Tradicija proti tiraniji/Tradition against Tyranny
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Uraden kanal identitarne skupine Tradicija proti tiraniji - Official channel of a Slovenian identitarian group Tradition against Tyranny
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»Nikoli si nisem želel imeti sanj ali pustolovščin, kakršne je imela Alica, njihova količina pa se mi je zdela smešna. Ni me preveč zanimalo iskanje zakopanega zaklada ali bojevanje s pirati, Otok zakladov pa me je pustil hladnega. Rdeči Indijanci so se mi zdeli bolj zanimivi; loki in puščice (še vedno imam popolnoma nepotešeno željo streljati z lokom), čudni jeziki in utrinki arhaičnega načina življenja, predvsem pa gozdovi, ki so jih vključevale zgodbe o njih. Od le-teh pa je bila še boljša dežela Merlina in Arturja. Najboljši na celotnem brezimnem Severu pa je bil Sigurd iz rodbine Volsungov, in princ vseh zmajev. Takšne dežele so bile najbolj zaželene.« J. R. R. Tolkien 03.01. 1892 ✝️02.09. 1973
Forwarded from Generacija identitete
Poglejte odlični glasbeni posnetek, ustvarjen v identitarnem duhu, od talentiranega slovenskega umetnika Slavic Affairs.

Prosim, podprite njegovo delo z deljenjem posnetka in tako zagotovite bodoče ustvarjanje takšne umetnosti.

Prihodnost celinske Evrope je v naših rokah!
Forwarded from The Golden One

My magnum opus, Demigod Mentality, is finally here.

I poured my heart and soul into this book, so hopefully it will set your own heart aflame.

Available here: (worldwide) (Europe)
Forwarded from Generacija identitete
Martin Sellner oproščen v 50 minutah.

To ni samo dokaz šibkosti poskusov režima, ampak tudi dokaz moči evropskega identitarizma.

Pridružite se nam in bodite na strani zmagovalcev!
Forwarded from Arktos
The Laws of Nature and the Positive Principle of Struggle, an essay by Andrej Sekulović, published by Arktos.

Andrej Sekulović explores the interplay of identity, nationalism, and nature, arguing for a renewed understanding of European unity and the importance of preserving our cultural and genetic heritage against the pressures of globalism and modern liberalism.

Since the dawn of history, the world of men has been ruled by struggle. Struggling with each other, struggling with the environment, struggling with the wilderness, struggling with the laws of physics, or with their own limitations, humans always had to struggle and to fight, not only for their own survival but for the continued existence of their family, community, and tribe as well. Struggle is the force that rolls the wheels of history, and as we know, it is also an important evolutionary factor. Living in a harsh environment with long winters gave our ancestors some evolutionary advantages. Through daily struggle with the harshness of their surroundings, they acquired a certain set of racial characteristics in the evolutionary process, which enabled their descendants to become the great builders of civilizations many centuries later.

Unfortunately, some of those characteristics were also exploited by our enemies. Today the healthy notion of self-sacrifice for the good of the community is being twisted and used for the purposes of the alien false elites. By convincing and brainwashing the Europeans that all men are equal and essentially the same, they have managed to...

Read the full essay here:
Forwarded from Zentropa
“The capitalist oligarchy is indifferent to the fate of national communities. Its goal is to satisfy an insatiable will to power through the economic domination of the world. Mankind and its civilisations are sacrificed for its purely materialistic designs…”

Dominique Venner
Forwarded from Generacija identitete
Tole je neslavna protikapitalistična in podnebna aktivistka, odpuščena članica osebja predsednice Republike Slovenije, ker je bila posneta pri napadu na ulični teater aktivistov proti splavu.

Nasprotovanje kapitalizmu očitno ne pomeni nasprotovanja luksuznim potovanjem. Sprašujemo se, kako je z zeleno energijo prišla do Dubaja. Verjetno s kočijo ...
Confirmed: AfD leader WAS attacked with a needle

German newspaper Junge Freiheit reports that they have confirmation from a doctor that AfD's leader, Chrupalla, was attacked with a needle containing a dangerous substance.

Other media outlets remain silent.

Tino Chrupalla is one of two co-leaders of German AfD ("Alternative for Germany"), a conservative anti-mass immigration party.

On Wednesday Chrupalla was rushed to the hospital after a "violent incident" at an election rally.

AfD is currently polling as the second largest party in Germany.

The other co-leader of AfD, Alice Weidel, has also been attacked recently.

She and her family were taken from their home to a secure location by police during the weekend of September 23, after a “security-relevant incident” forced authorities to protect their safety.

This is the "open society" that respects the will of the people.

Democracy in Europe, 2023.
Forwarded from Arktos
Identitarian Revolutionaries and Guillaume Faye´s Radical Thought, an essay by Andrej Sekulović, published by Arktos.

Andrej Sekulović explores Guillaume Faye’s seminal work Archeofuturism, which challenges modern norms by merging ancient values with futuristic visions, positioning conservatives as the true revolutionaries of our time.

In his widely-known book Archeofuturism: European Visions of the Post-Catastrophic Age (Arktos, 2010), Guillaume Faye called upon us to adopt a radical mindset, or, as he puts it. a ‘radical thought’. This thought is, as he explains, ‘neither extreimst nor utopian’. Its radicalism does not lie in dogmatic extremism, which the mainstream media regularly uses as a synonym for radicalism, but in envisioning a future that will make ‘a clear break with the irreparably worm-eaten present’, or an ‘aftermath of the system’ that is based on a genuinely revolutionary worldview. Faye points out that we should not merely resist the current system and the general destruction it is causing, but also adopt...

Read the full essay here:

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Get the limited leather-bound edition here:
Spremljajte nov slovenski projekt, ki temelji na identitarnih načelih metapolitike ⬇️
Podprimo nov identitarni projekt 🇸🇮⬆️
Forwarded from Action Radar Europe
Media is too big
Remigration now: Action at Bruxelles

❗️Last weekend, activists and spokespersons of patriotic movements from all over Europe met and carried their demand to the gates of the EU-Parliament. This is their message to the politicians and youth of Europe.

📡 The "Action Radar Europe" is as the first result of the meeting. In the future, important events and actions will be published her. It is the first step in our Europe-wide reorganization.

💪🏻 Our opponents work united internationally. Only if patriots unite they can defeat the globalists.
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