David Clements
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Official telegram channel for x- Professor David K. Clements

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Forwarded from Skip (POE)
Media is too big
America's Audit Force will continue to bring you the best election data analysis from Captain Seth Keshel, Draza Smith, Dr. Douglas Frank, Edward Solomon, and Bobby Piton, and will always stand with patriots Mike Lindell, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, General Flynn, and President Trump.

We will also continue to share the heroic efforts of Joe Oltmann, Col. Phil Waldron, Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, and every other patriot dedicated to restoring confidence in our elections.

More will be announced this week on the major patriot networks.
I also want to give a shout out to my channel administrator.

Did you know that 99% of the work done on the Prisoner's Record is being done by my admin?

He leads daily prayer chats for our prisoners.

He facilitates letter writing campaigns to ensure prisoners know they are loved.

He prepares and vets bios on behalf of prisoners which we promote, and as a result, we have raised tens of thousands of dollars for struggling families.

My admin has run my channel since February.

We have prayed together, battled together, and I'm so proud of the team we've assembled.

I praise God for the people he has put in my life.
Forwarded from Erin Clements
Media is too big
Amazing video ☝️☝️☝️
For the first time that I can remember, I don't have a job to report to.

I'm at peace.

My wife and I stayed with strangers, that after one evening, have become close, and hopefully life long friends.

We attended one of the most powerful church services I can ever recall. We were prayed over, prayed for, loved, and given a message of hope by a bold and fearless pastor.

We visited with an AMAZING patriot that I hope to call the future governor of Michigan. She knows TRUMP won, is fearless, and knows restoring faith in elections is THE issue we need to fight for. When she announces, she will have my unequivocal support.

While I desperately miss my children, I have spent four days with my wife and reconnected without distraction (albeit cute ones). This is the first time that's happened in over ten years.

We have never experienced so much pain from vicious attacks, and at the same time, experienced such overwhelming love, generosity, and charity on this scale before.

I cannot express how thankful I am for your comments, prayers, help, wisdom, feedback, critiques, and encouragement.

God bless you and good night.

God is good. Always.
Last Wednesday many of you emailed and called my university's administration on my behalf. You fought for me.

Your voices were ignored by most, but were heard by one man with integrity.

One man responded in courage.

My Dean, Jim Hoffman.

Dean Hoffman was ordered by the university to come to my morning class and see if I was complying with the mask mandate.

If I was in noncompliance, he was ordered to terminate the class, and remove me, in front of all of my students.

Dean Hoffman showed up to my class.

I was not wearing a mask.

It was an ominous sign.

I recorded the class wondering if what would be captured would be my public humiliation.

Instead of being removed from my class, Dean Hoffman handed me the teaching excellence award I refused to pick up the day before because I would not mask up.

He spoke graciously to me in front of my students.

He made no demands that I comply.

He asserted his strong belief in the exercise of free speech.

He then left me to teach my class.

For that act of courage, Jim Hoffman was informed this past Friday he is no longer the Dean of the Business College.

You asked him to stand by me.

He did.

Jim Hoffman did the right thing.

Jim Hoffman acted with integrity.

Thousands reached out on my behalf.

Now I ask that you all send Jim Hoffman your love and support for his sacrifice for freedom.

Please email him and leave a voicemail for him. Please show your love and appreciation.

I can bear the hurts thrown my way.

It hurts me far more to know others are suffering on my behalf.

In the subject line of your email, please write: "Thank you Jim Hoffman for your Courage."



Please let Jim know how courageous his act was, so that other administrators will also find their courage.
I will post the video of Jim Hoffman's bravery as soon as I get home.
Today, the experimental drug "vaccine" that is the most dangerous from a death toll standpoint, was the first to be approved by the FDA, even though the studies are far from being completed.

These people hate us.

Why do we listen?

Just say No.
Forwarded from Joe Oltmann (Joe Oltmann)
They cannot stop what is about to happen. This morning you woke up as a slave to the elite and the corrupt and evil government leadership. Soon we throw them out and restore constitutional integrity to our nation.

The fraud in Maricopa is so much bigger than you could imagine. Need you to understand this is just one county… and the number of fake voters is hundreds of thousands, not thousands.
Forwarded from Jarrin Jackson (Jarrin Jackson)
To be clear, today’s FDA “approval” of the Pfizer shot will mean a few things:

A) nationwide mandates are coming. Do not comply. They are illegal.

B) companies who previously did not have a mandatory policy will now have a mandatory policy. Make them fire you. Do not quit.

C) class action lawsuits will begin to become a patriot talking point; and while it’d be cool to see all the godless commies go bankrupt, I’m more excited about patriots unifying & working together - that’ll mean we’re going in the right direction

D) Trump, being on record supporting the shots & freedom to choose, will be in a position of contradiction; his response is an indicator of where his thinking is, where his loyalty lies, & the future of the country (I’m very excited for this bc I believe Trump to be a patriot). Him being booed on Saturday was, I think, one of the greatest moments in American politics bc it showed the people who support the most popular & rightful president dont just take what he says - We The People are thinking, unifying, & growing in numbers

E) Lockdowns as leverage. Godless commies will begin to message that lockdowns must go on until “we have X% of the population vaccinated.” The % isnt the issue; the issue is dividing Americans & sowing hatred against those who choose freedom.

F) The gospel of Jesus Christ (His death, burial, & resurrection for the remission of sin as the only way to heaven) will become more prevalent & divisive; people need Jesus Christ - more people will preach the gospel; time will tell if God will grant us repentance or not.

G) Godless commies will use mandates/lockdowns to retry HR1 (We The People Act) that’ll federalize elections. They’re simultaneously destroying their carefully crafted “reality” bc they are showing who they are.

Keep preaching the gospel. Never give up. Make the godless commies DO stuff - not just threaten & SAY stuff.

Now, go to war.
Forwarded from il Donaldo Trumpo (il Donaldo Trumpo)
"If you're going through hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill
The wicked delight in the suffering of Christ loving servants.

Yesterday, access to my university email was restored in order to let me see the letter sent by administration notifying me of my "gross misconduct."

Emails from a few gloating Marxist faculty members made their way to my inbox.

I cannot access my office, computer, or respond to student concerns.

I'm a little bummed about office access, because my office door is covered with my children's artwork, and I have hundreds of books. I love my books. But I really love my kid's artwork.

Administrative "kangaroo court" proceedings will now ensue.

Under the law, I am required to exhaust all administrative remedies before appealing whatever decision is made to a district court.

I don't have much hope that a district court in Marxist New Mexico, will provide any better chances at justice, but fight we must.

Vengeance is the Lord's.

I will trust in His perfect justice, and do what I can as a steward of the gifts and resources He has given me.
Why we fight without fear.

Our children deserve everything within our power to break the spell of Marxism.
We are told the hospitals are overrun.

Yet, the global elite are prepared to terminate 30% of an otherwise healthy workforce, if they don't get the experimental jab.

Stand firm.

Make them fire you.

Expose their lies.
Forwarded from Joe Oltmann (Joe Oltmann)
Last week I shared the letter from the jackass lawyer for Coomer. This was the response from Sidney Powell and Defending the Republic attorneys.

I love Sidney, and I love that her attorneys share the same courage and integrity that she has.
Stop waiting for a judge to tell you what you can and can't do regarding your health decisions.

The choice is yours.

Simply make it, and take responsibility for your choice.

Your rights don't come from government.

They come from the Author of Freedom.

Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
Australia has suspended basic human rights and freedom due to 4 COVID-19 deaths per day in a country of 25,000,000.

Arrest warrants are being issued for 'COVID-19 suspects' who leave their homes.

Anti-lockdown protestors are being arrested in mass.

The military is patrolling the streets enforcing lockdowns.

All for a virus that is killing an average of 4 people per day in a country of 25,000,000.

