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Forwarded from Dr. Simon
Ten signs why this is a staged pandemic.

In times of a pandemic, it is a commonplace to reassure the public. This is because panic and despair cause adverse effects on human health and cognitive capacities as excessive stress increases cortisol and blood sugar levels ( This is old knowledge, yet the media and politicians keep the public in a state of fear.

2. Recently, a whistleblower published that the data that led to the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine admission were manipulated and did not meet scientific standards ( As a result, boosters are becoming mandatory in many countries instead of questioning the vaccine's benefit and efficacy.

3. Children, adolescents, and healthy adults have little or no risks of becoming seriously ill from Covid. Nevertheless, there is significant political and social pressure for healthy people to take an experimental drug to "protect others" (see next point). Those who reject to protect themselves and others often risk losing their jobs. Some countries even discuss detention for non-cooperating people (

4. For decades, vaccines have been communicated as a means of self-protection. Now, vaccines have been enforced on everybody to "protect yourself and others", even though the transmission potential of vaccinated and unvaccinated people is similar ( Furthermore, it appears that being vaccinated will probably increase the chance to die with or from Covid (

5. The peer-review process of the publication about the Covid PCR tests took one day max ( The corresponding author, Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten, is also a member of the journal's editorial board, where the paper was published. Skipping a peer-review process is no minor offence and can be considered scientific fraud. Furthermore, the Fauci emails revealed that Drosten has also been briefed by the Wellcome Trust (i.e. Jeremy Farrar) before and after writing this publication, which puts him in an even more negative light.

6. A study from 1919 about the efficacy of mask-wearing during the Spanish Influenza stated that "many instances were observed among hospital attendants where apparently the mask was no protection to the wearers" ( It was further considered that the mask may have "an unhygienic influence when extended to the entire working day of the individual". This old knowledge was confirmed in a recent review paper on the potential adverse effects of wearing masks ( The authors concluded that wearing masks poses severe health risks while not reducing transmission significantly. Gagging the public with ineffective masks exclusively seems a political reason to break down resistance.

7. The general life expectancy is the same as the average age of death of people who die with or due to Covid. For example, during the Spanish Influenza pandemic, the average age of death of infected people was 28 years, whereas the life expectancy was 56 years.

8. Dissidents are publicly demonized as "terrorists" and "tyrants" ( The rights to bodily integrity and the inviolability of human dignity no longer apply to unvaccinated individuals.

9. Sunlight (i.e. Vitamin D), physical exercises, social interaction, gut health, and exposure to pathogens are essential for a functioning immune system. During the lockdowns, governments closed gyms and sports clubs, prohibited social interactions, and imposed curfews. Fast food delivery services have significantly benefited from this situation.

10. Many scientists and experts in immunology, epidemiology, virology, vitamin D, etc., are currently being banned from social media. Mainly Facebook and Twitter ban and restrict accounts of dissidents randomly. YouTube censors videos that oppose the official narrative. Restriction of freedom of expression would not happen in an open society.

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Forwarded from Chief Nerd
Media is too big
Pfizer Whistleblower Attorney Says Pfizer Admitted Their Vaccine Was a 'Prototype' in Court Filings 🚨

Forwarded from Chief Nerd
JUST IN — Pfizer has asked a U.S. court to throw out a lawsuit from whistleblower Brook Jackson because their vaccine contract with the DoD satisfied the ‘prototype’ provision

“In its motion to dismiss, Pfizer says the regulations don’t apply to its vaccine contract with the U.S. Department of Defense because the agreement was executed under the department’s Other Transaction Authority (OTA), which gives contract holders the ability to skirt many rules and laws that typically apply to contracts.

The contract was granted under the ‘prototype’ provision, which falls under the OTA. The rules for prototypes state that just one of four conditions must be satisfied. The condition that was satisfied in the Pfizer contract was the involvement of a ‘nontraditional defense contractor.’”

Forwarded from Chief Nerd
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NYT Issues Massive Correction After Overstating COVID Deaths Among Children

“They initially declared 4,000 children ages 5-11 had died from a COVID related illness. But in reality that was the number of children diagnosed.”

Rauli Mäkelä kommentoi WHO:n tuoreen konferenssin avajaispuheita:
WHO:n pandemiasopimus "yksi suurimmista vallankaappauksista miesmuistiin"
"Demokratian perusperiaatteiden suoraa loukkaamista"
Kehotan lukemaan ajatuksella. Apinarokkovirus tutkija Mark L Buller kuoli pyÜrälenkillä 2017. Auto ajoi päälle. Palaan tähän asiaan artikkelin muodossa. Pysy kuulolla
Forwarded from Maryann Chambers 777 ♥️💥⚡️🌺 (Maryann Chambers)
Skotlannin terveysviranomaiset ovat käynnistäneet tutkinnan vastasyntyneiden mysteerikuolemista, tämä on jo toinen kerta, kun kuolemat ovat huipussaan kuuden kuukauden sisällä.
Herald-sanomalehden raportti korostaa
"erittäin epätavallista" vauvojen kuolemien piikkiä, ja hälytys annettiin sen jälkeen, kun
18 vauvaa kuoli neljän viikon sisällä syntymästä maaliskuussa 2022.
Sama kontrolliraja ylitettiin myĂśs viime vuoden syyskuussa, jolloin ilmoitettiin 21 vastasyntyneen kuolemaa.
”Vastasyntyneiden kuolleisuus oli 5,1 tapausta tuhatta elävänä syntynyttä kohden syyskuussa ja 4,6 tapausta 1 000:ta kohti maaliskuussa, kun se vuonna 2019 oli keskimäärin 1,49 1000:ta kohti”, sanomalehti kertoo.
Skotlannin kansanterveysviranomainen (PHS) sanoi, että kuolemat eivät voineet johtua sattumasta, ja syy edellisen syyskuun piikin takana "pysyi mysteerinä" .
Raportissa todetaan, että raskaana olevien äitien piikitysten lukimäärä on lisääntynyt ja että raskaudenaikaiset k-infektiot liittyvät suurempaan ennenaikaisen synnytyksen mahdollisuuteen, mutta k-tauti-huippujen ja kuolemantapausten välillä ei havaittu "suoraa yhteyttä".
PHS Scotland sanoo, että k-tartunnoilla "ei näyttänyt olleen osuutta" syyskuun kuolemien tulvassa"
Edinburghin yliopiston tohtori Sarah Stock sanoi: "Luvut ovat todella huolestuttavia", mutta myÜnsi, ettei hän tiennyt kuolinsyytä.
Media is too big
mRNA-teknologian keksijä Dr. Malone:

On selvää että k-piikit ovat yhteydessä sydäntulehduksiin,
se on nähtävissä jopa puolessa piikitetyistä…
sydäntulehdus ei ole koskaan lievä… sydän ei parane, se arpeutuu... hongkongilaisen tutkimuksen mukaan yksi 2000:sta joutuu sairaalaan toisen piikin jälkeen… jopa 20% niistä, jotka ovat saaneet sydäntulehduksen piikistä tulee kuolemaan 5 vuoden sisällä…
Toinen tärkeä aihe josta olen kuullut sairaanhoitajilta ja synnytyslääkäreiltä… olemme kaikki kuulleet naisten häiriintyneistä/uudelleen alkaneista kuukautisista… Pfizerin oman datan mukaan piikin nanopartikkelit kerääntyvät munasarjoihin… olemme nähneet dataa aborteista, syntymävaurioista, kätkytkuolemista...
Efficient assembly of a large fragment of monkeypox virus genome as a qPCR template using dual-selection based transformation-associated recombination

Received 10 August 2021, Accepted 23 February 2022, Available online 28 February 2022.

State Key Laboratory of Virology, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Center for Biosafety Mega-Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, 430071, China

"Monkey poxviruses (MPXVs) are large DNA viruses with reported genome sizes ranging from 190,083 to 206,372 bp in length. As a member of the Orthopoxvirus genus in the family Poxviridae, MPXV is subdivided into the West African and Congo Basin clades. The latter is more pathogenic and has been reported to infect humans in various parts of the world [reviewed in (Brown and Leggat, 2016)]. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) is the gold standard for the detection of orthopoxvirus (including MPXV). For pan-orthopoxviruses detection, the E9L (DNA polymerase) gene has been shown to be an excellent target for qPCR assays (Kulesh et al., 2004)."