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🕔 Время: 17:00 Kyiv


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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ИТОГОВЫЙ ОБЗОР ФИНАНСОВЫХ РЫНКОВ ОТ TVT (08.07.2022)

Главная тема - С дорогим #долларом инфляция не вырастет

▪️ Падение товарки;
▪️ Паритет по #евро?
▪️ Вялое оживление #криптовалют.

🗣 Ведущий Александр Янюк  
Для связи @tvtsupport
​​FIASCO in gold!

Good evening, TVT Traders!

🔻 In previous analyses, I was very predictive about Gold (GC), the prediction was so strong, that I ignored to react on multiple ask HFTs’ that told me at least cut 50% of my position. In fact, I did even not exit from this position at breakeven and got a stop loss.
Now on these cheap levels, we see more distribution, as OI falls. I see block trades on options on the Daily chart, they rather often say about the potential reversal of gold.

But for now, on the 15 m chart the path of least resistance for gold is to the downside, but, 1750 is the key point where we will say for sure about trend reversal. (See)

🔻 As opposed to gold prediction, the Swiss franc (6S) successfully reached the 1.25 target and even created a perfect ask HFTs’ for sellers. As you see the market is not so chaotic as someone used to think so.
Take note of the strong attack of a big quantity of orders on June 28, CDQ fell significantly and we had an imposing divergence (See) That was good signal that something interesting is expected soon.
Even OI rose that day and the next.

🔻 The Dollar Index (DX) now reached the local zone of support, and a very big amount of delta was accumulated. OI felt, and this means that bears were kicked out of the market. From the #COT perspective we see that hedgers closed 11% off their short position. Maybe some involvement in longs was on Friday as OI rose.
Be very attentive to 106.7 price level, in case of breakdown we will immediately reach 105.5 price level and lower. (See)

🔻 And the Australian dollar (6A) is in a very important accumulation zone. This energy can give us some entry points. You can see how the price respected tick ask and bid imbalances before. So we can use if there will fake breakouts of this zone. (See)

Have a nice Sunday traders!

📹 All details are in this 8 minutes video ⬇️

(Previously published in TVT School)

Sincerely, Taras Sviatun
Team Trading Volume Terminal
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​🎬 FIASCO in #gold! #trading #analysis #cot

All details are in this 8 minutes video

(Previously published in TVT School)

Sincerely, Taras Sviatun
Team Trading Volume Terminal
Добрый день, друзья!

🔊 Ждём вас в эфире еженедельного обзора
🕚 Время: 11:00 Kyiv


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Главная тема текущей недели - Смещение ожиданий

▪️ #Рынки ожидают продолжения ужесточения
▪️ Хеджеры ставят против доллара
▪️ Старт сезона отчетности

Для связи @tvtsupport
​​Продолжаем слушать
#аудиокнига «Разумный инвестор» - Бенджамин Грэм

⬆️ Часть 10
ℹ️ Друзья, подключайтесь - в прямом эфире подводим итоги недели
🕔 Время: 17:00 Kyiv


До встречи 🤩
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ИТОГОВЫЙ ОБЗОР ФИНАНСОВЫХ РЫНКОВ ОТ TVT (15.07.2022)

Главная тема - Веселая статистика по #инфляции

▪️ Паритет евро с #долларом
▪️ Давление на #товары сохраняется
▪️ Анализ точек спреда

🗣 Ведущий Александр Янюк  
Для связи @tvtsupport
​​DXY is tired to rise.

Good evening TVT Traders!

🔻 Let's start from the leader of markets - DXY. From the previous analysis, we have designated a key level 106.72 and the price did not brokedown this level even by 1 tick. It became a real growing point from the start of the week. On Friday the price closed on the uptrend line and after its breakdown, I expect to see correctional movement to this magnet. (See)

🔻 What about Gold (GC), I really expected that the price will go up from Tuesday's bottom, but the unbelievable record inflation in the USA created high volatility. Funds opened a record short position, and OI rose by 8% during the reported week. Now according to the big amount of ask HFTs here reversal is also rather possible. (See)

🔻 The Australian dollar (6A) according to my scenario broke that accumulation range with stop-losses that are shown by HFT volumes at the 0,6760 level. On Thursday there was a perfect entry point that I missed with a perfect risk-reward ratio. (See)

🔻 Also for educational purposes, I want to show you the Natural Gas (NG) entry point, which was created on Tuesday. This case corresponded with 3 tactics:

1. to Buy the asset when BID HFTs’ appear on accumulated ASK Delta;
2. Bid HFT volumes before market close under the mirror level
3. Bid HFTs’ above the option payouts level.

When 3 tactics meet in one place - more likely that the price will go with high probability.


🔻 On Coopper (HG) we see that the price shows us a reversal pattern on the chart, but from the volume analysis view, I see 2 scenarios:

Longing opportunity up to 3.35 if the price will stay here on Monday open and will not go lower
Shorting opportunity after the breakdown of the 3.23 volume level, where Ask HFT volumes were created.

The delta effort that we saw on Friday tells us for sure that the price will not stay here this week. (See)

🔻 Euro (6E), I see that the price for sure will go up after the last BID ticks imbalances and divergences of CD and CDQ. Also, we see how traders close their Put options, and the support of very big OI in options on the 1.0 strike was respected.
So I expect the movement to the empty volume profile zone 1.02725. (See)

🔻 And I see my favorite picture Sugar (SB). After double top creation, there was a divergence of CD and CDQ. This always means that a short squeeze will be. Very similar picture as it was with involvement in sells after trend breakdown, now this is involvement in buys after trend breakup. So we can observe some reversal to balance and to commercial level 18.40 at the same time. (See)

So as a result we have:

Gold Buy
Euro Buy
Coopper 3.23 key level
Sugar Sell

Have a nice Sunday traders!

📹 All details are in this 9 minutes video ⬇️

(Previously published in TVT School)

Sincerely, Taras Sviatun
Team Trading Volume Terminal
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​🎬 #DXY is tired to rise #trading #analysis #cot

All details are in this 9 minutes video

(Previously published in TVT School)

Sincerely, Taras Sviatun
Team Trading Volume Terminal
Добрый день, друзья!

🔊 Ждём вас в эфире еженедельного обзора
🕚 Время: 11:00 Kyiv


До встречи 🤩

Главная тема текущей недели - Точечные ставки хеджеров

▪️ #Рисковые активы набирают популярность;
▪️ #ЕЦБ пора сделать шаг;
▪️ Сезон отчетности в разгаре.

Для связи @tvtsupport
​​Продолжаем слушать
#аудиокнига «Разумный инвестор» - Бенджамин Грэм

⬆️ Часть 11
ℹ️ Друзья, подключайтесь - в прямом эфире подводим итоги недели
🕔 Время: 17:00 Kyiv


До встречи 🤩
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ИТОГОВЫЙ ОБЗОР ФИНАНСОВЫХ РЫНКОВ ОТ TVT (22.07.2022)

Главная тема - Сильному #евро не бывать

▪️ #Криптовалюты получили драйвер
▪️ #Золото нащупало поддержку
▪️ #Облигации продолжают тенденцию

🗣 Ведущий Александр Янюк  
Для связи @tvtsupport
​​The perfect Sugar trade.

Good day, TVT Traders!

That week was very interesting, and we will observe it and make predictions for the next one.

🔻 The trade of the week is Sugar (SB), I took this trade and it is really peculiar and I want to explain to you why! First of all, it is totally according to the earlier prepared plan, also it has a clear logic. Stops which are confirmed by HFT volumes, then involvement, which is also confirmed by 2150 contracts that passed in 17 seconds chain, then technical structure confirmation and reversal. The advantage of HFT volume chains is that we enter before everyone understands the picture. Here we saw also the biggest cluster volumes on the daily wick, (you can set the auto filter in clusters/ticks settings and press hotkey “F” to visualize them on the chart.) As well, it totally mirrors the situation which we had on the previous bottom. (See)

🔻 The next one is Euro (6E), in my previous review this target of 1.02725 was established with pure accuracy. Big HFT Volumes and big option deals again helped us to set the right priority - it was a level of zero traded volume on the volume profile scale. The price closed below it on Friday. And while it stays below the big Ask HFT volumes which were created on Tuesday, bears will dominate here. (See)

🔻 And as you remember that week we spoke that the Dollar index (DX) is tired to rise. And after breakdown and retest, it will go lower, as it really happened. For today, with the help of dynamic delta, I see that a lot of traders went sell in the dollar index in this range and that's why I expect that it will be some short squeeze to the upside. (See)

🔻 Gold (GC) on Friday evening has found too many buyers in futures and options, this is the main reason why I think it will cool down the next week. (See)

🔻 Natural gas (NG) after its amazing uptrend has reached an important commercial level and if it punches this limit buyers' level - might go lower. The correction can be even to option payouts level and commercial level near 7$ price. (See)

🔻 And I want to remind you about Copper (HG), the goal has been met according to my 1st scenario: “Longing opportunity up to 3.35 if the price will stay here on Monday open and will not go lower”. (See)

🔻 Coffee (KC) may show us a reversal to the upside next week and I will monitor the volume and price actions on Monday to catch the trade. (See)

📹 Hope you will enjoy this 11 minutes of video I have recorded for you,
and do not forget to put the like button and subscribe to a NEW english youtube channel
. ⬇️

(Previously published in TVT School)

Sincerely, Taras Sviatun
Team Trading Volume Terminal
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​🎬 The perfect #Sugar #trade #trading #analysis #cot

Hope you will enjoy this 11 minutes of video I have recorded for you,
and do not forget to put the like button and subscribe to a NEW english youtube channel.

(Previously published in TVT School)

Sincerely, Taras Sviatun
Team Trading Volume Terminal