт: @TimurGaniyev

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#development #manager
Development manager в IT-компанию ZorDoc
Мы молодая и быстро развивающаяся IT-компания в сфере цифровой медицины. На данный момент мы находимся в поисках проектного менеджера для развития продукта.

Наши ожидания от кандидата:
- Опыт управления IT-проектами и командой;
- Базовые знания IT, продаж, маркетинга и управления проектами;
- Опыт подготовки презентаций и проведения их перед клиентами;
- Знание ПК на продвинутом уровне (Microsoft Office, CRMs, Notion);
- Коммуникабельность, умения работать в режиме многозадачности;
- Грамотная речь на русском и знание английского языка (письменный).

- Менеджмент взаимодействия разных команд: IT, Sales, Support, Marketing;
- Контролировать состояние и сроки выполнения проектов;
- Формировать скоуп работ, составлять roadmap продукта;
- Участие в тестировании и доработке продукта;
- Ведение переговоров с клиентами;

Мы предлагаем:
- Зарплата от 600-1200$ по результатам собеседования;
- График 5/2, полный день;
- Уютный офис на Мирзо Улугбеке;
- Карьерный рост, получить опыт в быстро развивающейся компании;
- Открытость к изменениям и атмосфера свободы действий;
- Обещаем много интересных задач и крутую команду)

Присылать резюме на @zordoc_hr

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Программист React (Next Js)

Компания ООО «INTEST MAX» в настоящее время ищет опытных Middle/Senior React (Next Js) разработчиков, готовых к сложным и интересным задачам по разработке.

Обязанности на работе:

Проектирование и разработка интерфейса приложения крупных CRM, LMS и ERP систем;
Проведение code-review, документирование кода
Участие в проектировании и рефакторинге
Интеграция с Backend
Участие в развитии продукта

Какие навыки необходимы:

- TypeScript
- React JS, Next JS, Redux
- Figma, Rest Api и HTTP;
- Опыт работы с Git
- Опыт (портфолио) 4+ года


Участи в крупных амбициозных проектах
Работа по графику 5/2
Постоянно растущий зарплаты
Гибкий рабочий график
Месячная зарплата: 900$ - 2000$

Пожалуйста, подайте заявку, если только вы соответствуете нашим требованиям.

Присылайте свое резюме на @zv_it

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#beckend #java #spring_boot
Ищем Middle+ java разработчика


- Умение строить BE архитектуру
- Java core, Spring boot, Spring cloud, RMQ, Reactive Spring, WebFlux, Docker gradle
- JPA, NoSql, PostgreSQL, R2DBC
- Git
- Использование java библиотек и разработка своих компонентов
– Знание git

Условия работы:
Официальное трудоустройство
– Удобный график работы 6/1 с 11:00 до 19:00+ свободное время;
- выходной день понедельник ;
суббота и воскресенье с 13:00
– Зарплата $1500-3000

Студентов, Junior, без опыта просьба не беспокоить. Пожалуйста не беспокоить. PLEASE

Для связи и отправки резюме @hunt8888

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Компания a1qa проводит набор на обучение в сфере тестирования с последующим трудоустройством.

Узбекский филиал международной компании проводит бесплатное специализированное обучение по тестированию программного обеспечения (ПО):

«Основы тестирования ПО» (Software testing basics)
«Автоматизация тестирования ПО» (Test Automation)

Подробнее о программе обучения здесь.

Длительность обучения - 2.5 месяца.

Мы ожидаем, что вы сможете тратить на учёбу от 30 часов в неделю.

После успешного прохождения обучения мы предлагаем официальное трудоустройство со стартовой заработной платой 500$.

Важно: знание английского не ниже Intermediate.

Набор проводим через предварительный отбор (отклик через резюме, отборочное тестирование, успешное прохождение собеседования).

Ждём ваше резюме:

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Applied Labs is looking for a .Net Developer (Mid to Senior)

Tashkent (100% remote. Work from wherever you want or from our office at C-Space coworking in Tashkent or combine both).

Salary: $2000 - $4000

About us: Applied Labs LLC ( is a successful product development and outstaffing (staff augmentation) company focused on providing a wide range of tech solutions to the US market. The company has offices in New York, London, Moscow, and Tashkent.

Key Responsibilities:

• Proficiency in C #, .NET Framework and .NET -Core;
• Understanding how web protocols (HTTP, HTTPS) and REST / SOAP API work;
• Knowledge of MS SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL: the ability to design a database structure, write and optimize SQL queries and stored procedures;
• Work experience 3+ years;
• Fluency in English (verbal and written communication);
• Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Engineering or related field or strong track record proving the equivalent level of experience;
• Capability to multi-task with strong attention to detail;
• Ability to work in a fast-paced, agile environment and resolving unplanned incidents quickly;
• Outstanding communication skills, including the ability to effectively present information in both technical and non-technical terms and train users using non-technical terms;
• Strong customer service focus;
• Excellent team player skills with the ability to influence others.

Skills Knowledge and Expertise

• A sound knowledge of software engineering;
• Excellent analytical skills;
• Sourcing requirements from customers and suggesting appropriate solutions;
• Quick generating of POC (proof of concepts) and demos;
• Self-motivated, proactive, independent & responsive candidate, the specialist, who requires little supervisory attention.

• Flexible office policy - You can work from wherever you want or from our cozy office in Tashkent. You can even combine both - few days in the office and a few days remote;
• 5/2 work week, 8 hours a day;
• Official employment in accordance with Uzbekistan's Labor Laws;
• You are expected to be available for communication between 18:00 to 23:00 Tashkent time (because you'll be working with the US team located in New York);
• Frequent team-building activities and internal hackathons;
• Health insurance;
• Group exercises;
• Reimbursement for sport.

Apply here:

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Applied Labs is looking for a IT Support Manager

Salary: up to 500$ (after the taxes), depending on skills.

About us: We are a progressive product development and outstaffing (staff augmentation) company focused on the US market (
If you are an experienced self-starter, with great communication skills, we would like to talk to you!

# We would love to see:
- Managing large amounts of inbound and outbound calls in a timely manner
- Ensure customer service is timely and accurate on a daily basis
- Address user tickets regarding hardware, software and networking
- Walk customers through installing applications and computer peripherals
- Address drive-related issues
- Ask targeted questions to diagnose problems
- Guide users with simple, step-by-step instructions
- Conduct remote troubleshooting
- Test alternative pathways until you resolve an issue
- Customize desktop applications to meet user needs
- Follow up with clients to ensure their systems are functional
- Report customer feedback and potential product requests
- Help create technical documentation and manuals

# You will need to have:
- Excellent written and verbal communications skills in English
- Proven work experience (1+ year) as a Help desk or call center representative is preferable
- Hands-on experience with Windows/Mac OS environments or exposure to these OS
- Hands on experience with help desk and remote control software
- MS Office proficiency
- Technical proficiency and ability to give instructions to a non-technical audience
- Customer-service oriented with a problem-solving attitude
- Ability to multi-task, set priorities and manage time effective
- Capability of working under pressure and in a fast-paced environment.

# Benefits:
- Official employment in accordance with Uzbekistan's Labor Laws;
- Frequent team-building activities;
- Health insurance;
- English courses;
- Group exercises;
- Reimbursement for sport.

Apply here:

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Applied Labs is looking for a Mid/Senior Node.JS Developer

Tashkent (100% remote. Work from wherever you want or from our office at C-Space coworking in Tashkent or combine both).

Salary: $2000 - $4000

# We would love to see:
• Experience with NestJS/Express;
• Experience with queues, streams, and functions;
• Experience with distributed systems;
• Experience with AWS Cloud Services (EKS/RDS/SQS/etc);
• Experience with Laravel/Lumen Framework.

# You will need to have:
• 3+ years of experience with Node.js building services using REST APIs;
• Experience working with relational and non-relational databases;
• An end-to-end understanding of software life cycle;
• Experience designing and leading software projects;
• Degree in Computer Science or related technology field;
• Ability to listen, communicate, evaluate, problem solve, multi-task, and prioritize in a high-pressure, mission-critical, and rewarding team environment.

# What we offer:
• Flexible office policy - You can work from wherever you want or from our cozy office in Tashkent. You can even combine both - few days in the office and a few days remote;
• 5/2 work week, 8 hours a day (you are expected to be available for communication between 18:00 to 23:00 Tashkent time, as you'll be working with the US team located in New York);
• Official employment in accordance with Uzbekistan's Labor Laws;
• Frequent team-building activities and internal hackathons;
• Health insurance;
• English courses;
• Group exercises;
• Reimbursement for sport.

Apply here:

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Applied Labs is looking for a React Developer (Mid to Senior)

Tashkent (100% remote. Work from wherever you want or from our office at C-Space coworking in Tashkent or combine both).

Salary: $2000 - $4000

About us: Applied Labs LLC ( is a successful product development and outstaffing (staff augmentation) company focused on providing a wide range of tech solutions to the US market. The company has offices in New York, London, Moscow, and Tashkent.

We would like to see
•Development and maintenance of web applications;
•Development of new functionality based on set requirements;
•Full cycle of layout and project development in a team with backend developers;
•Associated refactoring and optimization;

You will need to have
•3+ years experience building SPAs and scalable web applications
•Strong knowledge of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
•Strong knowledge of with React, Redux, & various build systems
•Proficiency using Git
•Familiarity with Agile methodologies
•Experience with Azure cloud platform
•Ability to listen, communicate, evaluate, problem solve, multi-task, and prioritize in a high-pressure, mission-critical, and rewarding team environment

It would be additional bonus if you have:
Knowledge of React Native.

•Flexible office policy - You can work from wherever you want or from our cozy office in Tashkent. You can even combine both - few days in the office and a few days remote;
•5/2 work week, 8 hours a day;
•Official employment in accordance with Uzbekistan's Labor Laws;
•You are expected to be available for communication between 18:00 to 23:00 Tashkent time (because you'll be working with the US team located in New York);
•Frequent team-building activities and internal hackathons;
•Health insurance;
•Group exercises;
•Reimbursement for sport.

Apply here:

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
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A global company AMC Bridge is building its team in Uzbekistan!

$ 2,000 - $ 5,000

Right now, the team is looking for a C++ Software Engineer!

This is what Software Engineer Oleksandr Zhakun says about working at AMC Bridge: “We have really a cool community of experienced C++ developers. We work a lot with CAD systems, computer graphics, and simulations of various physical processes. Like most of my teammates, I found a continuation of my passion for mathematics in AMC Bridge. Quite often, a developer should solve an applied mathematical problem before implementing it in the program. Meanwhile, new employees who do not have enough experience yet can always consult with their project team or the company team in general.”


- 3+ years of software development, preferably within CAD, PLM, or other engineering software applications

- Strong C++ development skills

- Good understanding of the OOP principles

- Knowledge of the following tools and libraries: STL, MFC, ATL, COM, Win32API

- Experience with programming CAD or other engineering software is an asset

C++ Software Engineer, send your CV, if this is about you!

Vacancy details.

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
Компания a1qa проводит набор на обучение в сфере тестирования с последующим трудоустройством.

Узбекский филиал международной компании проводит бесплатное специализированное обучение по тестированию программного обеспечения (ПО):

«Основы тестирования ПО» (Software testing basics)
«Автоматизация тестирования ПО» (Test Automation)

Подробнее о программе обучения здесь.

Длительность обучения - 2.5 месяца.

Мы ожидаем, что вы сможете тратить на учёбу от 30 часов в неделю.

После успешного прохождения обучения мы предлагаем официальное трудоустройство со стартовой заработной платой 500$.

Важно: знание английского не ниже Intermediate.

Набор проводим через предварительный отбор (отклик через резюме, отборочное тестирование, успешное прохождение собеседования).

Ждём ваше резюме:

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#lead #backend
Techbiz Global is looking for an experienced Engineering Team Lead (m/f/d) to lead one of our cross-functional technical teams. You are not only an expert in current and emerging backend technologies, but you also take pride in leading a team to exceed your shared expectations.
This is a full-time job position and you will join our growing team on-site in Berlin.

• As Engineering Team Lead you will lead one of our cross-functional Tech teams, each consisting of Backend, Frontend, Quality Assurance, and Site Reliability Engineers, and focus on a specific mission regarding our platform or one of our partner projects.
• You will also work closely with the Product Owner for your team to align Technology and Product vision and to plan, execute and release complex technical features.
• You will drive forward and be a role model of agile methodologies. Our SCRUM Masters will support you and your team on this journey.
• You build and grow your engineering team by driving internal and external hiring and coaching and developing your experienced team members.
• You participate in daily and weekly agile rituals including standups, backlog grooming, and retrospectives.
• You don’t mind rolling up your sleeves and crafting amazing code yourself.
• You will work closely with the Technology Leadership team that sets the technical direction to encourage the team to innovate and invent and to implement engineering best practices.

• You have at least five years of experience in software engineering and two years of experience leading engineering teams, both with a strong track record of delivering projects.
• Team members describe you as a highly technical, hands-on coder and effective people manager with great communication and collaboration skills.
• You take pride in your deep knowledge of the technologies, tools, and processes mentioned above - particularly Java, Spring, and AWS.
• There is confidence in your code because you write tests.
• You have a passion for the automation of tests, builds, and deployments.
• You have experience and feel comfortable working in English.

Our Offer 
• Work with a team of Pioneers that is not afraid of change and constantly pushes the boundaries of digitization in the insurance industry - but also knows how to have fun!
• Experience full flexibility by working when it suits you (flexible working hours) and where it suits you (work from anywhere).
• Never stop growing thanks to your personal development budget, continuous feedback, and yearly career development talks.
• Enjoy countless more benefits like free German classes, free sports classes, a whole bunch of team events, and many more.
• We provide visa & relocation support.
• Join us and find out for yourself why we are rated 4.3/5 on Kununu and 4.6/5 on

Salary package:
Up to 7000 EURO/month Gross

Akmal Saipov
TG: @akmal_sa

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs