Tradicija proti tiraniji/Tradition against Tyranny
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Uraden kanal identitarne skupine Tradicija proti tiraniji - Official channel of a Slovenian identitarian group Tradition against Tyranny
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Tole je neslavna protikapitalistična in podnebna aktivistka, odpuščena članica osebja predsednice Republike Slovenije, ker je bila posneta pri napadu na ulični teater aktivistov proti splavu.

Nasprotovanje kapitalizmu očitno ne pomeni nasprotovanja luksuznim potovanjem. Sprašujemo se, kako je z zeleno energijo prišla do Dubaja. Verjetno s kočijo ...
Confirmed: AfD leader WAS attacked with a needle

German newspaper Junge Freiheit reports that they have confirmation from a doctor that AfD's leader, Chrupalla, was attacked with a needle containing a dangerous substance.

Other media outlets remain silent.

Tino Chrupalla is one of two co-leaders of German AfD ("Alternative for Germany"), a conservative anti-mass immigration party.

On Wednesday Chrupalla was rushed to the hospital after a "violent incident" at an election rally.

AfD is currently polling as the second largest party in Germany.

The other co-leader of AfD, Alice Weidel, has also been attacked recently.

She and her family were taken from their home to a secure location by police during the weekend of September 23, after a “security-relevant incident” forced authorities to protect their safety.

This is the "open society" that respects the will of the people.

Democracy in Europe, 2023.
Forwarded from Arktos
Identitarian Revolutionaries and Guillaume Faye´s Radical Thought, an essay by Andrej Sekulović, published by Arktos.

Andrej Sekulović explores Guillaume Faye’s seminal work Archeofuturism, which challenges modern norms by merging ancient values with futuristic visions, positioning conservatives as the true revolutionaries of our time.

In his widely-known book Archeofuturism: European Visions of the Post-Catastrophic Age (Arktos, 2010), Guillaume Faye called upon us to adopt a radical mindset, or, as he puts it. a ‘radical thought’. This thought is, as he explains, ‘neither extreimst nor utopian’. Its radicalism does not lie in dogmatic extremism, which the mainstream media regularly uses as a synonym for radicalism, but in envisioning a future that will make ‘a clear break with the irreparably worm-eaten present’, or an ‘aftermath of the system’ that is based on a genuinely revolutionary worldview. Faye points out that we should not merely resist the current system and the general destruction it is causing, but also adopt...

Read the full essay here:

Purchase the book here:

Get the limited leather-bound edition here:
Spremljajte nov slovenski projekt, ki temelji na identitarnih načelih metapolitike ⬇️
Podprimo nov identitarni projekt 🇸🇮⬆️
Forwarded from Action Radar Europe
Media is too big
Remigration now: Action at Bruxelles

❗️Last weekend, activists and spokespersons of patriotic movements from all over Europe met and carried their demand to the gates of the EU-Parliament. This is their message to the politicians and youth of Europe.

📡 The "Action Radar Europe" is as the first result of the meeting. In the future, important events and actions will be published her. It is the first step in our Europe-wide reorganization.

💪🏻 Our opponents work united internationally. Only if patriots unite they can defeat the globalists.
🔗 All our links
🪙 Suport via BTC:
Forwarded from Eurosiberia
“Certainly there was an Eden on this very unhappy earth. We all long for it, and we are constantly glimpsing it: our whole nature at its best and least corrupted, its gentlest and most humane, is still soaked with the sense of ‘exile’.”

— J. R. R. Tolkien, Letter #96
Forwarded from Arktos
Hyperborean Awareness, an essay by P R Reddall, published by Arktos.

P R Reddall delves into the intricate interplay between quantum physics, spirituality, and consciousness, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and meditation in navigating the mysteries of the multiverse and our place within it.

Our physical realm is governed by physics; before one drops a stone to the floor, the time before impact can be calculated. This is rational science at its most simple.

When one moves into the world of quantum physics, however, things can get a little strange. Indeed, the scientist that excels in this arena might be more likened to a musician or an artist than a scientist, for he must adopt a different mindset in order to theorise or grasp the strange ideas of sub-atomic activity.

Yet both music and art have mathematics at their core… although most would agree that...

Read the full essay here:
Forwarded from Utrip Tradicije
Media is too big
Prvi korak do evropskega preporoda je vrnitev k našim koreninam ❗️⬆️ Spremljajte
Forwarded from Arktos
Autumn Thoughts on the European Sense of the Tragic and Our Mortality, an essay by Andrej Sekulović, published by Arktos.

Andrej Sekulovič explores the parallels between autumn’s transient beauty and the cyclical nature of European civilization, invoking the insights of Dr. Tomislav Sunic and classic literature.

When the days start getting shorter, and the summer heat slowly gives in to autumn’s chill, the misty mornings and the colder evenings remind us that another year is nearing its end. The surrounding nature gives us one last majestic spectacle of its beauty that has inspired countless generations of poets, painters, and writers. As the leaves turn their colours, the forests and wooded countryside are transformed into one great scenery of red and gold hues. The kind warmness of the autumn sun that replaces the excessive heat of the summer months invites us to the great outdoors, where we can breathe in the beauty of the natural world, and wonder at the supreme artistry of Mother Nature, which cannot be surpassed even by the most skilled artists among men. After this illustrious and enchanting explosion of colours that fills us with great joy, nature slowly retires to deep sleep during the dark days when Old Man Winter returns once more to reign in the cold months, which are also not devoid of...

Read the full essay here:

Purchase Tomislav Sunic’s Titans are in Town here:
Forwarded from Generacija identitete
"Ali lahko v naraščajoči podpori konzervativnim silam v nekaterih evropskih državah vidimo prve znake postopnega prebujanja in napoved nove identitarne pomladi, ki bo napovedala novo obdobje naše civilizacije, v katerem se bo evropski človek ponovno povezal s svojimi koreninami?"
Forwarded from Utrip Tradicije
V spodnjem intervjuju vodja avstrijskih identitarcev Martin Sellner kratko in jedrnato opiše smisel identitarstva: "Biti identitarec danes pomeni to, kar je pomenilo že od nekdaj; boriti se za ohranitev svoje etnokulturne identitete in prizadevati si za svet, ki nudi vsem ljudstvom najboljše možne življenjske pogoje. Gre za močan koncept ravno zato, ker presega časovna obdobja ter ni omejen na specifične dobe in kulturna področja." ⬇️
Media is too big
❗️Remigracija sedaj!❗️ Oglejte si kratek videoposnetek akcije slovenskih domoljubov in identitarcev ❗️ Slovenian patriots demand Remigration now❗️⬇️⬇️ Več na:
Forwarded from Generacija identitete
Voščimo vam dan spomina na mrtve oz. vseh svetih. Spomnite se mrtvih junakov, ki so se skozi zgodovino žrtvovali za dobrobit - brez njih, ne bi bilo nas, kjer smo.

Pri tem vas spominjamo tudi na Andrejeve argumente v članku "Autumn Thoughts on the European Sense of the Tragic and Our Mortality", da mora evropski človek, pravi identitarec, sprejeti usodo tragičnega in večnega boja, kljub temu, da se bori proti navidez neuničljivemu sovražniku.

Glede na krščansko ozadje praznika vseh svetih vas spominjamo tudi na besede v Jobu:

"Ni li vojna služba človekovo življenje na zemlji
in dnevi njegovi enaki dnevom najemnikovim?"
Job 7,1 CHR

Samo, če bomo sprejeli paradigmo vseživljenjskega boja, bomo izvedli našo pravo revolucijo, identitarno reformacijo, in spremenili Evropo oz. Evropsko unijo v Trdnjavo Evropo, v identitarno prihodnost.

V pričakovanju zmage vas lepo pozdravljamo,

Generacija identitete