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Workshop: Eurasia in a Geopolitical Globalised World

Date: 25 – 27 July 2024
Venue: The OSCE Academy in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic (in person)
About the workshop
The end of the Cold War was heralded by many scholars and policy-makers as the beginning of a new international order, in which the logic of power politics and spheres of influence would give way to the shared interests generated by the increasingly intensive and extensive flows of ideas, capital, goods, and services in a globalised world. The need to control and extend influence over territory was a remnant of the nineteenth century and not consonant with a world where markets could deliver the same rewards with fewer costs and positive sum results for all. There is an increasing tension between wanting to be part of an open global economy and the desire to control territory that characterize today's international system, and no more so than Eurasia. International relations and policy-makers are trying to make sense of how to understand a world that has both extensive supply chains and increasing economic nationalism; one with transnational flows of capital, goods, ideas, and even people but also calls to close borders.
Eurasia has always been at the centre of discussions about what kind of international system we have. The aim of this workshop is to help participants understand international order in the face of this tension between globalization and geopolitics. It wants to explore different issues and challenges where this tension might be more evident. These range from climate change, energy security, food, water, and the managing of borders. The workshop will focus on the policy questions that are raised and some possible scenarios for what they may mean for.
The workshop will explore the different ways in which we can understand the rapidly changing international system. It will do this by looking at a range of cases in Eurasia, and more specifically Central Asia, as well as a range of topics. These can include the following topics:

1) Geopolitics of Energy and the Environment in a globalised geopolitical world
2) Geopolitics of Democracy and Human Rights in a globalised geopolitical world
3) The Geopolitics of Water 
4) Geopolitics and Security Governance in a globalised geopolitical world
5) Regional integration and geopolitics 
6) The Geopolitics of borders in a globalised geopolitical world
Medium of the workshop
Free of charge. Travel, accommodation, and meals are covered by the organizers.
• Be citizens of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. Also citizens of Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan but only those residing in Kyrgyzstan can apply.
• Completed BA or MA degree in Social Sciences or other related fields;
• Junior and mid-level professionals from international organization, international non-governmental (non-profit) organization, or governmental and public institutions;
• Researchers, activists, and experts are also eligible to apply;
• Be fluent in English
How to apply
Please submit the following documents in a single PDF document of no more than 4 pages, all in English, saved as Mr/Ms_Name_Surname_GGW:
• The most recent curriculum vitae of no more than two pages;
• A letter of motivation up to 500 words

Please send your documents by email to: NO LATER than 5 June 2024 at midnight (Bishkek time). Please indicate “Geopolitical Globalised World” in the subject line of your email. An application that does not follow these instructions will not be reviewed.

>>>>>More information<<<<

Obuna bo'ling ⬇️
Kim Toshkentda 👀

Bugungi kuningizni qiziq va yorqin o’tkazing!!!

Festival doirasida “Yoshlar yelkani” loyihasi tamonidan o’tkaziladigan kvest va ko’ngil ochar tadbirida yordamga volontyorlar qabuli.

Festival tadbirlari oila, bolalar va yoshlar uchun moslashtirilgan jonli dastur barchamiz uchun ochiq bo’ladi.

+ Yevropa Ittifoqiga oid viktorinalar, jamoaviy o‘yinlar, badiiy mahorat darslari va turli zonalarda – Mindscape, Sport, Dance and Arts – Yevropa Ittifoqi va O‘zbekiston o‘rtasidagi madaniy hamkorlik ramzi bo‘lgan, almashinuv va intellektual hamkorlikni rag‘batlantirishni, shuningdek, o‘yinlar va bayramlarni o‘z ichiga oladi.

Yevropa Ittifoqi festivali va ko‘rgazmasi Botanika bog‘i amfiteatrida

Mehmonlar uchun
14:00 +

Tadbirda Sahar guruhi, Vasilisa Naypak, Elyorbek Meliboyev, Sabina Mustayeva, “Marokand” guruhi, “Hooligans” guruhi va DJ King Macarella kabi yosh yulduzlar va taniqli qo’shiqchilarni o'z ichiga olgan jo'shqin ijrochilarning hayajonli tarkibi ishtirok etadi.

Agar siz ham ushbu imkoniyatni qo’ldan boy berishni istamasangiz tezroq kiyinib tayyorlanishni boshlang😉


Yo, EcoHub fam! ✌️

It is May 20th and we have 226 days left until New Year.🎉

Buuut we already got a dope opportunity for you!🎁🔥

If you’re all about that climate change hustle and global governance game, reserve this whole new week for a massive flow of enlightenment! 🚀

This is because the legggend himself, Professor Randall Abate, Assistant Dean for Environmental Law Studies at George Washington University (the FIRST law university in D.C.) in the U.S with over 30 years of teaching experience everywhere from Oxford to Yale to Seoul National University will be coming to Tashkent to conduct series of open and FREE lectures and a public talk.🇺🇸📚

During the lectures and a public talk, Professor Abate will drop some serious knowledge on how nations come together to tackle that beast called climate change. He’ll break down how institutions handle governance fails, boost incentives, and build mad skills for climate action. 🌎🔍

If you’re ready for this legendary week, the plan of events is as follows:

1. Public Talk on Introduction to Climate Change Governance

📅Date: May 23, 2024
🕕 Time: 6:30 PM
📍 Location: Ziyo Forum, Yakkasaray District, Qushbegi street, 8
🗣️ Working language: English
💸Cost: Free for everybody, especially students

📌To participate in the public talk, register through the link

2. Two UNIQUE lecture series on International Environmental Law and Climate Change Governance - for students, professors, and professionals in Law, International Relations and related fields

A 2-day lecture course on International Environmental Law - May 23-24,

A 3-day lecture course on Climate Change Governance - May 27-29.

🕕 Time: The time schedule of lectures can be found in the poster
📍 Location: Central Asian Green University (2 Chimkent road, Darkhan)
🗣️ Language: English
💸Cost: Free for everybody, especially students

📌To register, please send an email to or a telegram message to +998909909984.

Reserve your spots now and join us this week!

Obuna boʻling 👇🏻
Forwarded from Sojida Karimova
Bepul lekin ichida jamoamiz bilan ishlaymiz. Pulli kursimizni materiallarini tarqatmaslik uchun bu 10 kunga alohida tayyorgarlik bilan o'xshash manbalardan yig'ib chiqdik.

📆27-Maydan boshlanadi

Lekin qatnashishni kichik shartchasi bor🫠 Aslida bu challengeni auditoriyamiz kengayishi uchun o'tkazyapmiz🙈

Qatnashish uchun:
1. @Sojida_Karimova kanaliga maxsus link orqali 6 dona Ingliz tiliga qiziqadigan do'stingizni taklif qiling.

2. Instagramdagi Sojida_Teacher accountini follow qiling.


Sizga yopiq kanalimiz linkini beramiz.

Qatnashish uchun @Sojida_Teacher_Manager ga yozing va shaxsiy link oling.
O'zbekistondagi birinchi IELTS 9.0 sohibi Bekzod Mirahmedov bir oylik READING kurs tashkil qilmoqda!

😍 Siz bu kursda mutlaqo bepulga ishtirok etishingiz mumkin.

Buning uchun quyidagi botga kirib shartlarni bajaring va hoziroq yopiq kanalga ulaning:

👉 @bmninebot
Butunjahon yoshlar festivali O’zbekistonda - volontyorlar kerak!🤩

Chet tillarini biladigan volontyorlar uchun 26-30 iyun kunlari O’zbekistonda birinchi marta bo’lib o’tadigan Butunjahon yoshlar festivalining muhim qismi bo’lish uchun ajoyib imkonitat!

Qabul 1-iyungacha

Ariza topshirish

Manba: O’zbekiston volontyorlar assotsiatsiyasi rasmiy kanali

ый фестиваль молодёжи в Узбекистане - нужны волонтёры!🤩

Прекрасная возможность для волонтеров, со знанием иностранных языков быть частью первого в Узбекистане Всемирного фестиваля молодежи, который пройдет 26-30 июня!

Приём заявок до 1 июня

Подать заявку

Источник: официальный канал Ассоциации Волонтёров Узбекистана


Obuna boʻling 👇🏻
Xalqaro Yoshlar Forumida qatnashish imkoniyati🤩🔥

2024-yil 9-23 avgust kunlari bo‘lib o‘tadigan “Mashuk” yoshlar forumi pedagogika, ta’lim va ma’rifat sohalarida 14 yoshdan 35 yoshgacha bo‘lgan yoshlarni birlashtiradi.

Deadline: 30-may,2024

Ariza uchun link:

P.S: Postni yaqinlarga tarqatamiz. Yana shunaqa ko'plab tanlov, konferensiya, sammit,forumlar haqida postlar tashlanadi.


Obuna boʻling 👇🏻
Autumn Korean Culture Camp 2024

Date of program = 17 – 22 November
Age: 17 - 35
- Live for 6 days in Seoul, Korea.
Korean language class
- Learn and understand Korean culture directly.
- Heritage walking tour around Seoul.
- Experience to be like local people by experiencing the local traditions.
Experimental learning.
- E-Certificate of participation from AYFN.


Deadline: 31 July

For more join:

Share with you friends✈️

Obuna boʻling 👇🏻
YES SUMMER SCHOOL 2024: Armanistonda xarajatlari qoplanuvchi 5 kunlik yozgi maktab

Bu dasturga iqtisodiyot sohasidagi magistratura va doktorantura talabalari, tadqiqotchi hamda yosh mutaxassislar ariza topshirishi mumkin.

Dastur mashgʻulotlar 2024-yil 8-12-iyun kunlari Armanistonda boʻlib oʻtadi (ingliz tilida).

Moddiy imtiyozlar:
– Qatnashish bepul
– Bepul turar joy va oziq-ovqat taʼminlanadi
– Mahalliy transport xarajatlari qoplanadi
– Cheklangan miqdorda xalqaro safar uchun yordam mablagʻi

Arizalar 2024-yil 31-maygacha qabul qilinadi.




Obuna boʻling 👇🏻
Amerikadagi ushbu fully-funded program uchun qabul davom etyapti.

Kanal a’zolari soni 500tadan oshsa, o’zimni tajribam, hujjat topshirish, Amerikadagi praktika, host family, host organization va stipendiya haqida ushbu kanalda ovozli suhbat tashkillaymiz🤩

P.S. Dasturda ishtirok etmoqchi bo’lgan va Amerikaga bormoqchi bo’lgan do’stlaringizni ham taklif qilib qo’ying!


Obuna boʻling 👇🏻
Участвуйте в III Казанском Глобальном молодёжном саммите этим летом 🌐

➡️ Основными темами события, которое пройдёт в Казани с 21 по 24 августа, станут: цифровизация, современные инструменты молодёжной политики и роль традиционных ценностей в эпоху глобализации.

К участию приглашаются молодые лидеры из России, а также стран БРИКС, ОИС и АТР от 18 до 35 лет со знанием английского языка на уровне B2–C1.

🟢 Регистрация на саммит открыта до 10 июня.
🟢 А подать заявку и узнать больше о событии можно на сайте:

Obuna boʻling 👇🏻
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🙋‍♀️ Что: Кыял Фест

💁‍♂️ Где: онлайн (zoom)

🤷 Когда: 14-15 июня

🙆‍♀️ Для кого: Граждан КР, КЗ и РТ от 16 лет

🗣Языки: Кыргызский и русский

👨‍🏫 Программа и темы:

🔸Сессии, воркшопы, консультации
🔹Спикеры, которые расскажут о возможностях, а также поделятся своими навыками и знаниями по подаче заявок.
🔸Различными программы и возможностями в сфере образования зарубежом
🔹Как писать и оформлять мотивационные письма и много другой полезной информации.

💠 Регистрация: здесь

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Obuna boʻling 👇🏻
🙋‍♀Что: Воркшоп на тему «Евразия в глобальном геополитическом мире»

💁‍♂Где: г. Бишкек, Академия ОБСЕ

🤷Когда: 25 - 27 июля

🙆‍♀Для кого:

🔹Граждан стран ЦА + Азербайджана, Армении, Грузии

🔸С поправкой, что граждане - Туркменистана, Таджикистана и Афганистана смогут участвовать, если они уже проживают в Бишкеке, поскольку сложно будет организовать ваш приезд

🔹Бакалавров и магистров в области социологии и смежных областей

🔸Сотрудников НПО и гос. служб

🔹Ученые, активисты и эксперты

🇺🇸Язык: Английский

💰Организаторы покрывают все расходы на транспорт, проживание и питание

♦️Для подачи:

• Документы в одном PDF-файле не более 4 страниц, на английском языке, сохраните как Mr/Ms_Name_Surname_GGW:
• Самой последней CV в двух страницах;
• Мотивационное письмо до 500 слов

📩Отправлять на:

📲 Укажите в теме письма: «Геополитический глобализованный мир»

Дедлайн: до 5 июня

💠Подробнее: здесь

Sharing is Caring | Подписаться

Obuna boʻling 👇🏻
Волонтерство в ООН по переводу контента с сайта UNEP на русский язык

🌎 Где: онлайн
🎒 Длительность: 12 недель
💼 Занятость: 16-20 часов в неделю
💸 Вознаграждение: по окончании задания ты получишь сертификат от платформы United Nations Volunteering
🔞 Ограничения: нет

Дедлайн: 30 мая

The Web Platforms team of UNEP is seeking three Online Volunteers to support our work in translation, revision and terminology management, specifically by translating content of and affiliated sites from English to Russian. We are looking for candidates who can offer meticulous translation and language revision and support precise terminology management.

Чем ты будешь заниматься:
• translate and review translations of assigned web pages, including graphics, photo captions, tags, SEO descriptions etc
• follow UNEP terminology and language practice, including proposing new terms to include in our terminology lists
• ensure translations are accurate and in line with our communication guidelines
• you will receive guidance on UNEP terminology, communications guidelines, as well as other guidance as needed

• candidates should be native in Russian and fluent in English
• specialized education or training in translation is required
• familiarity with technical terms related to environment and climate change is required
• five years of previous translation, writing and proofreading experience from English to Russian are required

🌱 Подробнее


Obuna boʻling 👇🏻
BMTning xalqaro konferensiyasida qatnashish imkoniyati🇺🇳🤩

BMTning iqlim o‘zgarishi bo‘yicha konferensiyasi 2024-yilning 11-22-noyabr kunlari Ozarbayjon poytaxti Baku shahrida bo‘lib o‘tadi.

Dastur aviachipta, turar joy, ovqatlanish, transport, tibbiy sug'urtani o'z ichiga oladi.


Deadline: 2024 yil 6 iyun


P.S: Postni yaqinlarga tarqatamiz. Yana shunaqa ko'plab tanlov, konferensiya, sammit,forumlar haqida postlar tashlanadi.


Obuna boʻling 👇🏻
Xalqaro adabiy tanlovda qatnashish imkoniyati🔥🔥🔥

✍️ "Qanday qilib yaxshi yozish kerak" yosh bolalar yozuvchilari adabiy festivalida ishtirok etish uchun tanlov e'lon qilindi! 🌟

Deadline: 2024-yil 1-iyun
Yosh: 18 yoshdan 40 yoshgacha

Tanlovga quyidagilar qabul qilinadi:
📖 ilgari nashr etilmagan she'rlar, hikoyalar, ertaklar, romanlar (1 ta muallif sahifasigacha).

🏆 Tanlovdan o‘tgan ishlar to‘plamda chop etiladi, mualliflar esa festivalga taklif qilinadi.

Ariza uchun ma’lumot:

To’liq ma’lumot:

P.s:Postni kanal linki bilan maksimal tarqatamiz.Yana shunday tanlov sammit konferensiyalar tashlab boriladi.


Obuna boʻling 👇🏻
Water Innovation contest: barcha O'zbekiston talabalari uchun tanlov. Bosh mukofot 1000 AQSH dollari!

K-water Central Asia markazi talabalar o‘rtasida sun’iy intellektdan foydalangan holda suv xo‘jaligi, suv ta’minoti tizimlari va aqlli shaharlar bo‘yicha innovatsion yechimlarni ishlab chiqish bo‘yicha tanlov o‘tkazmoqda.

— Markaziy Osiyoning suv resurslari
— Suv ta'minoti tizimini takomillashtirish
— Suvdan samarali foydalanish va sun'iy intellektga ega aqlli shaharni rivojlantirish

Best of the Best: taxminan 1000 AQSH dollari.
Gold Award: taxminan 700 AQSH dollari.
Silver Award: taxminan 500 AQSH dollari.
Future Star Award: taxminan 200 AQSH dollari
miqdoridagi pul mukofoti va sertifikatlar bilan taqdirlanadilar.

Ariza topshirish muddati: 2024-yil 13-maydan 2024-yil 7-iyungacha

Batafsil ma’lumot uchun:


Obuna boʻling 👇🏻
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