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Schoolboy Deaths have increased by 60% against the 5-year-average since Chris Whitty overruled the JCVI and told the Government to offer over 12’s the Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine.

Prior to Whitty’s decision, schoolboy deaths were down -23% against the 5-year-average.

Just a coincidence?

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Fully Vaccinated are suffering far higher rates of infection than the Unvaccinated, and it is getting worse by the day; there is no justification for Vaccine Passports

IT’S OFFICIAL: Most of the UK’s vaccinated population are suffering far higher rates of infection than the unvaccinated, and it is getting worse by the day. By Martin Zandstra The UK’s Health Security Agency publishes detailed Covid statistics, which, for the last 7 weeks, have been tabulated by age-group and vaccination status. This now allows…
Indiana Tells Fired Unvaccinated Chicago Police Officers to Come Work There – No Covid-19 Vaccines Required

Police officers in Chicago who face losing their jobs for refusing to get “vaccinated” against Covid-19 now have a refuge in nearby Indiana. Law enforcement officials in the Hoosier State issued an open-ended invitation to Chicago police officers to come work for them instead of continuing to work under the condition of the vaccine mandate.…

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Tri Tenpenny: "Kun Gates päätti tehdä 2010-luvusta rokotteiden vuosikymmenen.. Idea oli keskittyä lapsiin, tuhota heidän immuunijärjestelmänsä ja saada heidät sairaaksi... myrkytämme nuo lapset tehden heistä elinikäisiä farman asiakkaita" Koko haastattelu: (48:12>)
70 members of Pfizer investment board are members of CCP
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Oklahoman poliisilaitos peruu pakkorokotusvaatimuksensa - Uusille kokelaille 5.000 dollarin bonus
Antti Heikkilä: Italia korjasi Koronaan kuolleiden tilastoja. 130 000 kuollutta olikin itseasiassa tarkkaan laskien 3783. Homma alkaa hajoaa hallitusten käsiin "According to the new report (which had not been updated since July) from the Higher Institute of Health on mortality from Covid, the virus that brought the world to its knees would have killed far less than a common flu. It seems a bizarre and no vax statement, but according to the statistical sample of medical records collected by the institute, only 2.9% of the deaths registered since the end of February 2020 would be due to Covid 19. So of the 130,468 deaths registered by official statistics at the time of preparation of the new report only 3,783 would be due to the power of the virus itself."
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Jopa puolet suuren lentoyhtiön henkilökunnasta rokottamatta, lentäjistä noin kolmasosa. Lentokapteeni arvioi Highwiren haastattelussa. Koko haastattelu: (15:00>)
Dr. Zelenko postasi TG:ssä tämän videon, joka paljastaa rokotehuijausta Israelissa:
-Israelin terveysministeri sanoi 30/9 mm. että rokotteet ovat turvallisia
-Israelin VAERS-sivusto "piilotettiin" ja tehtiin vaikeaksi käyttää
Sweden Halts Moderna Jab Indefinitely After Vaccinated Patient Develops Crippling Heart Condition

Moderna’s vaccine, which has previously been suspended in most of the Nordic countries for causing a litany of health problems, caused yet another recipient to develop a crippling heart condition. In response, Swedish health officials halted all use of the mRNA vaccine in young people…

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The UK Government’s own data does not support the claims made for Covid-19 Vaccine Safety & Effectiveness

The following is a comparison of age adjusted all-cause mortality rates in England between the vaccinated and unvaccinated.

By Professor Norman Fenton & Professor Martin Neil

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JUST IN 🚨 Australia imposes penalty of $40 on children under 15 years for not wearing face masks.

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“Unrealized capital gains” is not a thing; do not normalize it. Call it out for what they are proposing: unlawful seizure of personal property.”
