Forwarded from Arktos
Released from the paywall:
The Legacy of H. P. Lovecraft from an Identitarian Perspective: Part One, an essay by Andrej Sekulović, published by Arktos.
Andrej Sekulović discusses the complex legacy of H. P. Lovecraft, exploring how the renowned horror and science-fiction author’s personal political views, particularly on race and multiculturalism, have become a subject of controversy in our liberal times.
Howard Phillips Lovecraft is considered to be one of the biggest names in horror literature. His influence in the horror and science-fiction genres, both in literature and the movie industry, remains of great importance. However, as Dr. Kerry Bolton has pointed out in his essay “Lovecraft’s Politics,” for many of his admirers, the scariest things that Lovecraft wrote were not about the ancient creatures out of space but his political views. The modern reader may be left speechless after reading Lovecraft’s letters and opinions, where he discusses the inequality of races, the rising decadence of the liberal democratic system, and even the much dreaded “Jewish question,” just as his characters are left on the brink of madness after discovering the existence of the ancient alien beings inhabiting our planet, or...
Read the full essay here:
The Legacy of H. P. Lovecraft from an Identitarian Perspective: Part One, an essay by Andrej Sekulović, published by Arktos.
Andrej Sekulović discusses the complex legacy of H. P. Lovecraft, exploring how the renowned horror and science-fiction author’s personal political views, particularly on race and multiculturalism, have become a subject of controversy in our liberal times.
Howard Phillips Lovecraft is considered to be one of the biggest names in horror literature. His influence in the horror and science-fiction genres, both in literature and the movie industry, remains of great importance. However, as Dr. Kerry Bolton has pointed out in his essay “Lovecraft’s Politics,” for many of his admirers, the scariest things that Lovecraft wrote were not about the ancient creatures out of space but his political views. The modern reader may be left speechless after reading Lovecraft’s letters and opinions, where he discusses the inequality of races, the rising decadence of the liberal democratic system, and even the much dreaded “Jewish question,” just as his characters are left on the brink of madness after discovering the existence of the ancient alien beings inhabiting our planet, or...
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Forwarded from Arktos
The Legacy of H. P. Lovecraft from an Identitarian Perspective: Part Three, an essay by Andrej Sekulović, published by Arktos.
Andrej Sekulović expounds on H. P. Lovecraft’s cyclical perspective of civilizations and races in the context of the themes expressed in his fiction.
In the second part of this essay, dedicated to the Identitarian and racial aspects of the works and thoughts of the great master of horror and science fiction, H. P. Lovecraft, we had a quick look at which things should be considered priorities in evolved societies judging from the attitudes expressed both in his literary works and his letters. In the third and last part, we will touch again upon a subject that was at the center of the first part of the essay and which remains most problematic and unwelcome to many of his contemporary admirers and readers. We will once again examine his racial views, but this time we will focus on...
Become an Arktos member to read the full essay here:
Andrej Sekulović expounds on H. P. Lovecraft’s cyclical perspective of civilizations and races in the context of the themes expressed in his fiction.
In the second part of this essay, dedicated to the Identitarian and racial aspects of the works and thoughts of the great master of horror and science fiction, H. P. Lovecraft, we had a quick look at which things should be considered priorities in evolved societies judging from the attitudes expressed both in his literary works and his letters. In the third and last part, we will touch again upon a subject that was at the center of the first part of the essay and which remains most problematic and unwelcome to many of his contemporary admirers and readers. We will once again examine his racial views, but this time we will focus on...
Become an Arktos member to read the full essay here:
Forwarded from Dr. Tomislav Sunic
Monotheism vs. Polytheism
December 15, 2023/ Articles/by Tom Sunic and Alain de Benoist
Translated from the French and with the introduction by Tom Sunic.
Given the ongoing armed conflict between Israeli troops and Hamas-led Palestinian militants in the Gaza strip, it may be useful to reexamine the Biblical origins of total wars and the nature of modern totalitarianism.
December 15, 2023/ Articles/by Tom Sunic and Alain de Benoist
Translated from the French and with the introduction by Tom Sunic.
Given the ongoing armed conflict between Israeli troops and Hamas-led Palestinian militants in the Gaza strip, it may be useful to reexamine the Biblical origins of total wars and the nature of modern totalitarianism.
Forwarded from Tradicija proti tiraniji/Tradition against Tyranny
Novo na spletu ❗️⬇️
Giorgio Locchi in Dominique Venner, dva misleca zgodovine
Giorgio Locchi in Dominique Venner, dva misleca zgodovine
Giorgio Locchi in Dominique Venner, dva misleca zgodovine
Prevod govora, ki ga je imela vdova Dominiqua Vennerja, Clotilde Venner, na konferenci »Giorgio Locchi : Intelektualec, filozof, prebujevalec«, 25. novembra, 2023, v Italiji.
Forwarded from Eurosiberia
“The more we talk about ethnicity, the more often we will hear that there are no ethnic Germans. If that were the case, Germans would be the only people without ethnicity. That would distinguish us from all other people and thus in turn define a German ethnic group.”
— Erik Ahrens
— Erik Ahrens
Forwarded from Tradicija proti tiraniji/Tradition against Tyranny
"Božič, ki je povezan z zimzelenim drevesom, se že od davnin praznuje v evropskih deželah kot praznik ponovnega prebujanja narave po zimskem počitku. Pri tem si ne moremo pomagati, da ne bi pomislili kako se bo tudi Evropa enega dne predramila iz svojega globokega spanca, pa čeprav le ta traja dlje od enega naravnega cikla."
"Gre za izvor osnovne nemirnosti in radovednosti naše rase. Gre za to, kar dela iz nas pustolovce, in nas žene, da tvegamo svoja življenja pri podvigih, ki nam ne prinašajo nikakršnih otipljivih materialnih koristi – kar je drugim rasam, ki so navajene meriti vse samo glede na praktično korist, popolnoma tuje." William L. Pierce o faustovskem duhu Evropejcev
»Danes sama ideja aristokracije ni skladna s prevladujočo ideologijo. Vendar pa vsako ljudstvo potrebuje aristokracijo. Slednja je osrednji del človeške narave, ki se ga ne da odpraviti. Vprašanje je zato ne `Za ali proti aristokraciji´, temveč `Kakšna vrsta aristokracije?´« Guillaume Faye (Why We Fight: Manifesto of the European Resistance)
"Levica si želi svet brez meja, kjer ni več narodov in etnij, kjer smo vsi le »ljudje«. Takšen svet ustreza tudi mednarodnim velikim korporacijam, ki si želijo globalno družbo »državljanov sveta«, univerzalnih delavcev/potrošnikov. Zato poleg kulturnega marksizma tradicionalne evropske družbe spodkopava tudi kultura potrošništva."
"Sodobna levica je našla precej nenavadnega zaveznika v velikih korporacijah, to je v liberalnih kapitalistih, ki so bili vsaj navidezno glavna tarča kritik ideoloških predhodnikov sedanje levice. No, stvari se s časom spreminjajo...."
"Sodobna levica je našla precej nenavadnega zaveznika v velikih korporacijah, to je v liberalnih kapitalistih, ki so bili vsaj navidezno glavna tarča kritik ideoloških predhodnikov sedanje levice. No, stvari se s časom spreminjajo...."
Kulturni marksizem in kultura potrošništva - Demokracija
Piše: Andrej Sekulović Kulturni marksizem je izraz, ki je v zadnjih letih postal precej znan v slovenski javnosti. Sprva so ga pri nas in v tujini popularizirale različne identitarne skupine, dokler se ni preselil tudi v medije in celo v politični besednjak.…
Forwarded from Tradicija proti tiraniji/Tradition against Tyranny
Naj bo leto 2024 tudi leto začetka velike evropske rekonkviste in evropskega preporoda. Novim zmagam naproti! Srečno praznovanje novega leta!
Let the year 2024 be the year of the start of the great European Reconquista and European Rebirth! Onward to new victories! Have a great celebration of the new year!
Let the year 2024 be the year of the start of the great European Reconquista and European Rebirth! Onward to new victories! Have a great celebration of the new year!
(NAJBOLJ GLEDANO V LETU 2023) Intervju z Žanom Žalcem o Nacionalni tiskovni agenciji, Rumenih jopičih, identitarstvu...
(Intervju) Žan Žalec
Žan Žalec je dolgoletni aktivist na področju identitarnih in domoljubnih gibanj in idej.
Več si oglejte v posnetku.
Spremljajte nas:…
Več si oglejte v posnetku.
Spremljajte nas:…
Forwarded from Tradicija proti tiraniji/Tradition against Tyranny
Na današnji dan je bil leta 1892 rojen angleški pisatelj J. R. R. Tolkien. Ob tej priložnosti vas vabimo, da si preberete spodnje prispevke o njegovih delih.
In 1892 on this day J. R. R. Tolkien was born. We would like to use this opportunity to invite you to have a look at the article about his works published on our website.
In 1892 on this day J. R. R. Tolkien was born. We would like to use this opportunity to invite you to have a look at the article about his works published on our website.
Forwarded from Tradicija proti tiraniji/Tradition against Tyranny
"Liberals feel themselves as isolated individuals, responsible to nobody. They do not share the nation’s traditions, they are indifferent to its past and have no ambition for its future. They seek only their own personal advantage in the present. Their dream is the great International, in which the differences of peoples and languages, races and cultures will be obliterated." Arthur Moeller van den Bruck
Forwarded from Generacija identitete
Nemški režim je bil brez uspeha pri izgonu avstrijskega identitarca Martina Sellnerja. Na slikah je mogoče videti, kako sodeluje z nemškimi identitarci znotraj države. Moč identitarnega gibanja v primerjavi z nemškim režimom raste.