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The hidden rulers of planet Earth
For FWC-Channel, by Peter B. Meyer – 2 November, 2022

The Media is for the Deep State a very important Tool
More people are now waking up to the fact that for their entire live they have been lied to. From where they come from, to where they are heading, everything is a huge lie. But the lies people have been living, are about to come to a screeching halt.
Don’t trust mainstream media to explain the socio-political processes shaping our world with any real accuracy and certainly not without infusing their own insidious agendas.

The Protocols of Sion explain in detail the meaning of the Deep State world domination, and how that will be achieved by controlling the thinking of the populace by monitoring what they hear and see. With the help of these methods, they weaken resistance in the people and offer them better control over the world; at least that is their way of thinking; to become eventually the rulers of planet Earth.
The public doesn’t realise it; but executives and top journalists of almost all major media outlets are members of influential Councils and Secret Societies, shaping our fake world.

However, the truth is coming out in front for all of us to hear and see. Unless people ignore the obvious, as many have been doing for too long.
Be ready, the foundation of society will be shaken, even if people look the other way, because everyone is going to face the new reality. All over the planet is no more room for lies and deception, or running away from the truth. Humanity is soon to learn the irrelevance and stupidity of the current financial system that has enslaved everyone, fear is going to disappear, like snow in the sun.

Society is made up of narratives; identity, language, etiquette, social roles, opinions, ideology, religion, ethnicity, philosophy, agendas, rules, laws, money, economics, jobs, hierarchies, politics, government. They are all purely mental constructs that exists nowhere outside the mental sound bites in your head.
The control of the narratives over economics and commerce, enables them to manipulate money and trade. Control the narratives about politics and government, enables them to rule politics and government. This mechanism is used to funnel power to themselves, the Elite, in this way effectively is turning society into one giant energy source for themselves.
Lost Empire of Tartaria – 2 November, 2022
For FWC-Channel by Peter B. Meyer

The Tartarian Empire was the biggest Empire in the history of Empires. What happen to Tartaria and why haven't we been told about this history? Is this a massive cover up by the world governments? The question is why would they go through such lengths to keep this information from us? Who were the Tartars? Is there evidence of their existence? Special thanks to everyone researching mud floods & the hidden history of Tartaria.

Tragedies never end until the Truth is widely known.
Some Additional Details About Tartaria
Remember; History is wrong for a specific reason. Maybe, Tatarians are the off-spring of Atlantis?

Are we supposed to believe that eighteenth-century mapmakers drew a vast “Tartaria” in that region out of ignorance? Surely not! Tartaria was real, and it was the most powerful empire of its time. The Great Wall of China was built not by the Chinese to keep the barbarians out, but by the Tatarians to keep out the Chinese.

The lost empire of Tartaria is the most delightful conspiracy theory. It posits that a technologically advanced civilization spanned Eurasia and perhaps parts of North America until as recently as a century ago, when it was erased from history. What’s left of Tartaria are ornate and seemingly out-of-place structures, from opulent churches in Russia to the Shanghai Bund.

The Tartarian Empire was the largest empire in history. What happened to Tartaria and why have we been told nothing about this history? Is this a massive cover-up by the Global mafia? The question is why are they going to such lengths to keep this information hidden from us? Who were the Tartars? Is there any proof of their existence? Research into mudslides and the hidden history of Tartaria may shed more light.

“Tartaria, is a vast country in the northern parts of Asia, bounded on the north and west by Siberia: this is called Greater Tartary. The Tartars lying south of Muscovy and Siberia are those of Astrakhan, Circassia and Dagestan. The regions northwest of the Caspian Sea are; the Calmuc Tartars, areas lying between Siberia and the Caspian Sea; are the Uzbek Tartars and Mongols, areas north of Persia and India are finally those of Tibet, which lie northwest of China.”

Tartaria was multi-religious, and multi-cultural. One of the reasons for the huge difference between leaders like Genghis Khan, Batu Khan, Timur alias Tamerlane, who looked and have been depicted by contemporary artists reflecting the differences in outward appearances.

Read more about this in Encyclopaedias Britannica, Vol. III, Edinburgh, 1771, p. 887.

It is important to understand how, for specific reasons, we are not allowed to know our history and are deliberately kept in the dark.

Earlier civilisations on planet earth were technologically more advanced than we are today. Watch this video to open your eyes.
Anti-Russian Alliance Fractures After Japan Decides To Stay In Russia’s Sakhalin-1 Energy Project – 2nd November, 2022

Anti-Russian Alliance Fractures After Japan Decides To Stay In Russia’s Sakhalin-1 Energy Project
While Europe continues the unvarnished hypocrisy of pretending it is imposing draconian sanctions against Russian oil and gas, when instead it is merely buying the country’s natural resources via such middlemen as India and China (an exercise in virtue signaling that costs it a 20% mark-up to Russian prices), less than a year since the start of the Ukraine war, some countries have had enough of pretending.
Today, the Japanese government decided to officially screw the sanctions, and remain involved in the (formerly Exxon-led) Sakhalin-1 oil and gas project in Russia, as it seeks a stable supply of energy (who doesn’t) despite international sanctions on Moscow over its invasion of Ukraine, the Nikkei reported.
Marines Make Gruesome Discovery in California
By Michael Baxter - November 1, 2022

White Hats searching for an alleged Adrenochrome stockpile in southern California got the shock of their lives when they breached an industrial warehouse in Chatsworth, in the San Fernando Valley, only miles from some of the wealthiest zip codes in the United States. They had expected to find commercial-grade freezers brimming with bags of chilled Adrenochrome—a pharmaceutical cocktail made of of fluids extracted from the adrenal glands of terrified children and synthetic opioids—but found instead coolers containing organs—livers, lungs, kidneys, hearts, and, yes, intestines—that had been excised from adolescent children.
“This is the sickest and most gruesome find we’ve made,” said a source in General David H. Berger’s office, as he recounted the details to Real Raw News. Read more about here
Newsletter - The Final Wakeup Call

🇺🇸 🇬🇧 Awareness is Key to 5D World

Fake Truth Tellers
Your consciousness is the password to enter the world of the 5th Dimension. You possess this key the moment your consciousness tells you; ...
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🇳🇱 Bewustzijn is sleutel naar 5D-wereld

Fake Truth Tellers
Je bewustzijn is het wachtwoord om de wereld van de 5de Dimensie te kunnen betreden. Deze sleutel bezit je op het moment je bewustzijn je vertelt; ...
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🇩🇪 Bewusstheit ist der Schlüssel zur 5D-Welt

Falsche Wahrheitsverkünder
Euer Bewusstsein ist das Passwort, um die Welt der 5. Dimension zu betreten. Sie besitzen diesen Schlüssel in dem Moment, in dem Ihr Bewusstsein Ihnen sagt: ...

🇪🇸 La conciencia es la clave del mundo 5D

Falsos contadores de la verdad
Tu conciencia es la contraseña para entrar en el mundo de la Quinta Dimensión. Posees esta clave en el momento en que tu conciencia te dice: ...

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🇮🇹 La consapevolezza è la chiave del mondo 5D

Falsi divulgatori di verità
La vostra coscienza è la password per entrare nel mondo della 5ª dimensione. Possedete questa chiave nel momento in cui la vostra coscienza vi dice: ...
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🇫🇷 La Conscience est la Clé du Monde en 5D

Les Faux Vérificateurs
Votre conscience est le mot de passe pour entrer dans le monde de la 5ème dimension. Vous possédez cette clé au moment où votre conscience vous dit : ...
En savoir plus
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro for the first time on Wednesday asked protesters blocking roads nationwide to lift blockades as demonstrations were restricting people's right to come and go and were bringing losses to the economy.
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Young Brazilian girl hands flowers and flag to the military.

It’s moments like this that define history. The will of the people there is very clear.
BREAKING: Former Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan shot in leg during shooting in his Long March rally, rushed to hospital

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The Wait is for the Great Awakening
For FWC-Channel by Peter B. Meyer – 3 November, 2022

The great awakening must happen quickly, because without the awakening of the masses, there can be no long-term progress in freedom. If freedom is not achieved by ourselves from the bottom up, freedom has no long-lasting value.

It is not, as many think, that Trump or other leaders should take the initiative. The initiative lies with ourselves. We must and can achieve it ourselves, with greater satisfaction and value. After which our golden future of true freedom in enjoyment of abundance and friendship can begin.

Being awake comes with a price. It may have been difficult and painful going through the stages of awakening, but convincing others by challenging circumstances and conditions to open eyes and minds of others is even more difficult. It has become a struggle against time when awake see all the injustices that could have easily been avoided.

It’s very sad to see unawake people being tossed to and fro, without having a clue as to what is really going on. But even that is an “engineered” shake-down designed by the Deep State.

Still, this should help each of us come to more action and reflection to overcome this false reality.

Millions are flocking to alternative news sources to try to make sense of what’s going on, stumbling across realities they never considered possible, or could ever have imagined before.

When the truth is known, the awake are responsible for sharing it ardently, but also for doing it with a passion. Not always pleasant, but a duty that must be done. The hour is late and the timeframe we are living in is terrible, the necessity brings forth optimal awareness and swift action. There’s no way back or alternative left.

The world is bankrupt financially, economically, and morally, but through manipulation and deceit, people are led to believe that all is well. It’s absolutely absurd that all the bubble assets are still at such astronomical highs, while wealth-preservation assets like gold and silver have been totally annihilated through manipulation. The elite and the media continue to fool the people regarding the state of the world.

Our overwhelming, uncontrollable mass awakening is what the world’s ruling elite fear the most. Since we greatly outnumber them and their associates, they wouldn’t know how to deal with our vast numbers, even with their advanced technology. As a result, the real question is do we now become conscious?

Consciousness and Oneness are the greatest enemy of the Deep State Cabal’s social engineering programmes. Their false Covid pandemic is affecting people’s social consciousness. The global elite want 90% depopulation. They want total control and surveillance on every aspect of everyone’s life. They want socialism, with the power and wealth in their own pockets, in other words communism.

So; Consciousness and Oneness are direct obstacles to these horrible plans, please get your ass out of the chair; wake up and protest en mass.