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Forwarded from Zelenskiy / Official
На власні очі побачив Бучу, Ірпінь, Стоянку після окупації. Зробимо все, щоб якнайшвидше повернути їх до життя.


With my own eyes I saw Bucha, Irpin, Stoyanka after the occupation. We will do our best to bring them back to life as soon as possible.
❗️❗️❗️Volodymyr Zelensky on the genocide in Bucha:

“What you see around yourself. What has been done with this modern town is a characteristic of the Russian military, which treated people worse than animals. This is a war crime and it will be recognized by the world as genocide. We know thousands of people who have been killed and tortured: with their limbs cut off, women raped and children killed. I think this is genocide. "
Forwarded from Zelenskiy / Official
У нас сильні, добрі й незламні люди. Вкотре у цьому переконався під час спілкування в центрі надання гуманітарної допомоги в Бучі.


We have strong, kind and die-hard people. Once again, I was convinced in this during a conversation at the center for the provision of humanitarian assistance in Bucha.
During the month, more than 300 people were taken hostage in the village of Yagidne

The occupiers kept Ukrainians in the school basement for a month. There was no light, no medicine, and people were allowed to go out for only a few minutes.

Ukrainians were forcibly driven to the basement, and in the middle of the night the drunk Russian military could come in. Eyewitnesses said that children painted patriotic pictures and wrote words from the anthem on the walls.

"They got sick and died here.There were still alive next to the dead. Famine. Thirst. Fear. Pain. Despair. Toilet on a bucket. Suffocation,"said Viacheslav Chaus, Head of the Chernihiv Regional State Administration.

Photo: Chas Chernihiv.
🇺🇦🌻 Nature takes its course even in the occupation: the first spring flowers bloomed in the arboretum of Kherson DAEU.

Spring rays from the arboretum of Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University.

Everything will be Ukraine!