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Germany’s Top Hospital: Half a Million Germans
Experienced Serious Adverse Events after COVID-19
Serious AE's in 1 out of every 125 vaccinated; 40x underreporting factor for
severe adverse events; government urged to take vaccine injury seriously,
find solutions
Posi tv:n eilisessä uutislähetyksessä: 2. WHO:n yleiskokous lähestyy.


4. Saksalainen huippusairaala: puoli miljoonaa saksalaista koki vakavia haittatapahtumia COVID-19-rokotuksen jälkeen.

5. 17 000 lääkärin ja lääketieteen tutkijan julkilausuma.
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Summa summarum, kaikki kuuluu sille pienelle eliitille, joka omistaa patentoidut virukset, lääketehtaat, mediat, lääkejakelun ja sulku ja eritystoimet ja kaikki salaseurat. Eliitti on rotu, jolla on historiallinen lupaus.
Lue koko tarina:
Forwarded from Becker News
The Wuhan lab is in the middle of a monkeypox controversy...
Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊
Media is too big
"Avoiding Vaccination Ain't Enough" - The End of Freedom Begins With Digital ID

Dr. Mike Yeadon: "Once you've got a digital ID, and they [say], 'You can't buy this cheap bread without sharing [digital ID]. If they say next week, 'You can't buy bread without sharing [digital ID],' or the week after, 'You can't buy food without it.' They literally changed the conditions. All it requires is a massive network and your digital ID, *beep*, into the system.... The database and the algorithms [would] determine whether you are [permitted] to enter somewhere or leave somewhere, [and] whether you're able to buy or sell any particular thing at any moment. That's the end of democracy; that's the end of freedom."

@VigilantFox | Rumble | Full Video
Forwarded from Dr. Simon
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As predicted!

Klaus Schwab stresses the importance of protecting against "a new virus possibly, or other risks which we have on the global agenda" and climate change.

Those journalists who don't critically report on the WEF mafia are complicit. It is evident that Klaus Schwab and his young global leaders are trying to undermine our democracy and enslave humanity. 1984 is real.


Dr. Simon @Goddek
Forwarded from Battleground (Jerm)

What a coincidence.

Total coincidence.
☣️ Key Russian lawmaker reveals illicit Ebola, smallpox research at US-run Ukraine biolabs

According to the legislator, the information obtained indicates "aggressive goal-setting that underpins the foundation of these programs, de facto implemented by US Department of Defense on Ukrainian soil"

"The US researched Ebola and smallpox viruses in Ukraine, says Irina Yarovaya, Co-Chair of the Parliamentary Commission on Investigation of US Biological Laboratories in Ukraine.

"Today, we presented an analysis of which pathogens the US was particularly interested in in Ukraine," she told reporters Friday. "Aside from the pathogens that are territorially bound to Ukraine, [the laboratories] researched viruses and pathogens that are endemically very far from Ukraine, such as Ebola and smallpox."

Channel: @RobinMG
Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊
Media is too big
This Vaccine Hammer Has Been Grossly Overused: Where's the Data Proving Safety and Efficacy?

Dr. Robert Malone:
"You give a three-year-old a hammer, everything becomes a nail, and I kind of now need to modify that if you give a public health bureaucrat a hammer, everything becomes a nail, and the hammer in that case is vaccine, and they seem to want to apply it to everything."

"Bobby [Kennedy Jr.] and I are aligned on this. What Bobby has asked for, that's caused him to have all this backlash in pejorative labeling and defamation, he's merely asked for the data. He's asked for the data demonstrating safety and effectiveness, and he's asked for the data comparing safety and effectiveness in the context of this multi-inoculation strategy, which has never been developed and assessed adequately."

Tune in to the Better Way Conference:

@VigilantFox | Rumble
Forwarded from Dr. Simon
The most influential German magazine 'Der Spiegel' published an article about the world's super-rich. There's nothing wrong with that, but, unfortunately, it solely serves as a hit piece against Elon Musk.

Also, the authors of this propaganda article deliberately left out the world's number #1 villain Bill Gates. The reason is shown in the attached document: Bill Gates finances the self-proclaimed "independent and unbiased journalists" of 'Der Spiegel' and consequently whitewashes his dubious involvements, which cover:
▪️ pandemic planning
▪️ investments in vaccines
▪️ co-controlling the WHO
▪️ child porn / Epstein connection
▪️ media financing/corruption
▪️ almighty-fantasies together with Klaus Schwab
▪️ etc.

It's a journalistic scandal that journalists worldwide bully the man who publicly states that he wants to protect free speech and spares the man who would like to see all of us dropping dead.

Welcome to 1984!

Dr. Simon @Goddek
It will once again come down to this.. @RobinMGGroup
Forwarded from UngaTheGreat
Media is too big
Dr. Robert Malone Explains JYNNEOS and Who Is Really Funding These Programs

Bannon: "What is Monkeypox?"

Dr. Malone: "Misdirection play."

"... they already have stockpiled vaccines for smallpox. What they bought is more smallpox vaccines... The name of the product is called JYNNEOS... It is marketed by Bavarian Nordic in you all you have to do is search for package insert JYNNEOS and you'll pull up the package insert for the product and they will find that this is absolutely not a benign product just as with the old Dr. X product, which is somewhat safer than that I had experienced with that and this product when I was working for DOD. This has as one of the leading rare serious adverse events. Wait for it. cardiotoxicity myocarditis."
