Unleash Your English
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Look at the pic above⬆️ and find the most suitable phrase to illustrate it!
anonymous poll

Steve Bannon looks up to Trump. – 96
👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 70%

Steve Bannon looks down on Trump. – 31
👍👍 22%

Steve Bannon looks forward to Trump. – 7
👍 5%

Steve Bannon looks for Trump. – 4
▫️ 3%

👥 138 people voted so far.
Look at the pic above ⬆️ Choose☝️the right option!

D. 1. Look after. 2. Look down on. 3. Look for. 4. Head over heels in love with – 88
👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 49%

A. 1. Look for. 2. Look after. 3. Head over heels in love with. 4. Look down on – 64
👍👍👍👍👍 36%

C. 1. Look after. 2. Look up to. 3. Look for. 4. Head over heels in love with. – 20
👍👍 11%

B. 1. Look down on. 2. Look up to. 3. Look for. 4. Look after – 7
👍 4%

👥 179 people voted so far.
If you lack the sun, shine on your own! - В отсутствии солнца🌞 сияйте самостоятельно🌟😊
What's up friends! Catch one motivational video "The lessons of Will Smith" in English but with Russian subtitles😊
Have you found the connection between the brick wall from the video and your English? Every day take small steps, day by day pay attention to your English at least 15 minutes to learn something new, to listen to something in English, to speak and read in English! You will make progress if you make small steps every day! I believe in you! Everything is possible! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7eBdPoI0XU
What`s up, friends! Hope you have watched the video with Will Smith! Those who haven`t seen it I recommend to see it as soon as possible! And this weekend I want to share with you a small talk of Tony Robbins with Oprah Winfrey ! The main focus in this short video is: «If you don`t have 10 minutes for yourself, you don`t have a life!» In this video Tony Robbins talks about his morning 10-minute ritual which helps him to come into the resourceful state. It is called PRIMING! After visiting his famous training UPW2017 (Unleash the Power Within – Раскрой Свой Внутренний Потенциал) in London this year, I do it every morning and the results are awesome! So, enjoy it! Practise your listening skills and enrich your vocabulary! If you also need this magic PRIMING, vote for it below and if we have more than 50 yes, I`ll share it with you on my channel! Here is the link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bThCrQbqsDY&t=2s
If you want me to send you a 10- minute PRIMING, say Yes!
Do you have such a face?
As I've promised I send you PRIMING by Tony Robbins which will help you to come into a resourceful state whether it's Monday or a rainy dull day!
Сказал не подумав /Поторопился с выводами/ Погорячился


Looks like you spoke too soon.
Похоже, ты поторопилась с выводами.

I said that everything would be all right but I spoke too soon.
Я сказал, что все будет в порядке, но я сказал не подумав.

You know, maybe I spoke too soon last time.
Знаешь, мне кажется, в прошлый раз я погорячился.

🔴There are no accidents🎲 in life

В жизни нет случайностей.

🔴Everything happens for a reason.☝️

⚪️Все происходит для чего-то/по какой-то причине.

🔴Every person we meet will have a role in our lives💎

Любой человек, которого мы встречаем на своем пути, играет определенную роль.

🔴Some will hurt, betray and make us cry😢, to become stronger💪🏽.

Одни могут причинить нам боль, предать нас, заставить плакать, для того чтоб мы стали сильнее.

🔴Some will teach us a lesson👨‍🎓 for us to realize our mistakes and help us grow and make us a better person.

Другие дадут нам урок, чтоб мы осознали свои ошибки, помогут нашему росту и сделают нас лучше.

🔴And some will simply inspire 🔥and love 💖us to make us HAPPY!

А некоторые просто будут любить нас и вдохновлять, чтобы сделать нас счастливыми.
​​What's up, friends! Here are some phrases you can use if you want to cheer smb up (подбодрить)!
pull yourself together - возьми себя в руки/соберись/приведи себя в порядок
"Покрась губы и возьми себя в руки" . Элизабет Тейлор.
Chill out - успокойся/остынь/расслабься/не кипятись.
It`s not a big deal - не большая проблема/не так уж страшно/ничего серьезного