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After I started the website for nearly eleven years, V2EX finally got its special treatment from China – China blocked it for the Internet users in the mainland by SNI filtering and DNS poisoning. In those sleepless nights, I lay on my bed and kept thinking about what is really blocked when we are talking about that wall and its blockage.

It becomes obvious that in recent years more and more controls are being imposed there. For dealing with the website hosted in China, they have ICP filing, public security filing, and a brand new Cyber Administration to monitor and act. Individuals and corporations obey. Those websites and apps that are not hosted in China will be blocked in most cases once they got big, especially if it is a website in Chinese.

Thus, control of the usage of the Chinese language is accomplished. That is the sad part. Internet is the most effective way to spread ideas in this era, while the usage of a language used by 1.4 billion people is strictly controlled. Of course, you can write in Chinese on a server outside China, but if what you wrote cannot reach its most potential audience, the meaning of writing itself is reduced.

Such control of a language is probably quite unique if we can have a chance to look back from a historical perspective. Now I just have no idea where that will go.

During the early days of founding Singapore, they chose English as the primary language. It was a pragmatic choice. Also, English is not controlled by any country but shared by a whole world outside China.

在我创办网站近 11 年后,V2EX 终于得到了来自 #中国 的特殊待遇——中国通过 SNI 过滤和 DNS 投毒对大陆的网民进行了 #封锁。在那些不眠之夜,我躺在床上不断思考,当我们谈论那堵 #墙 和它的封锁时,什么才是真正被封锁的。

很明显,近年来,那里正在实施越来越多的 #控制。对于处理在中国托管的 #网站,他们有 ICP #备案,公安备案,以及一个全新的网络管理局(国家互联网信息办公室,简称 #网信办)来监督和采取行动。个人和公司都要服从。那些不在中国托管的网站和应用程序一旦做大,在大多数情况下会被封锁,特别是如果它是一个中文的网站(例如 tingtalk.me)。

因此,对 #中文 使用的控制就完成了。这是最可悲的部分。#互联网 是这个时代传播思想的最有效方式,而 14 亿人使用的 #语言 的使用却受到严格控制。当然,你可以在中国以外的服务器上用中文 #写作,但如果你写的东西不能到达其最潜在的受众,写作本身的意义就被削弱了。


在新加坡建国初期,Ta 们选择 #英语 作为主要语言。这是一个务实的选择。而且,英语不受任何国家控制,而是由中国以外的整个世界共享。by 刘昕 Livid #突破审查

原文由 DeepL 翻译(编者有删改),通过 空格派 实现中英文混排自动添加空格

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