Tradicija proti tiraniji/Tradition against Tyranny
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Uraden kanal identitarne skupine Tradicija proti tiraniji - Official channel of a Slovenian identitarian group Tradition against Tyranny
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Forwarded from National Times
UPDATE: A previous version of this article alleged that prominent British historian, David Irving had passed away. The information came from an unconfirmed source, but a family member of Mr. Irving has now elaborated that their loved one is still alive.

Forwarded from American Freedom Party
The American Freedom Party proudly reports that Rob Rundo, founder of the Rise Above Movement, has had all charges in his federal case formally dismissed on the grounds of “selective prosecution”.

This is a decisive victory over anti-White terrorists, and a clear sign that the public opinion towards Antifa and other leftist agitators is only further changing. America Awake, and support pro-White advocates who are fighting for YOU! 🇺🇸

🇺🇸 #AFP #RobRundo #RAM 🇺🇸
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Forwarded from Justice Report
Exclusive: Active Club founder and political prisoner Robert Rundo, who had languished in federal custody since March of 2023, has finally been released.

The Justice Report covers White nationalism's latest victory in Federal courts, and includes exclusive commentary from longtime supporters Nathan Damigo, Christopher Cantwell, Jason Kessler, and Mike Peinovich.

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Forwarded from Christopher Cantwell
I just deleted a post I had forwarded to this channel which contained incorrect information. The post stated that the government had successfully appealed the decision on selective prosecution. That is inaccurate.

What the government did was successfully stay the order of Rundo's release.

That means the charges are still, at this point, not pending, but the 9th Circuit said that the appeal of the Judge's dismissal has enough meat on it to warrant keeping Rundo in custody until they have decided on that appeal.

The same thing happened to me in Charlottesville, but without a need for an appellate court to keep me in custody.

In my case, the Charlottesville District Court Judge set my bail at $20k. The Albemarle CA asked that my release order be stayed while he went to appeal the bail decision to the Circuit Court. The District Court Judge granted that motion. Then the Circuit Court ordered me held without bail. I was never let out, the whole thing happened while I remained in custody.

The difference here, other than the different court system, is that Carney did not grant the government's motion to stay the release order. The 9th Circuit did, on appeal, and they did so after Rundo was released, which means Rundo is now a wanted man if not in custody already.

Anybody who tells you anything else has been decided is misinformed or is misinforming you intentionally.
Forwarded from Patriot Front
@PatriotFrontUpdates » Thomas Rousseau, leader of Patriot Front, was arrested by Texas law enforcement on February 23 on a felony warrant out of Charlottesville, Virginia. The arrest comes after a nearly 7-year witch hunt by politically motivated prosecutors, stemming from the events that transpired at the Unite the Right rally in 2017. Rousseau faces a fabricated felony charge for "Burning Objects with Intent to Intimidate.”

This is the burden that American patriots must bear. Patriot Front will continue to organize and work in the nation's cause unimpeded.

"Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us no choice but a brave resistance, or the most abject submission. We have therefore to resolve to conquer or die." - George Washington
Forwarded from Arktos
“I am a nationalist, but not a strong one. Nations, in my opinion, should not disappear. Not a single species of plant or animal should disappear from this world. I like to meet a real Frenchman, a real German, a Briton, or an Italian. They have something that flowers also have — a kind of fragrance of their own. If all nations were to be the same, man would destroy these differences. I don’t want to mix nations. This is something that would be very bad for this world.”

— Radovan Karadžić
Forwarded from Generacija identitete
Kakršna koli uradna komunikacija s slovensko Generacijo identitete je možna samo preko računa na Telegramu: @identitarec

Vsi ostali komunikacijski kanali so neuradni, torej medosebni in lahko odražajo vrednote našega gibanja ali pa tudi ne.

Upoštevajte, da nas zanima samo pogovor z identitarci in zelo tesnimi zavezniki.
Forwarded from Laura Towler
Been thinking about the young man who set himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington DC after saying he will no longer be complicit in genocide.

My first thought was, out of all the causes he could've picked, he chose to kill himself for a people other than his own. Of course what’s happening in the Middle East has ramifications for the West, but that's not why he did it. He allegedly had links to some anarchist groups. He burned himself for an outside group.

It’s easy to call him mental or mock him for the fact that he’ll never be a hero to these people because he’s White. But I just can’t help thinking about how sad it is. What a horrific way to die. Ultimately, he’s somebody’s son, brother perhaps, and friend.

The System is responsible for his death, not necessarily because of their actions in and disregard for what’s happening in the Middle East but because they have created an environment where young, White men are broken to the point where their normal, healthy, in-group preferences are shattered. If he’d have found nationalism, he could still have the same convictions but without the guilt.

It’s just such a waste of a life. His name has just over a million posts on Twitter, which is tiny. We’ve done banner drops that have got phrases trending with hundreds of thousands of posts. I had close to that when I tweeted Yorkshire Tea. And ultimately his actions will be memory holed because he protested against the side who control what we see in the legacy press and on social media.
“That’s the way it is. This present world, hypocritical, impotent, a farce in the midst of tragedy, is the one that was built for you in 1945 ; it is this world, reeking of uselessness and harmfulness, that you, the young Europeans of today, are going to have to bring down.” Leon Degrelle
Forwarded from American Freedom Party
The recent self immolation of Aaron Bushnell is further evidence of the leftist brain rot. It must be understood that his death was not in the name of some pro-White anti-Zionist, but rather ritualistic suicide on behalf of non-Whites. Aaron Bushnell was a White man who died in protest of non-Whites, for the defense of non-Whites. 🇺🇸

"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."

~General George Patton Jr.

🇺🇸 #AFP #Israel #Palestine 🇺🇸
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Forwarded from Arktos
Cultural Marxism and Cultural Consumerism: Two Heads of the Same Beast, an essay by Andrej Sekulović, published by Arktos.

Andrej Sekulović argues that cultural capitalism is just as harmful to the West as cultural Marxism.


Mass migrations from the third world, the open border policies and the racial diversification of the West are the most common examples of the shared interests of both the Left and liberal capitalism. But while many “mainstream” moderate conservatives will have us believe that we should put the blame solely on cultural Marxism, the main driving force behind migrations and the creation of multicultural societies are, in fact, big corporations and the liberal political class. It is not only the Left that is importing masses of foreigners that could...

Read the full essay here:
Preserve Nature - Defend Homeland
Forwarded from Generacija identitete
In kaj naredi slovenska desnica, ko pride v Ljubljano? Ali pridejo do nas, do aktivistov, ki smo desetletje ali dve v okopih, in nam rečejo: "Postavite nam mestno desnico, postavite nam ljubljansko desnico, potem bomo pa po mehanizmih konsenza in kompromisa delovali naprej."

Ali naredijo to? Ne, seveda ne, kot sem napisal, ker se nas bojijo in nas ne obvladujejo. Nam so njihove ideje 5, 10, 20 let za časom, prežvečene, povedano po domače; "niso in", nezanimive, včerajšnje, nerelevantne.

Slovenska desnica se zaveda, da mora biti v Ljubljani, ne more priti do Ljubljančanov, ker je za nas preveč primitivna, zato svoje strankarske podružnice, medije, inštitute, društva v Ljubljani napolni z ...

Študenti iz Dolenjske, Štajerske, Prekmurja, z ljudmi, ki pridejo delati v mesto iz okolice Ljubljane, iz vasi 10, 15, 20 kilometrov stran. Torej z ljudmi, ki so še preselili v Ljubljano in sedaj tukaj živijo za delo / študij.

In ko pridemo v stik s temi ljudmi, oni nam rečejo: "Mi smo strankarski ljudje, mi smo slovenska desnica, mi smo zdaj Ljubljana, delajte kakor mi rečemo in ukažemo, ali pa izhirajte kjer želite".

Ja, zato ljubljanska desnica, ki obstaja že desetletja, z jasnim delovanjem že vsaj od osamosvojitve, ni nikoli mogla sodelovati s slovensko desnico. Zato je v Ljubljani hud upad interesa med disidenti.

Ker jasno, mi smo na sovražnem področju, brez podpore, medtem, ko ima slovenska desnica kup vasi, mestec, ki jih obvladuje in kjer nabira resurse za svojo politično delovanje.

Mi v Ljubljani nimamo primerljivega, ker smo v sovražnem taboru, zato če kam gremo, gremo v tujino do naših prijateljev, v Beograd, v Sofijo, v Budimpešto ...
Forwarded from Folkish Aryan Pagan
International women's day was invented by two jewish feminists. Keep in mind.
"A world state which which embraces the entire globe and all of humanity cannot exist. The political world is a pluriverse, not a universe." Carl Schmitt
Forwarded from Generacija identitete
"Protestiranje proti vojni na Bližnjem vzhodu je prejšnji mesec, točneje 25. februarja, doseglo nove razsežnosti, ko se je pripadnik ameriških zračnih sil Aaron Bushnell zažgal pred izraelskim veleposlaništvom v Washingtonu."
Forwarded from Generacija identitete
Martinu Sellnerju je bil prepovedan vstop v Nemčijo za tri leta. To je čudno glede na to, da sta in Nemčija in Avstrija v EU.

Vendar bo to Sellnerju dalo priložnost, da se osredotoči na svojo domovino.

Pričakujemo močno delo Identitäre Bewegung Österreich, da našo severno sosedo spremeni v identitarno.