The NeighbouⓇs
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Ascension to liberation is not a simple matter of a few affirmations, prayers, or desultory attempts at meditation. It can only be achieved by persistent practice of scientific methods of penetrating the spiritual eye. No soul, no saint, no Christ or Buddha has resurrected himself~at the time of death or in the highest samadhi states of meditation~without entering this inner door to transcendent consciousness. As soon as one frees the soul from the physical, astral, and idea bodies, he can merge with the Formless Absolute or experience oneness with the Great Light of the universe. That is the light of the Infinite Christ, the God~essence and sustenance of all creation. @theneighbours2021
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Earth is so limited, some people have plenty while others starve. But in the heavenly astral world there are no such inequities, every being has according to his desire. @theneighbours2021 Those who attain Self~realization on earth live a similar twofold existence. Conscientiously performing their work in the world, they are yet immersed in an inward beatitude.
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Being a citizen of this world is much like being in a romantic relationship. It will not be perfect, but as long as you’re an active participant, you agree to improve it. Fairy tale relationships and societies are a work of fiction. In life, we need to work on things to perfect them. If the intention to better our world is present, even our mistakes will be a step in the right direction. @theneighbours2021
There are many channels the mind can set itself to. Its reception options are based on consciousness. If one can reach the highest aspects of themselves, they are open to inspiration from the highest source. @theneighbours2021
Make love your strength, not your weakness. @theneighbours2021
What makes you feel alive?
     Do that often
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In the universal sense, love is the divine power of attraction in creation that harmonizes, unites, binds together. @theneighbours2021
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In a world often shadowed by uncertainty, it's acts of selfless kindness that shine the brightest.

  Blessings to the Heroes🙏🤍
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Learn to love Creator with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself. You do not need any other commandments if you follow those two.

What is the meaning of loving Creator with all your heart, and with all your mind, soul, and strength?

~ Heart means what you feel,
~ mind means concentration,
~ soul means divine communion in meditation, and
~ strength means to place all your energy on Creator.

Therefore, love Creator with all your feeling and with all your concentration in meditation, reversing the searchlights of your energy and attention from the body and the world back to Creator. You cannot love Creator truly without meditation, because only by meditating can you know yourself as the soul, in which lies your true eternal relationship with Creator.
In the destruction caused by this war we are seeing a partial dissolution of the world ~ dissolution of lives, money, homes. In many ways it is worse than Noah's flood, it is a flood of fire and bloodshed. But one thing is encouraging: the good karma of mankind is greater than the evil karma. If this were not so, the earth would explode from the negative vibrations. Contrary to appearances, the earth is in an ascending cycle, and good will triumph. @theneighbours2021
In an average moment of an average day, our energies vibrate at an average level, you can feel roughly as you do now when you read these lines. Then suddenly you see a picture of a sweet kitten or a smiling baby and as soon as you look carefully, you suddenly notice that you start to smile.

In the next moment, recall a memory from your life when something very happy happened to you! It can be the first kiss, a happy christmas, the birth of your child, the warm embrace of your mother... The more experiences you recall, the more you are overwhelmed by a wave of happy warmth ~ this is the moment when you maximize your vibrations! If you consciously focus your attention on your body at this time, you will feel that all tension disappears and you will almost float...

Did you manage to recall this feeling?

If not completely, then search your memories, because it will work, because you are full of love! If it weren't for that, we'd never meet...

Look for, use, build positive frequency and resonance. This is how we assist in raising the vibration of GAÏA (((+)))
The first proof of Creator's presence is an ineffable peace. This evolves into joy humanly inconceivable. Once you have touched the Source of truth and life, all nature will respond to you. Finding Creator within, you will find Him without, in all people and all conditions. @theneighbours2021
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Try to realize you are a divine traveler. You are here for only a little while, then depart for a dissimilar and fascinating world. Do not limit your thought to one brief life and one small earth. @theneighbours2021Ⓡ Remember the vastness of the Spirit that dwells within you.
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If you are filled with worldly desires, those thoughts impinge themselves on the subtle body and bring the soul back into another earthly incarnation. The sum total of past actions and unfulfilled desires determines what kind of body you will have, and sets the general pattern of your new incarnation. Just as the form of a huge banyan tree lies hidden in a tiny seed, awaiting favorable conditions for germination, or as the sounds of a record are secreted in its grooves, waiting for the touch of the needle to bring them out, so the past~life tendencies carried in the subtle body become manifested through the medium of a new incarnation. @theneighbours2021
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When you forgive, you are in spiritual consciousness. Forgiving means to give your enemy a chance to gain better understanding. If you become vengeful or angry, you only make more enemies, for an angry person is the target of all. @theneighbours2021
Stars, planets, plants, animals, and human beings are all let loose on a beautiful cosmic stage, with each one playing an assigned part.

Very few people understand the meaning of the play because they do not pause to think deeply about it.

To the unenlightened, the drama often seems chaotic and unjust. But God purposely did not automatically make all people poor or all people millionaires, because if everyone were alike this drama could not go on.

Diversity is the basis of Nature, and self~evolution is one means of maintaining this diversity.

By the law of cause and effect, action and reaction, we make of ourselves what we presently are and what we will be. The result of this variety, created by both man and Nature, is what we experience as the cosmic drama.

However, God does not want us to suffer because of these differences.

He wants us to know that whether one is currently playing the part of a king or of a servant, he must do his best, but never forget that as a soul, made in the image of God, he is only enacting a temporary role.

Therefore, it doesn't matter whether we scrub floors, or whether we are the leaders of great nations, unless we know that we are merely playing a part on the stage of time, we will suffer from the dualities inherent in the consciousness of being identified with these different stations and conditions.

Stage actors do not bemoan their particular parts, but enact their roles to the best of their ability, knowing they are temporary portrayals.

Do you see?

It is only when we take life too seriously that we suffer. While we recognize the relative existence of differences, yet we must not only know intellectually, but realize spiritually, that One Life pervades everything.

There is but one religion of God, one Truth underlying the different names of religion.

That universal state of consciousness is very hard to attain unless one has Self~realization, the knowing that we are souls and that all souls are a part of the One God.
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Creator and His cosmic laws work unfailingly for the benefit of those whose actions are ever in tune, and for the awakening, through suffering, of those who are not true to the divine Self within. @theneighbours2021
I know I am but a figure in Creator's dream movie, as you are also. Some day, when we cease to be actors on the screen of life, we shall realize that our forms are but shadows interspersing the cosmic beam of Creator's omnipresence, and that the only thing in the manifested universe which is real is the light of the Infinite Christ. @theneighbours2021
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It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen. @theneighbours2021
The greatest thing you can do to cultivate true wisdom is to practice the consciousness of the world as a dream. If failure comes, say, "It is a dream". Be unruffled in everything you do. If you try hard to cultivate the dream~opposite to whatever trials you may be experiencing, you will be able to change a nightmarish experience into a beautiful experience. @theneighbours2021