Wandering SpΛrtan
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Νομοθεσία Λυκούργου ανά των αιώνων στην αρετή αξεπέραστη.
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Forwarded from Wandering SpΛrtan
The best thing you can do for your body/mind/soul right in this moment is to turn off your device and go into nature.

Take your shoes off and walk barefoot on the sacred ground. Allow Mother Earth to kiss your feet, she has missed you, and you have missed her but you didn't know or forgot you did.

If it is cold stay with the feeling, breathe the air and bless the Sun. Harmonize yourself with the surrounding energies and ask your Mother to warm you and you will not be cold anymore.

Stop thinking about the world and its circus, rise beyond it. Transcend it. It is just you and the Universe.

Welcome home, Child.
Alexander was larger than life, the greatest conqueror who ever walked the earth. He never knew defeat and was regarded by the conquered peoples as a liberator rather than a tyrannical conqueror as he spread the light of Hellenism throughout the known then world and beyond, showing the contrast between the kingly way of Hellenes and ordinary barbarians.

His treatment of his enemies inspired awe and respect. At the battle of Issus, Darius III was defeated by the Greeks. Among the captives were Darius’ mother, wife and daughters whom he chose to treat with the greatest respect and as honored guests among his army.

Art: Gérard Edelinck (1640–1707) after Charles le Brun (1619-1690), Alexander and Hephaistion Visit the Family of Darius in their Tent after the Battle of Issus, 1661. [cropped]
"As he was betaking himself to supper, someone told him that among the prisoners were the mother, wife, and two unmarried daughters of Dareius, and that at sight of his chariot and bow they beat their breasts and lamented, believing that he was dead. Accordingly, after a considerable pause, more affected by their affliction than by his own success, he sent Leonnatus, with orders to tell them that Dareius was not dead, and that they need have no fear of Alexander;

for it was Dareius upon whom he was waging war for supremacy, but they should have everything which they used to think their due when Dareius was undisputed king. If this message was thought by the women to be mild and kindly, still more did the actions of Alexander prove to be humane. For he gave them permission to bury whom they pleased of the Persians, and to use for this purpose raiment and adornment from the spoils, and he abated not one jot of their honourable maintenance, nay, they enjoyed even larger allowances than before.

But the most honourable and most princely favour which these noble and chaste women received from him in their captivity was that they neither heard, nor suspected, nor awaited anything that could disgrace them, but lived, as though guarded in sacred and inviolable virgins' chambers instead of in an enemy's camp, apart from the speech and sight of men. And yet it is said that the wife of Dareius was far the most comely of all royal women, just as Dareius himself also was handsomest and tallest of men, and the daughters resembled their parents.
But Alexander, as it would seem, considering the mastery of himself a more kingly thing than the conquest of his enemies, neither laid hands upon these women, nor did he know any other before marriage, except Barsiné. This woman, Memnon's widow, was taken prisoner at Damascus. And since she had received a Greek education, and was of an agreeable disposition, and since her father, Artabazus, was son of a king's daughter, Alexander determined (at Parmenio's instigation, as Aristobulus says) to attach himself to a woman of such high birth and beauty.

But as for the other captive women, seeing that they were surpassingly stately and beautiful, he merely said jestingly that Persian women were torments to the eyes. And displaying in rivalry with their fair looks the beauty of his own sobriety and self-control, he passed them by as though they were lifeless images for display."

— Plutarch, Life of Alexander
What is particularly fascinating in regards to the works of Plutarch and namely his Parallel Lives (each tome in two parts: life of a famed Greek and a Roman) is that he isn’t as much interested in narrating history and the life of a specific illustrious historical figure as much as he is interested in emphasizing the character and personality of those figures and thus convey the greatness of their spirit through the recounting of details which would be regarded as trivial by biographers and historians but are instead the focal point of Plutarch’s Parallel Lives.

Plutarch focuses on anecdotes and recorded sayings, their sense of humor and habits, details and facets of their everyday life that would not conventionally make it to typical historical or biographical works. In this manner, the author brings the reader into the lives of those men, allowing them a much closer perspective than what is conventionally allowed an ordinary student of history.
Forwarded from Secure Our Future
Remember young white men, our world is in this putrid state because the majority of older white men sat back quietly and did nothing. Now we are forced to deal with the repercussions of their deafening silence. You are the new breed of warriors arising. The future belongs to you and your people.
This one will piss people off.

I see a lot of people, in chats, saying "white man will win", because our ancestors were the great victors, throughout history. Let's be real. Our ancestors had a tough lifestyle, trained daily, and were constantly facing hardship. They were not poisoned by comfort, nor did they stay within echochambers.
Today, we have a fragile (sort of) alliance, we are snowflakes (not everyone, but a good chunk of us).. we are nothing like our ancestors, save for our genetics, since we descend from them.
Does it mean that we can't achieve greatness? Of course not. But, we have to earn it. Do you think the likes of Arminius, or Robert the Bruce, were born, and recognized as heroes? Their actions earned them their status. We have nothing to show for, yet. In fact, we have a lot of clean up to do. For example, we have to stop fearing infighting. Our ancestors had daily bar (or tavern) brawls. But, when a threat came around, they worked together.
To conclude, if we want to refeer to our ancestors, or heroes, let's treat them as role models to emulate, or historical figures, not as references. Just because they accomplished great deeds, doesn't mean we did.. but we could.
"What we do now echoes in eternity." — Marcus Aurelius
The zombie apocalypse is here and now. The world of darkness, decay and oblivion.

Surf your way across the valley where dwell the multitudes of walking dead shadows.

Beyond the horizon there shines a Light stronger than a thousand suns. It calls on the mighty.

You who have chosen the path of pain and Truth, let this light be your single-minded purpose.

Remember that action exists only in the present moment. Action is the way of the living. Those who think for too long get consumed by their own thoughts.

Fend off despicable mediocrity, bringer of pleasures and false promises. Let it consume the weak. You have works of a higher nature to perform.
Forwarded from Ice Age Imperium
Befriend the cold, a harsh but wise teacher. Do not fight it or resist it. Still your mind and breathe deep.

Timeless and most ancient, it initiated our forefathers and their fathers before them. It will show you the way and help you bring out your inner strength.

Into the cold, the flame of life has no choice but to burn stronger.

Praise Boreas!
"Οι άνδρες αναδυκνείουν τις θέσεις και όχι οι θέσεις τους άνδρες." — Αγησίλαος
Hesiod was a simple man who was deemed worthy by the Muses.

He was chosen to tell the story of how the Gods came to be, their origin and relation to each other (Theogony).

Even though it is Hesiod's voice that hymns the story, it is the immortal muses that speak through him.

Hesiod never takes credit for his knowledge and continually praises the muses and reminds us that they are the authors of his Theogony.

It is basically the Gods hymning their own story, their perspective.

Chaos is the source and beginning of all.
Not even the Gods themselves know its nature or if there was something before it. Chaos is the Great Unknown and for reasons known only to itself came forward the primeval cosmic forces/entities of existence.
Marble statue of Athena. Copy from a bronze original of Myron (450 BC).
Forwarded from Ice Age Imperium
Meet the rising of the morning Sun.

Something that greatly assists proper physical and spiritual function is to rise with the first light, or at least shortly thereafter. The easiest way to do this is to have an open window or source of light in the morning to shine upon you, triggering your effortless waking. In colder weather, ensure you are dressed warm enough throughout the night so that you will not feel the instinct to hide beneath the warmth of your blanket or sleeping bag.

Another thing: since I began sleeping on the floor upon a mat a few inches thick, I have experienced a huge improvement in sleep quality. Most beds, which are very soft and unnatural physiologically, leave your muscles unable to fully rest and leave your body tired and somewhat ached upon waking. Make also sure that when you choose your spot to place your mat on the floor, you distance yourself from walls and any devices which may emit EMFs in the immediate vicinity. It may surprise you the extent to which wired electronics produce this kind of short-range radiation, including in your walls. And lastly, it’s always a good idea to turn off your WiFi at night, if you have one.
Forwarded from Verissimus
Overthinking is the most convenient self deception in the sense that you can convince yourself that you are doing something intellectually rigorous and essential even when you are not. It gives you the perfect excuse to distract yourself from pursuing the supreme virtue that is, taking action.
Truth is might and those who have truth on their side are empowered by life and do not fear death.
Europeans should erect monuments with names and photos of all the victims of mass immigration and multiculturalism promoted, imposed and orchestrated by the Jews.
"God will not have his work made manifest by cowards."

— Ralph Waldo Emerson
A few article titles have recently caught my attention due to their featuring "AI art".

For my part, I refuse to call "art" anything produced by something dead and soulless.

Failing to understand that reveals how some are easily malleable and susceptible to be seduced to the forthcoming death cult of transhumanism.