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Saving retail traders from self-destruction

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The start of a new uptrend?
[Don’t tell anyone that you’re a trader yet]

You’re wondering:

“Why can’t I tell others that I’m a trader?”

Well, if you’re a consistently profitable trader, then go ahead.

There’s no issue with it.

If you’re not, then it’s best to keep quiet about it.

That’s because when you tell your friend that you’re a trader, the first question you’ll get is…

“Have you made money from trading?”

Your answer is probably no.

And you won’t feel good about it as you’re reminded of your losses and how incompetent you are.

The next time you meet up with your friend again, guess what’s the first question he’ll ask you?

“Have you made money from trading?”

Again, your answer is no and you’ll feel horrible about it.

Now when you meet your friend the next time, guess what’s one question he’ll ask you?

You get my point.

So to avoid this “trauma”, don’t tell anyone about your trading endeavor—not even your family.
The Essential Guide To RSI Indicator

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The Complete Guide To Divergence Trading

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The outcome of a trade doesn't reflect your trading ability.

Your process, mindset, and attitude will.
How To Read and Interpret The Moving Average

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[It never hurts to start small]

Let me ask you…

If you can afford to lose $10,000 without affecting your lifestyle, how much should you fund your trading account?


Wrong answer.

That’s because when you first start trading, your performance will be at its worst.

You’ll make trading mistakes, give in to your emotions, and do things that are detrimental to your account like averaging your losses, widening your stop loss, etc.

This means your $10,000 will not last long.

The solution?

Start with a small trading account.

This way, your mistakes won’t be costly and even if you lose it all, you have money to fund another account.

Because no matter what, you must pay tuition fees to the market.

The question is, do you want to pay more or less?
100- Day Moving Average: Definition, Calculation & Strategies

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The big money is made by sitting on your positions—not forcing trades out of boredom.
6 Trading Habits Which Keep You Poor (Without You Realizing It)

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[How to set proper profit targets (hint: it’s not about your risk-reward ratio)]

I laugh to myself whenever I hear traders comment:

“You must have a minimum of 1:2 risk-reward ratio if you want to be a profitable trader.”

Now let me ask you…

What’s so special about having a 1:2 risk-reward ratio?

Why not have a 1:10? Or even a 1:100?

So here’s the truth…

The market doesn’t care about your risk-reward ratio—it goes where it wants to go.

The only thing you can do is, observe what the market has done previously, and use it as a clue to where it might go in the future.

For example:

If the market previously collapsed at $100, then the next time it approaches $100, there’s a possibility of selling pressure coming in at that level.

As a swing trader, you don’t want to set your target at $105, $100, or $110 because the market might not get to that level due to selling pressure.

Instead, you want to exit your trade before opposing pressure steps in which is before $100 (around $99 or so).

This means if you’re in a long trade, you’ll want to exit your trade before:

• Swing high
• Resistance
• Downward trendline

(And it’s just the opposite for a short trade)
20-Day & 30- Day Moving Average: Definition, Calculation & Strategies

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Stop forcing trades when there’s nothing.

Instead, pick a level to trade where you’ll lose small when wrong—and earn big when right.

You pay less commissions, make less mistakes, and have less stress.
10-Day Moving Average: Definition, Calculation & Strategies

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7 Best Practice In Your First Year Of Trading

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I tried chart patterns and failed.

I tried trading indicators and failed.

I tried harmonic patterns and failed.

I tried candlestick patterns and failed.

Eventually, I realized it was not the tools—but me.
And everything clicked.
Swing Trading Techniques That Work

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[Consistent actions lead to consistent results]

I remembered my first trading system.

It was a Bollinger Band mean reversion strategy.

You buy when the price is at the lower band and sell when it’s at the upper band.

The first few trades I did were winners, then the losses came and I figured this trading strategy doesn’t work.

So, I moved on.

Next, I chanced upon harmonic patterns.

I spent half a year learning how to draw these patterns (guess I’m a slower learner).

At the start, I had some wins but slowly, the losses kicked in and eroded all my profits.

Again, I told myself…

“This trading strategy doesn’t work. Let’s try something else.”

This brought me to the world of price action trading, support and resistance, candlestick patterns, etc.

Again, the same pattern repeated itself.

I had some winners, some losers, and I gave up the strategy.

One day, I asked myself…

“Why does this always happen?”

“Why am I not getting any consistency in my trading?”

“It’s always a few winners and then the losses pile up and take everything away.”

Do you know what I realized?

The problem was me.

I was hopping from one trading strategy to the next.

My actions were inconsistent. And because my actions were inconsistent, I got inconsistent results (duh).

So, don’t make my mistakes.

If you want consistent results from trading, you must have consistent actions.

Stick to one trading strategy, master it—and then move on.
11 Trading Lessons I’ve Learned From 11 Years Of Trading

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“Losing trades is like diarrhoea. It's a pain in the ass but eventually, you have to let it go." – Unknown