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Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
Fauci Emails Show No "Plausible Natural Scenario"

Fauci-funded scientist Bob Garry wrote this to Fauci's group the day AFTER he completed a draft of Proximal Origin:

"I really can’t think of a plausible natural scenario where you get from the bat virus or one very similar to it to nCoV where you insert exactly 4 amino acids 12 nucleotide that all have to be added at the exact same time to gain this function - that and you don't change any other amino acid in S2? I just can't figure out how this gets accomplished in nature."

Recall Proximal Origin is the article that seeded the natural origin narrative.

Again and again, their private views were diametrically opposed to their public ones.

Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
Jeremy Farrar Email To Collins And Fauci Says He Is Leaning "70:30 or 60:40" Accidental Release Over Natural Event

In unredacted February 2020 emails between Wellcome Trust Director Jeremy Farrar, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, the three scientists have a "hard time" explaining the furin cleavage site of SARS-CoV-2 and say that it is "highly unlikely" to be of natural origin.

Farrar: "He (Dr. Mike Farzan) is bothered by the furin site and has a hard time explain that as an event outside the lab (though, there are possible ways in nature, but highly unlikely)"

Farrar then goes on to say that he is leaning "70:30 or 60:40" that the virus was an accidental release.

While these scientists held the private belief that the lab release was the most likely scenario, they also authored the Proximal Origin paper which worked to seed the natural original narrative for the public.

Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
Media is too big
Dr. Scott Atlas: The Reality Is The Lockdowns Killed People

•Lockdowns pushed 130M people into abject poverty.
•400,000 new deaths from Tuberculosis.
•Tens of millions more babies dying of malaria.
•325,000 Americans skipped chemo in Spring 2020.
•50% of heart attack/strokes did not call ambulance.
•65% to 75% of cancer screenings missed.
•85% of living organ transplants not done.
•300% increase in teenage self-harm.
•200% to 300% increase in teenage anxiety and depression.
•52% of college-aged kids gained unwanted 28 pounds in 2020.

Forwarded from Arkmedic's feed 🐭
[ Photo ]
When I first saw this on the boards over a year ago I wasn't sure about it. Now that we are finding our more and more about the nuclear transport it is looking very genuine. In fact, very few people were aware of the implications of LINE-1 reverse transcription at the time that this post was made, and NOBODY knew about the ovarian distribution. We are playing catching up but every post Lynn Fynn and I have made about this stuff has proven true. So. Read it again.
[Original thread]
Lähteestä ei ole varmuutta, mutta jakaneesta on (eli suosittelen tutkimaan aihetta lisää): "Tulin juuri Ranskasta. Katso alla oleva linkki. Rikas iäkäs mies, jolla oli paljon henkivakuutuksia (miljoonia) perheensä hyväksi, kuolee covidrokotukseen (lääkäreiden tai henkivakuutusyhtiöiden kiistämättä). Vakuutusyhtiö kieltäytyi maksamasta korvauksia, koska kokeellisten lääkkeiden, hoitojen jne. ottaminen ei kuulu vakuutuksen piiriin. Perhe vie vakuutusyhtiön oikeuteen, mutta häviää. Tuomari toteaa: "Kokeellisen rokotteen sivuvaikutukset ovat julkisia, eikä vainaja voinut väittää, ettei hän tiennyt niistä, kun hän otti rokotteen vapaaehtoisesti. Ranskassa ei ole mitään lakia tai määräystä, joka pakottaisi hänet ottamaan rokotteen. Näin ollen hänen kuolemansa on pohjimmiltaan itsemurha". Itsemurha on myös suljettu pois hänen vakuutuksestaan. Jos joku joskus kyseenalaistaa teidät siitä, ovatko nämä rokotukset kokeellisia vai eivät, ja että lääkeyhtiöt, hallitukset tai kukaan muu kuin SINÄ olet vastuussa niiden hyväksymisestä ja jos kuolet, olet laillisesti tehnyt itsemurhan. Ei vakuutusta, ei korvauksia, ei hyvityksiä. Olette omillanne! "
Forwarded from Vain hyviä uutisia!
TM (koko artikkeli) tänään: Euroopan unionin lääkeviranomaiset varoittivat tiistaina, että toistuvat koronatehosterokotteet saattavat vaikuttaa haitallisesti ihmisen immuunijärjestelmään. Tehosterokotteiden toistuva ottaminen ei välttämättä ole kestävä ratkaisu, viranomaiset varoittivat.
Euroopan lääkeviraston EMA:n mukaan tehosteannosten ottaminen toistuvasti neljän kuukauden välein voi lopulta heikentää immuunijärjestelmää ja väsyttää ihmisiä, Bloomberg kirjoittaa. Sen sijaan maiden tulisi viraston arvion mukaan jättää enemmän aikaa tehosterokotusohjelmien väliin ja sitoa ne kylmän vuodenajan alkamiseen influenssarokotusstrategioiden suunnitelman mukaisesti.
Jotkut maat harkitsevat parhaillaan mahdollisuutta tarjota ihmisille lisää tehosterokotuksia omikronmuunnosta vastaan. Aiemmin tässä kuussa Israel aloitti toisen tehosterokotteen eli neljännen rokotteen antamisen yli 60-vuotiaille.
Tehosteita ”voidaan antaa kerran tai ehkä kahdesti, mutta emme voi ajatella, että sitä pitäisi toistaa jatkuvasti”, EMA:n biologisten terveysuhkien ja rokotusstrategian johtaja Marco Cavaleri sanoi lehdistötilaisuudessa tiistaina.
”Meidän on mietittävä, kuinka voimme siirtyä nykyisestä pandemiaympäristöstä endeemisempään ympäristöön.”
EUROOPAN LÄÄKEVIRASTON edustaja totesi tiedotustilaisuudessa myös, että oraaliset ja suonensisäiset viruslääkkeet, kuten Paxlovid ja Remdesivir, toimivat myös omikronia vastaan. Virasto voisi hyväksyä uuden rokotteen omikronin kaltaista muunnosta vastaan aikaisintaan huhtikuussa.
Koko tiedotustilaisuuden voi katsoa alta.
Forwarded from Robert W Malone, MD
​​Tidal Wave of Documents on Gain-of-Function and the Leak of the Virus

Stuff is starting to get interesting (and undeniable)

There is so much news hitting the streets that is that is being censored by main stream media and social media today, that it is overwhelming easy comprehension.

Let’s start with the letter to sent to Secretary of the HHS, Xavier Becerra from Representatives Jim Jordan (Ranking Member, Committee on the Judiciary) and James Comer (Ranking Member, Committee on Oversight and Reform). Here is the opening excerpt: (see the photo👇)

The letter goes on:

Rather than be transparent with the Committee, HHS and NIH continue to hide, obfuscate, and shield the truth. By continuing to refuse to cooperate with our request, your agencies are choosing to hide information that will help inform the origins of the ongoing pandemic, prevent future pandemics, respond to future pandemics, inform the United States’ current national security posture, and restore confidence in our public health experts. HHS and NIH’s continued obstruction is likely to cause irreparable harm to the credibility of these agencies. The emails released today raise significant questions, including but not limited to:

1. Did Drs. Fauci or Collins warn anyone at the White House about the potential COVID-19 originated in a lab and could be intentionally genetically manipulated?

2. If these concerns were not shared, why was the decision to keep them quiet made?

3. What new evidence, if any, came to light about COVID-19 between February 1, 2020 and February 4, 2020 to alter the belief it originated in a lab?

4. Did Drs. Fauci or Collins edit the Nature Medicine paper entitled “The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2”?

5. Would having this knowledge earlier have benefitted either vaccine or treatment development?

6. By February 1, 2020, were Drs. Fauci or Collins aware of the State Department’s warnings about WIV safety?

7. Would this warning have changed the early response to the COVID-19 pandemic?

These questions are vital to understanding this and future pandemic responses. Unfortunately, thus far, HHS and its subordinate agency have hidden behind redactions to shield these emails from public scrutiny. We call on you to immediately lift these redactions and produce the email communications to Congress. Further, considering the import of the above questions, we request Dr. Anthony Fauci be made immediately available to sit for a transcribed interview. Please respond by January 18, 2022 to confirm.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

The appendixes of this letter have a number of emails showing in detail what is alleged above. Again, please open the document and read for yourself. These emails are in of themselves the smoking gun that reveal the lies Dr. Fauci has told Congress about what he knew of the gain-of-function research.

If you want a detailed analysis of above letter and the appended emails, I recommend ZeroHedge Tyler Durden’s article entitled “House Republicans Release Damning Fauci Emails Suggesting Concealed Knowledge Of Lab Leak”.

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Forwarded from Robert W Malone, MD
​​First, I encourage everyone to read the actual report.
This report is damming on so many fronts. Read it. Read it. Read it.
If validated, it is as big as the Pentagon papers. This would mean that research funded and conducted by the US Government has caused the death of millions of people world wide. Just ponder that. I can’t hardly wrap my head around the idea. Shocking doesn’t describe how important this is. History will remember.

I am briefly going to focus on just one of tiny aspect of this report. The “how and why” this all happened: (see the photo👇)

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Forwarded from Robert W Malone, MD
​​Translated: The purpose of the gain of function research was to inoculate (vaccinate) bats found in caves in Yunnan, China where confirmed SARS viruses had been identified. This research project was to reduce the prevalence of bat SARS viruses found in bat populations there. Basically, the researchers were trying to build a bat attenuated virus spike protein vaccine to “enhance their immune memory.” Of course, remember the adage that one should not vaccinate into a pandemic or against a rapidly mutating RNA virus, as one does not want create vaccine escape mutants. But these researchers seemed unaware of this risk (they seemed unaware on a whole lot of issues, but that is beside the point here). Why vaccinate bats with viruses adapted to humans, you might ask? Major Murphy then details that the virus got accidentally released before it fully attenuated (attenuated means to be mutated to be non-pathogenic, presumably to bats and humans).

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Forwarded from Robert W Malone, MD
Now, I have all sorts of questions about this. My first and foremost question is why would the researchers chose a chimera that attaches to human ACE2 receptors as the target?

Warning- tortuous logic curves ahead…

Once again seeking to provide benefit of the doubt, I suspect that the logic must have been that by vaccinating the bats with such a construct, this would reduce the risk of developing a human adapted, ACE2-binding SARS-related virus in same bats. But if this is the case, then the logic is really convoluted. One would first develop a human adapted SARS-like virus which binds human ACE2, then attenuate this virus, then find a way to aerosolize it, then infect the bats. And apparently, somehow, before the attenuation step to adapt the human adapted virus to infect the bats, there was a lab leak.

I think that might have been the underlying logic and history, at least as far as I can figure out at this point.

I think that at this point we can all agree that more rigorous constraints on gain of function research are needed. And in my opinion, we need to renegotiate the biowarfare treaty.

However, how we can stop arrogant scientists with a sense of entitlement from doing reckless stuff with viruses is beyond me.

I also still question the legitimacy of this report. Provenance and chain of custody need to be established. A statement from Major Murphy to someone or a group other than the primary source of the documents would be a good start.

Please note that I have only touched on one tiny aspect of this report. Please go read it for yourself. It is jaw dropping in its detail and allegations.

I also know that it is time for Congress to step in and investigate. Are all of these documents real? Does Major Murphy’s report accurately detail all of the events in the report? Finally, I have complete faith that the Congressional Representatives Jim Jorden and James Comer intend to conduct this investigation. I just hope that the rest of Congress gets out of the way and lets them do their job.

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Forwarded from Robert W Malone, MD
Now the revisionist history is really getting into full swing. They were afraid of hurting international harmony. Uh, yeah. Reminds me a bit of a former British prime minister - Neville Chamberlain.

Scientists believed Covid leaked from Wuhan lab - but feared debate could hurt ‘international harmony’

Emails to Dr Anthony Fauci show ‘likely’ explanation identified at start of coronavirus pandemic, but there were worries about saying so

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500 tilaajaa meni juuri rikki. Kiitos seuraajilleni! TQ
WHO tiistaina: Buusteripiikittäminen alkuperäisellä piikillä ei ole sopivaa... on kehitettävä piikkejä, jotka estävät sairastumisen ja tartunnat sekä vakavat tautimuodot ja kuoleman
Connect the Dots
Congressman Jim Jordan sure is, as he interviews Dr. Giroir:

The pcr tests were a dna study...

YOUR dna was sent to China.
Via the PCR test swabs

Why? Genetic sequences are the first step in devising an ETHNIC WEAPON!

They are exporting YOUR genetic information..
thats what the PCR test was...