Together Declaration
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Vacc passports allowed govts to condition general public to using mobile phone as means of entry & access to basic services, basic amenities

What scared me most is how readily most accepted this"
Check out podcast link
We've seen measures that have been very damaging... we're now in a cost of lockdown crisis... this should not be part of a policy repertoire. It's an absolute aberration

We will challenge any further restrictions fully

We'll accept no future overreach in the name of ‘safety’

Our fundamental right to meet, organise, protest, pray, dance & socialise is ours & ours alone

In a functioning democracy, this cannot be removed by the State

This was entirely wrong & should never be repeated


The idea @BorisJohnson won't rule out further restrictions 2.5 years on from '3 weeks to flatten curve' is absurd

We know what people in govt thought of these restrictions themselves

They proved it over and over again

"Time we acknowledge our response to pandemic has been worse than the disease"

Thank you @EstherMcVey1

& right to point out effect on kids

Why does @covidinquiryuk need years to do its job?
Wasn't even going to address effects on kids, remember

No surprise we now see demonstrations in UK over soaring fuel prices

We are in a cost of lockdown/cost of living crisis

@BorisJohnson was warned but gave us repeated lockdowns despite evidence

"Opposition" @Keir_Starmer wanted more

Bold leadership needed now; do we have any?

Welcome to the Covid "doom loop"

Restrictions have been normalized so much, almost no-one stops to ask:

"Are they justified?"
Let alone "do they actually work?"

We're already paying the price for wild decisions:
The cost of lockdowns crisis

Insist no more #together

This is Holland where protestor shot by police

But we see temperature rising all over world

As cost of lockdowns crisis bites we can't have vague, draconian Police/Crime Act & Public Order Bill suffocate freedom @pritipatel

Peaceful protest is our right
Boris Johnson resigning today

Not because of lockdowns & damages caused or vac passports & mandates or suffocations of freedom under his leadership

Trust integrity honesty are indeed crucial

It's been a circus: We will continue defend freedoms Together
It was July last year “Freedom Day” that PM Johnson declared we would have Vaccine Passports

That led directly to creation of Together

We all challenged & saw off v Passports & Mandate #together

Who ever replaces PM, we will stand united for freedom privacy autonomy rights