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I took a little hiatus, as is necessary at times I think. Thank you so much to all my chat moderators who hold things down and make sure we all have a place to gather that’s useable and isn’t buried in spam. Community and discussion are critical to we the people getting our countries and our world back. The job these people do for all of us is so important and they do it all out of the goodness of their hearts and to be of service. Feeling a lot of gratitude for this community and human decency in general. ♥️
Forwarded from General Flynn ️
During difficult times there are things you’ll NEVER FORGET, for instance;

—I’ll never forget who helped me in difficult times

—I’ll never forget who put me in difficult times

—I’ll never forget who left me in difficult times

“Never take revenge, my friends, but instead let God’s anger do it. For the scripture says, “I will take revenge, I will pay back, says the Lord.”

Romans 12:17-21
I see this term kicked around a lot and I’d love to get somewhat of a gage for where the majority belief in our community is right now.

Do you believe we are currently in a spiritual war?
Anonymous Poll
Forwarded from Jordan Sather
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There's some background to this people are missing.

After the election, Steve Pieczenik went onto Infowars and claimed that "quantum watermarked ballots" were used during the 2020 election. It was total clickbait from Infowars (they're known for it). Remember that video? I do.

Justice Clarence Thomas's wife Ginni apparently thought it was legit, unfortunately, and sent that video to Mark Meadows in a text.

Fast forward to now, The Washington Post reviewed Mark Meadows texts, found the one from Ginni, and are now using that in a pressure campaign against Clarence Thomas.

I can only imagine they're doing it NOW because of Ketanji Jackson's confirmation hearings. Put pressure on Clarence Thomas and direct everyone's attention on the "Crazy QAnon lady" in an effort to slide Biden's pick onto the Supreme Court.

The ramifications of conspiracy clickbait are greater than many realize. It is disinformation weaponized against us - this is why I combat it so fervently.
Forwarded from Danean
"You are not alone and you are not in the minority."
Forwarded from Jon Herold
🔥 Devolution - Part 19 - R.I.C.O. Suave 🔥

Don’t miss the exclusive first read by Patrick Gunnels of Devolution - Part 19.

Tonight, March 28, 2022, 9 pm ET on the Reading Epic Threads Livestream

Rumble: https://rumble.com/vyuk1p-patel-patriots-devolution-part-19.html

Twitch: www.twitch.tv/pgunnels
Forwarded from Jon Herold
🔥 Devolution - Part 19 - R.I.C.O. Suave 🔥

Trump has the Deep State by the balls and he was telling us that with his lawsuit.

Find out how 👇

Forwarded from We The Media (AwakenedOutlaw ⭐️⭐️⭐️ & OutlawJW on Gab)
This is precisely how patriots assist in the larger cause.

We help secure victory by continuing our tireless efforts to help amplify the TRUTH in opposition to the lies and false narratives being used to mislead good people everywhere. In fact, it's probably time to consider re-doubling our efforts to date.

The way I see it, two simple questions frame the moment.
If not us, who?
If not now, when?


Good talk.
Welcome to the revolution. 🇺🇸🦅

Truth Social: @AwakenedOutlaw
“White House did not include in materials given to the Judiciary Committee a grisly child porn case in which Jackson departed significantly below probation office recommendation – raising questions of whether the White House ‘intentionally left it out’”

More than a pattern with this monster.

If we don’t protect our most vulnerable, we are dead as a society. Finished. Prepare for the deluge coming for us all.


BREAKING: Matt Gaetz enters Hunter Biden's laptop into the congressional record

“Florida Representative Matt Gaetz entered into the US House Judiciary Committee records the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop as well as a receipt from Mac’s Computer Repair, where the laptop had been dropped off, that evidenced the FBI taking possession of the laptop in December of 2019.”

For those unaware of the implications of the laptop being presented to Congress today …

This now means the contents of that laptop are on *Congressional Record*. Legally. It isn’t conjecture. It isn’t rumor. It isn’t a “conspiracy theory”.

The laptop is a reality, and it is now on Congressional Record.


“How do you legally inject/make public/use as evidence?”.
Forwarded from Jon Herold
Media is too big
Hey Jim Hoft and the Gateway Pundit!

Thanks for using my video! Glad you guys like it and I love that it's getting more eyes. Can you guys throw my website in the description section on rumble so people know where you got it from? - https://www.devolution.link/


Gateway Pundit: https://rumble.com/vz6ei5-video-compilation-trump-to-come-back-bigger-and-better-something-is-going-t.html
They’re going to make the woman with the personality of a dial tone a star, y’all. 🤩

Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
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Zelensky fired two top ranking generals in his own army recently. 👀
"I do not have time to deal with all the traitors. But gradually they shall all be punished."

Maybe they realized they were fighting on the wrong side Zelensky?

Side note why does every video look so fake.
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
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Zelensky advisor and ISIL admirer admits that Russia isn't targeting civilian targets.
Completely invalidating the mainstream narrative.

"It makes little sense [for Russia] to waste missles that cost millions of dollars, to crop it on some Ukrainian or journalist.
Only danger is a misfire, or intercepted by missle defenses, the remains fall on a residential area."

H/T @thekateawakening

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but…

It really seems like there is a push to remove any bit of identity we have. There’s nothing more demoralizing than being stripped of your identity.

They want us to be one homogenized, genderless, gray lump living off of bug meat and going to bed in our eco-sized communal pods.

There’s a reason they want to teach kids gender doesn’t exist.
There’s a reason they don’t encourage independent thought.
There’s a reason they want us to be atheist.
There’s a reason they want to blur every line in morality.
There’s a reason they change the definitions of words and make reality “fluid.”
There’s a reason fashion has shifted into unflattering, shapeless, ill-fitting manure bags that look like something I’d wear to CVS at 9pm to pick up Gatorade and cough syrup when I have the flu.
There’s a reason, whether you buy a Lamborghini or a Subaru, it’s the same 👏 fucking 👏 body style 👏
There’s a reason they want you to care more about the “greater good” than your own family.

If there’s no identity, there’s nothing to fight for. We are easy to manipulate.

In this information war, our most important focus should be knowledge of ourselves and what we stand for. And then BE BOLD and never waver from the things that are meaningful to you.

“To thine own self be true.”
👆A really great book that depicts what I’m talking about is Anthem by Ayn Rand.
Here’s a link to a free download of Anthem if you’re interested. It’s a really quick read, less than 100 pages. ♥️
