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Prvi korak do evropskega preporoda je vrnitev k našim koreninam ❗️⬆️ Spremljajte
Forwarded from Arktos
Autumn Thoughts on the European Sense of the Tragic and Our Mortality, an essay by Andrej Sekulović, published by Arktos.
Andrej Sekulovič explores the parallels between autumn’s transient beauty and the cyclical nature of European civilization, invoking the insights of Dr. Tomislav Sunic and classic literature.
When the days start getting shorter, and the summer heat slowly gives in to autumn’s chill, the misty mornings and the colder evenings remind us that another year is nearing its end. The surrounding nature gives us one last majestic spectacle of its beauty that has inspired countless generations of poets, painters, and writers. As the leaves turn their colours, the forests and wooded countryside are transformed into one great scenery of red and gold hues. The kind warmness of the autumn sun that replaces the excessive heat of the summer months invites us to the great outdoors, where we can breathe in the beauty of the natural world, and wonder at the supreme artistry of Mother Nature, which cannot be surpassed even by the most skilled artists among men. After this illustrious and enchanting explosion of colours that fills us with great joy, nature slowly retires to deep sleep during the dark days when Old Man Winter returns once more to reign in the cold months, which are also not devoid of...
Read the full essay here:
Andrej Sekulovič explores the parallels between autumn’s transient beauty and the cyclical nature of European civilization, invoking the insights of Dr. Tomislav Sunic and classic literature.
When the days start getting shorter, and the summer heat slowly gives in to autumn’s chill, the misty mornings and the colder evenings remind us that another year is nearing its end. The surrounding nature gives us one last majestic spectacle of its beauty that has inspired countless generations of poets, painters, and writers. As the leaves turn their colours, the forests and wooded countryside are transformed into one great scenery of red and gold hues. The kind warmness of the autumn sun that replaces the excessive heat of the summer months invites us to the great outdoors, where we can breathe in the beauty of the natural world, and wonder at the supreme artistry of Mother Nature, which cannot be surpassed even by the most skilled artists among men. After this illustrious and enchanting explosion of colours that fills us with great joy, nature slowly retires to deep sleep during the dark days when Old Man Winter returns once more to reign in the cold months, which are also not devoid of...
Read the full essay here:
Forwarded from Generacija identitete
"Ali lahko v naraščajoči podpori konzervativnim silam v nekaterih evropskih državah vidimo prve znake postopnega prebujanja in napoved nove identitarne pomladi, ki bo napovedala novo obdobje naše civilizacije, v katerem se bo evropski človek ponovno povezal s svojimi koreninami?"
Autumn Thoughts on the European Sense of the Tragic and Our Mortality
Andrej Sekulovič explores the parallels between autumn’s transient beauty and the cyclical nature of European civilization, invoking the insights of Dr. Tomislav Sunic and classic literature.
V spodnjem intervjuju vodja avstrijskih identitarcev Martin Sellner kratko in jedrnato opiše smisel identitarstva: "Biti identitarec danes pomeni to, kar je pomenilo že od nekdaj; boriti se za ohranitev svoje etnokulturne identitete in prizadevati si za svet, ki nudi vsem ljudstvom najboljše možne življenjske pogoje. Gre za močan koncept ravno zato, ker presega časovna obdobja ter ni omejen na specifične dobe in kulturna področja." ⬇️
Martin Sellner: »Trdno sem prepričan, da bomo v prihajajoči krizi dobili priložnost, da rešimo Evropo«
Martin Sellner je najbolj znan kot vodja avstrijske Generacije identitete in eden vidnejših mednarodnih identitarnih aktivistov. Z njim smo se pogovarjali o uspehih metapolitike, represiji, s kater…
Naša analiza "kulturnega marksizma" ⬇️
(Razmišljanja na vrhovih) Kulturni marksizem
Kulturni marksizem označuje različne "progresivne" ideološke tokove, katerih namen je spodkopavanje in uničevanje evropske civilizacije.
Več si oglejte v posnetku.
Spremljajte nas:…
Več si oglejte v posnetku.
Spremljajte nas:…
Forwarded from Tradicija proti tiraniji/Tradition against Tyranny
Media is too big
❗️Remigracija sedaj!❗️ Oglejte si kratek videoposnetek akcije slovenskih domoljubov in identitarcev⬇️⬇️ Več na:
Forwarded from Generacija identitete
Voščimo vam dan spomina na mrtve oz. vseh svetih. Spomnite se mrtvih junakov, ki so se skozi zgodovino žrtvovali za dobrobit - brez njih, ne bi bilo nas, kjer smo.
Pri tem vas spominjamo tudi na Andrejeve argumente v članku "Autumn Thoughts on the European Sense of the Tragic and Our Mortality", da mora evropski človek, pravi identitarec, sprejeti usodo tragičnega in večnega boja, kljub temu, da se bori proti navidez neuničljivemu sovražniku.
Glede na krščansko ozadje praznika vseh svetih vas spominjamo tudi na besede v Jobu:
"Ni li vojna služba človekovo življenje na zemlji
in dnevi njegovi enaki dnevom najemnikovim?"
Job 7,1 CHR
Samo, če bomo sprejeli paradigmo vseživljenjskega boja, bomo izvedli našo pravo revolucijo, identitarno reformacijo, in spremenili Evropo oz. Evropsko unijo v Trdnjavo Evropo, v identitarno prihodnost.
V pričakovanju zmage vas lepo pozdravljamo,
Generacija identitete
Pri tem vas spominjamo tudi na Andrejeve argumente v članku "Autumn Thoughts on the European Sense of the Tragic and Our Mortality", da mora evropski človek, pravi identitarec, sprejeti usodo tragičnega in večnega boja, kljub temu, da se bori proti navidez neuničljivemu sovražniku.
Glede na krščansko ozadje praznika vseh svetih vas spominjamo tudi na besede v Jobu:
"Ni li vojna služba človekovo življenje na zemlji
in dnevi njegovi enaki dnevom najemnikovim?"
Job 7,1 CHR
Samo, če bomo sprejeli paradigmo vseživljenjskega boja, bomo izvedli našo pravo revolucijo, identitarno reformacijo, in spremenili Evropo oz. Evropsko unijo v Trdnjavo Evropo, v identitarno prihodnost.
V pričakovanju zmage vas lepo pozdravljamo,
Generacija identitete
Media is too big
⬆️Kratka predstavitev projekta Utrip tradicije⬆️
Media is too big
Je "raznolikost" res "naša moč", kot nas prepričujejo liberalni mediji❓️Ali pa gre pod krinko multikulturnosti pravzaprav za uničevanje resnične pestrosti in raznolikosti človeštva❓️Oglejte si kratek komentar glede tega vprašanja ⬆️
Gorništvo kot manifestacija evropskega faustovskega duha⬇️
Media is too big
‼️Kratek komentar o opredelitvah nacionalizma in identitarizma. Temu vprašanju se bomo podrobneje posvečali tudi v prihodnosti‼️⬆️
Forwarded from Arktos
The Legacy of H. P. Lovecraft from an Identitarian Perspective: Part One, an essay by Andrej Sekulović, published by Arktos.
Andrej Sekulović discusses the complex legacy of H. P. Lovecraft, exploring how the renowned horror and science-fiction author’s personal political views, particularly on race and multiculturalism, have become a subject of controversy in our liberal times.
Howard Phillips Lovecraft is considered to be one of the biggest names in horror literature. His influence in the horror and science-fiction genres, both in literature and the movie industry, remains of great importance. However, as Dr. Kerry Bolton has pointed out in his essay “Lovecraft’s Politics,” for many of his admirers, the scariest things that Lovecraft wrote were not about the ancient creatures out of space but his political views. The modern reader may be left speechless after reading Lovecraft’s letters and opinions, where he discusses the inequality of races, the rising decadence of the liberal democratic system, and even the much dreaded “Jewish question,” just as his characters are left on the brink of madness after discovering the existence of the ancient alien beings inhabiting our planet, or...
Become an Arktos member to read the full essay here:
Andrej Sekulović discusses the complex legacy of H. P. Lovecraft, exploring how the renowned horror and science-fiction author’s personal political views, particularly on race and multiculturalism, have become a subject of controversy in our liberal times.
Howard Phillips Lovecraft is considered to be one of the biggest names in horror literature. His influence in the horror and science-fiction genres, both in literature and the movie industry, remains of great importance. However, as Dr. Kerry Bolton has pointed out in his essay “Lovecraft’s Politics,” for many of his admirers, the scariest things that Lovecraft wrote were not about the ancient creatures out of space but his political views. The modern reader may be left speechless after reading Lovecraft’s letters and opinions, where he discusses the inequality of races, the rising decadence of the liberal democratic system, and even the much dreaded “Jewish question,” just as his characters are left on the brink of madness after discovering the existence of the ancient alien beings inhabiting our planet, or...
Become an Arktos member to read the full essay here:
Forwarded from The Wardrobe 👑
"War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend."
— Faramir; LOTR - The Two Towers (JRRTolkien)
Defend • Strengthen • Build
— Faramir; LOTR - The Two Towers (JRRTolkien)
Defend • Strengthen • Build
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15 minut na dan za identitarizem ⬆️ Pripravlja se nov prispevek⬆️
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Forwarded from Arktos
The Legacy of H. P. Lovecraft from an Identitarian Perspective: Part Two, an essay by Andrej Sekulović, published by Arktos.
Andrej Sekulović explores the intersection of H. P. Lovecraft’s personal beliefs with his literary creations, revealing how his views on race, society, and political systems profoundly influenced his iconic works of horror and cosmic dread.
H. P. Lovecraft remains a problematic literary figure for today’s liberal establishment. While he is still celebrated as the master of horror and cosmic dread, his personal views on race and society would place him on the “far right” of the currently accepted social and political opinions. To reiterate what was emphasized in the first part of this essay, his views on the above-mentioned subjects may be much scarier to his more left-leaning readers than any of his fiction. In the second part of this essay, we will briefly examine a few instances of how his controversial opinions and...
Become an Arktos member to read the full essay here:
Andrej Sekulović explores the intersection of H. P. Lovecraft’s personal beliefs with his literary creations, revealing how his views on race, society, and political systems profoundly influenced his iconic works of horror and cosmic dread.
H. P. Lovecraft remains a problematic literary figure for today’s liberal establishment. While he is still celebrated as the master of horror and cosmic dread, his personal views on race and society would place him on the “far right” of the currently accepted social and political opinions. To reiterate what was emphasized in the first part of this essay, his views on the above-mentioned subjects may be much scarier to his more left-leaning readers than any of his fiction. In the second part of this essay, we will briefly examine a few instances of how his controversial opinions and...
Become an Arktos member to read the full essay here:
Forwarded from Generacija identitete
Evropa "suverenih" narodov. Kakšna smešna zgodbica. Gospod Francoz, gospod Nemec, gospod Britanec, naj vam opišem, kako bo vaša "Evropa suverenih narodov" v resnici delovala.
Bo stal mogočen in suveren slovenski narod, pa bo prišel gospod Američan z denarjem in boste imeli ((Evropo suverenih narodov) - 1). Bo stal mogočen in suveren moldavski narod pa bo prišel gospod Rus z denarjem in boste imeli ((Evropo suverenih narodov) - 2). Bo stal mogočen in suveren črnogorski narod in bo prišel gospod Kitajec z denarjem in boste imeli ((Evropo suverenih narodov) - 3).
Čim prej se znebite te smešne ideje. Pravilni odgovor je trdnjava Evropa.
Bo stal mogočen in suveren slovenski narod, pa bo prišel gospod Američan z denarjem in boste imeli ((Evropo suverenih narodov) - 1). Bo stal mogočen in suveren moldavski narod pa bo prišel gospod Rus z denarjem in boste imeli ((Evropo suverenih narodov) - 2). Bo stal mogočen in suveren črnogorski narod in bo prišel gospod Kitajec z denarjem in boste imeli ((Evropo suverenih narodov) - 3).
Čim prej se znebite te smešne ideje. Pravilni odgovor je trdnjava Evropa.
❗️EKSKLUZIVNO ❗️Z dr. Tomislavom Sunićem smo se pogovarjali o identiteti, rasi, liberalizmu, komunizmu, mitih in o drugih za identitarstvo pomembnih tematikah⬇️
(Intervju) prof.dr.Tomislav Sunić: Brez liberalizma ne bi bilo niti komunizma
Tomislav Sunić hrvaško-ameriški upokojeni profesor, bivši diplomat, publicist, prevajalec in pa predvsem eden vidnejših avtorjev evropske nove desnice. Njegove knjige, kot so Homo Americanus, Postmortem Report, The Titans are in Town, in druge, so bile prevedene…