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What is function of spleen in our body?

The spleen plays multiple supporting roles in the body.

It acts as a filter for blood as part of the immune system.

Old red blood cells are recycled in thespleen, and platelets and white blood cells are stored there.

The spleen also helps fight certain kinds of bacteria that cause pneumonia and meningitis.

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Dolphins Keep an Eye Out While Sleeping?

Dolphins Keep an Eye Out While Sleeping. Dolphins have a clever trick that doesn't involve jumping in the air for fish: They can overcome sleep deprivation and remain constantly vigilant for days at a time by resting one half of their brain while the other half remains conscious.

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What is difference between Copy Right and Patent ?

The Difference Between Copyright and Patent.

Patents refer to an invention, whereas copyrights refer to the expression of an idea, such as an artistic work.

They are governed by different rules, so it is important to know which is applicable to your works.

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Why do surgeons wear green or blue clothes ?

Green and blue are colors that are not bright and pleasing to eye.

Also they appear clean when stained with blood.

It began with wearing white scrubs as it was considered a surgeon is more reputed if his scrubs were stained more.

Later as concepts of sepsis and hygiene came along colors changed to green n blue which are neutral to eye and also instil a sense of cleanliness and authority.

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What body parts of human body can be donated after death?

The entire body can be donated for training or research purposes.

For the purpose of transplantation, the following can be harvested:
Liver ,Kidneys, Pancreas, Heart, Lungs, Eyes, Skin, Bone, Hands, Face.

As our techniques improve, more organs could be brought in to the fold and possibly also stored longer.

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What is hyperloop ?

Hyperloop is a high-speed transportation system, incorporating reduced-pressure tubes in which pressurized capsules ride on an air cushion that is driven by a combination of linear induction motors and air compressors.

It is an entirely new mode of transportation that eliminates all travel complications and objections due to cost, travel time and weather conditions.

Traveling as fast as the speed of sound, the Hyperloop will be faster than today's conventional methods of transportation. At about 760 MPH.

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What is motion sickness ?

Motion sickness is a very common disturbance of the inner ear that is caused by repeated motion such as from the swell of the sea, the movement of a car, the motion of a plane in turbulent air, etc.

Some people experience nausea and even vomiting when riding in an airplane, automobile, or amusement park ride.

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What is deepest part of ocean ?

The Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench is the deepest known point in Earth's oceans.

In 2010 the United States Center for Coastal & Ocean Mapping measured the depth of the Challenger Deep at 10,994 meters (36,070 feet) below sea level with an estimated vertical accuracy of ± 40 meters.

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How long is Milky Way?

The disk of the Milky Way galaxy is about 100,000 light years in diameter (one light year is about 9.5 x 1015 meters), but only about 1000 light years thick. Our Galaxy contains about 200 billion stars.

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How long does a migraine usually last?

Migraines are disabling headaches that most likely stem from problems with the nerves and blood vessels in the head.

Migraine headaches typically last from 4-72 hours.

They may occur as often as several times a week to only once a year. People who have migraines are called migraineurs.

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What connects the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean?

The Panama Canal is not the only water line connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. There's a place in Wyoming—deep in the Teton Wilderness Area of the Bridger-Teton National Forest—in which a creek splits in two. Like the canal, this creek connects the two oceans dividing North America in two parts.

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What percent of calories does the brain use?

While a brain takes up about twenty percent, or 300, of a resting body's 1300 calories a day, and while it has the potential to burn more, it's estimated that most actual thinking only changes the amount of calories that the brain burns by around twenty to fifty calories per day.

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How long does it take for your body to digest a piece of gum?

You might have heard that swallowed gum stays in your stomach for 7 years.

That's not true.

Though your stomach can't break down a piece of gum the same way it breaks down other food, your digestive system can move it along through normal intestinal activity.

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Why do lakes freeze from the top down rather than the bottom up?

The reason why ice forms on the top of lakes and ponds is that once water cools below 39 degrees Fahrenheit, it becomes lighter and less dense the more it cools. This means that water expands as it freezes into ice. As a result, ice takes up more room than the water it was made from.

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Where are bees not found?

They are found on every continent except Antarctica, in every habitat on the planet that contains insect-pollinated flowering plants. Bees are adapted for feeding on nectar and pollen, the former primarily as an energy source and the latter primarily for protein and other nutrients.

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When was the wireless phone invented?

A jazz musician named Teri Pall invented a version of the cordless phone in 1965 but could not market her invention, as its 2-mile (3.2 km) range caused its radio signals to interfere with aircraft communications. In 1968, she sold her rights to the cordless phone to a manufacturer who modified it for practical use.

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What mineral is the hardest?

As it says in Mohs scale, the diamond is always at the most top of the scale, being the hardest mineral. There are ten minerals in Mohs scale, talc, gypsum, calcite, fluorite, apatite, orthoclase, quartz, topaz, corundum, and for last and the hardest, diamond.

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Do insects have lungs?

Instead of lungs, insects breathe with a network of tiny tubes called tracheae. Air enters the tubes through a row of holes along an insect's abdomen. The air then diffuses down the blind-ended tracheae. Since the biggest bugs have the longest tracheae, they should need the most oxygen to be able to breathe.

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