Tradicija proti tiraniji/Tradition against Tyranny
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Uraden kanal identitarne skupine Tradicija proti tiraniji - Official channel of a Slovenian identitarian group Tradition against Tyranny
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Zmagovalec francoskih volitev in vodja Nove ljudske fronte Jean Luc Melenchon: "Tisti, ki se smatrajo za avtohtone Francoze predstavljajo resno težavo".
The last colorless French are the main attraction of the Paris Zoo.

From the German magazine Kladderadatsch, 1932. This was predicting what France would be like in 100 years. It was spot on wasn't it? Unfortunately the victorious Allies did the same to Germany, forcing immigration and the mixing of races
Forwarded from Action Radar Europe
❗️Europe needs you - July 20 in Vienna!

📢 The replacement migration that has been going on for decades is endangering our future, robbing us of our homeland and threatening our existence. But we, the patriotic youth, will no longer stand by while left-wing globalists destroy our continent.

✈️ That is why we are taking to the streets in Vienna on July 20 to demand remigration. Together with hundreds of other Europeans, we will carry the essential tem and concept of the coming years into the heart of Europe.

🔥 Join us, come to Vienna and be there. It’s about your homeland!

📍Meeting point is at 4:00 p.m. at Helmut-Zilk-Platz.
🔗 All our links:
🪙 Support via BTC:
Forwarded from Arktos


When first published in French in 1998, Archeofuturism by Guillaume Faye sparked significant debate by challenging many assumptions held by the Right. Faye argues that the future of the Right depends on transcending the divide between those who wish to restore traditional values and those advocating new social and technological forms. He proposes a synthesis that amplifies the strengths and restrains the excesses of both approaches: Archeofuturism.

In the book, Faye critiques the New Right, analyses the ongoing damage caused by Western liberalism, political inertia, unchecked immigration, and ethnic self-hatred, and emphasises the need to abandon outdated positions to face present realities. He predicts a series of catastrophes due to the unsustainability of the current world order, which he believes will provide an opportunity to rebuild the West and implement Archeofuturism on a large scale.

This book is essential reading for anyone concerned with the future direction of the Right and how it can address the increasing crises and challenges in the coming decades.

Buy it now:
Forwarded from Martin Sellner (english)

🟥 The wilful destruction of COMPCAT magazine is a turning point.
For the first time, a
a) a purely journalistic medium
b) of this size & importance
gets banned.

🤐The possible consequences?
▪️ The assets & all documents, archives & technical materials of COMPACT & COMPACT-TV will be confiscated.
▪️Ban of the COMPACT logo & all insignia.
▪️Alleweb pages, social platforms, up to the telegram channel will be banned.
▪️Each New foundation of the magazine is forbidden. Ergo: prohibition to work for Jürgen and parts of the editorial team.

❗️ It's a new dimension of repression. We have to find new ways to counter it! Show solidarity!
"Skupnost ni omejena na sedanjost. Ima zgodovino in usodo." Guillaume Faye
Forwarded from Portal

Słowenia to południowa część Europy Środkowej, co oznacza, że leży na ważnych historycznych i kulturowych skrzyżowaniach naszego kontynentu […] Słoweńcy na ogół identyfikują się jako naród słowiański, ale w naszej kulturze istnieją również aspekty germańskie. Mamy wiele podobieństw kulturowych z naszymi austriackimi sąsiadami i Niemcami. To samo można powiedzieć o genetyce słoweńskiej, typowej dla Europy Środkowej i bliższej Słowianom Zachodnim czy naszym germańskim sąsiadom niż narodom południowosłowiańskim, z którymi oczywiście są też podobieństwa (na przykład mamy dość podobne języki). Bycie częścią przestrzeni zdominowanej przez Niemców, jaką jest Cesarstwo Austro-Węgierskie, odcisnęło piętno na naszej kulturze i narodzie, który mimo to przetrwał różne próby i burze czasu. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, nasza kultura i naród składają się głównie z elementów zarówno słowiańskich, jak i germańskich.
Forwarded from Generacija identitete
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Antifa na Dunaju proti identitarcem. Bodite pozorni na osebje, ki takoj pomiri divjaka. Antifa je plačana kohorta od režima. Za ameriške dolarje delajo performance. Kot naš Jenull. To so igralci, ki jih režim najame, da dramsko odigrajo režimske interese. Režimski interesi so vazalna Evropa in večna totalitarna vladavina, tudi za ceno menjave prebivalstva.

Antifa ni treba preveč resno jemati. Zanimiva pa je njihova vzporedna ekonomija. Milijarde in milijarde za nevladne organizacije, medije, zaposlene v sektorju države. To je moč režima. To je moč mafije, ki nam vlada.
Forwarded from Eurosiberia
"The Lord of the Rings represents a perennial philosophy that must be seen as a total rejection of the modern world."

Elémire Zolla
Forwarded from Generacija identitete
Kot je Martin Sellner večkrat povedal, remigracija ni neka brutalna politika deportacije milijonov, čeprav jo nekateri spletni memi tako predstavljajo.

Gre samo za to: Zdaj imamo zakone, ki nam povzročajo letno neto povečevanje migrantov, potem bomo imeli pa zakone, ki nam povzročajo letno neto zmanjševanje.

Problemi, ki so se delali desetletja, se bodo tudi desetletja reševali. Njihovo reševanje zaupajte identitarizmu in novi desnici.
Intervju za poljsko gibanje 3 droga/ Interview for a Polish movement 3 Droga⬇️
S srbskimi prijatelji iz identitarne organizacije Zentropa/ Runolist v Julijskih in Kamniško-Savinjskih Alpah/ With Serbian friends from identitarian organisation Zentropa/ Runolist in Slovenian Alps 🇸🇮🇷🇸