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Event Will Happen This Week! I've Been Warned Not To Talk About This, Here It Is via Anonymous
Sunday, September 18, 2022
I’ve Been Warned Not To Talk About This, Here It Is america urgent message truth world news current events september 2022 today this week this month Our good friend Robert Kiyosaki warns about something that is coming next week. Robert Kiyosaki explains how to prepare and what he personally does to take advantage of the times ahead. Robert Kiyosaki goes on to say They can’t save us. It’s gone too far. And instead of fixing the problem, they just kept making the problem worse. That’s what I know.
And I was told don’t do that anymore because we’ll kill you. People started playing games and now the game is out of control. The world’s never gonna be the same. I hope I’m wrong. Robert Kiyosaki then says We’re gonna go bankrupt. There’ll probably be a new conference, like the Louvre Accord or the Smithsonian accord. And they’re gonna write the rules of the game again. They’re gonna say, okay, the US dollar your toast, you know, IMFs gonna jump in, Japan, china’s gonna jump in.
But meanwhile, you and I, if you’re holding dollars, you might be in serious, serious trouble.
NESARA GESARA Changes Are on the Horizon - A Documentary by James Rink
Change is on the Horizon is a three-hour documentary written, narrated, and produced by James Rink which explains the NESARA Mission. NESARA stands for the National Economic Security and Reformation Act passed by Congress and signed into law October 10, 2000. The law does away with the IRS, Federal Reserve, returns us back to constitutional law, releases enormous amount of wealth from Saint Germain’s World Trust, plus much more. I created this documentary to help explain how this is possible.
Part One we start in Tudor England to learn about Saint Germain.
Part Two we learn how the bankers tried to destroy Saint Germain’s mission.
Part Three we learn how humanity would be set free.
CERN: We Are Confident Of Making Contact With A Parallel Universe This Week… Out Of This Door Might Come “Something”
As pointed out by Dr. Thomas Horn and “Into the Multiverse” host Josh Peck in the internationally-acclaimed books On The Path Of The Immortals (FREE IN OFFER HERE) and Abaddon Ascending, when the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) first started up on September 10, 2008, director for research and scientific computing at CERN, Sergio Bertolucci, provoked a whirlwind of speculation with his enigmatic remark that the LHC might open a door to another dimension. During a regular briefing at CERN headquarters, he told reporters, “Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it.”[i] The notion of higher dimensional beings traversing such doorways conjures up the denizens of legend, orcs, ogres, elves, fairies, dwarves, and giants. A British military analyst later quipped:
We’re looking here at an imminent visit from a race of carnivorous dinosaur-men, the superhuman clone hive-legions of some evil genetic queen-empress, infinite polypantheons of dark mega-deities imprisoned for aeons and hungering to feast upon human souls, a parallel-history victorious Nazi globo-Reich or something of that type.[ii]
While that was amusing, more serious researchers like Richard Bullivant had already connected the dots:
The most plausible explanation the next time Bigfoot or a lizard man or a flying dragon is sighted—or perhaps even a UFO ascending into the earth and disappearing into the side of a hill—surely has to be that it is evidence that portals to parallel worlds are serving as doorways where strange beings, vehicles and entities occasionally stumble into our universe—and sometimes we in turn stumble into theirs.[iii]
It did not help that the LHC was named after the Hindu destroyer of worlds “Shiva”, a fact that prompted a teenage girl in India, Madhya Pradesh, to commit suicide.[iv] Whether the scientists responsible for the name believe it or not, wormhole portals are studied very seriously. Your transition from 3D into 5D clearly explained.
The Hague,🇱🇺farmers protest at Budget Day👏👏👊👇👇
Breakthrough after Mass Awakening

Don’t Feel Victim

Turning point in our civilisation

We live in a wonderful time! And every passing day approaches the end of a long Cycle. That shows us the New Age. What a privilege at this moment to witness this, and participate in the great event of planetary transition!

Planet Earth has arrived at the most important crossroads in our civilisation. With the aim of enriching themselves, the globalists, with the help of the political establishment, have done great damage to our society, industry, culture, etc.. They are now panicking because all over the world their corruption is being recognised and confirmed.

This is the last chance to save our interests and civilisation. It is ...

Doorbraak na Massale Ontwaking

Durchbruch nach dem Massenerwachen

Avance tras el Despertar de la Masa

Percée après l’Éveil de Masse

Una svolta dopo il risveglio di massa
Intel Snippets – For FWC-Channel
compiled by Peter B. Meyer – 20 August, 2022

Here Are 12 Extraterrestrial Races,
Their Origins, and their Life Spans
Name Planet Age to be reached
1. Anunnaki Nibiru 1000 Years
2. Greys Orion 150
3. Reptilianas Alpha Draco 500
4. Capellanes Capella/Auriga 1500 Years
5. Pleiadians Pleiades 3,000 Years
6. Ancients Parallel Universe Infinite
7. Agarthan Keepers Of The Universe Unknown
8. Draconian Alpha Draco 1000 Years
9. Arcturians Boots 1000 Years
10. Essassani Orion Unknown
11. Zeta. Zeta Reticule 1 & 2. 1000 Years
12. Akartian Sextant System Unknown

Watch this video

We are receiving help from #5 & #9 and the Andromedins, Lyrans, Serians and Others that exist They are tall whites, mantids, ant creatures, Lizards, Nordics and Yahyel
Add Trolls, Fairies, Big Foot/Sasquatch that makes 24 of them.

For any sceptics proof is found to prove these are true beings: Every single one of these beings are real look up every single star from the origin described above. Do your own research to become convinced, familiarise yourself with your exterrestrial brothers and sisters.
For images

• Most Countries are no longer a Deep State owned corporation.
• Aids like all other diseases are manmade,
• Cancer is curable,
• 9/11 was an inside job.
• The Federal reserve owned America.
• Our food is full of chemicals and drugs,
• The history we know has been whitewashed and altered.
• Vaccinations are toxic and have been linked to Autism, Cancer and Death.
• Bill Gates paid for the design of Ebola and vaccination for depopulation,
• The Deep State controls the weather with HAARP.
• ISIS is a creation of the U.S. and Israel.

Society is fake and stupid.
British line up for 14 hours patiently waiting to pay homage to a four year dead Saxe Gotha German Fraud podophile Reptilian.

A large underground complex under Israel will be the last target and coming up soon.

• The Pleiadians will be the first to greet us and are 5th dimensional beings whose ships are being seen in cloud formations. They were the ones who were living in Paradise California that the cabal hit with a DEW.
• The Arcturians are 8th dimensional and so are the Whales and Dolphins. That's why they seem to relate to divers and swimmers.
• Coming are flying cars and changing airports to provide landing areas.
• Precision manufacturing of Modular homes will be the norm and designed to keep out bugs, rain, heat and cold.
• The end of the Dark Ages was 9/11/2022.
• The Golden age begins fully on January 1st 2023.
• Arizona blackouts are for military arrests. The Military is snatching corrupted Doctors.15,000 nurses have quit or are being picked up by the military.
• Next are Pharmacists and clinics. Other military units are after Judges and lawyers.
• The DOJ and FBI might not survive either.

• Iodine kills parasites(cancer) and activated Charcoal flushes them out of our systems.
• If you feel weak from the waist down, you might have them and need the Charcoal treatment.
Why Are Walmart & Other Major US Retailers Canceling BILLIONS Of Dollars In Orders As Summer Comes To An End?
Michael Snyder / September 19, 2022

Do they know something that they aren’t telling us? As you will see below, Walmart, Target and other major U.S. retailers are literally canceling billions of dollars in orders ahead of the coming holiday season. I have never heard of such a thing happening before, and under normal conditions it wouldn’t make any sense at all. The holiday season is typically the busiest time of the year for retailers, and at this time in 2021 there was actually a great deal of concern that there wouldn’t be enough inventory due to global supply chain problems. But now everything has changed. All of a sudden major retailers are feverishly cancelling orders, and this would only make sense if a severe economic downturn was imminent.
German Bakery Slapped With €330,000 Gas Bill After Contract Cancelled
A German bakery was slapped with a €330,000 (US$330,000) gas bill after a new energy company suddenly terminated their contract which guaranteed pricing until the end of 2023, Junge Freiheit reported, citing Bild.

"Are they crazy?" said owner Eckehard Vatter, who says he has 14 days to pay the bill. "A year ago, we paid €5,856 per month in gas costs for our large furnaces and heating," he added.
Vatter said his new energy supplier hasn't given him a reason for the 1,200% price increase.
What's more, since Vatter's bakery is considered a 'craft business' under commercial law, he can't receive any support from the state. He claims to have paid €19.9 million in taxes in recent years, according to ReMix.
World's Largest Hedge Fund Makes The Ultimate Case For Gold

Monday, Sep 19, 2022 - 02:20 PM
Authored by Peter Reagan via Birch Gold Group,

“How much gold are you going to need? Like, this much, at least…”
Here’s why Bridgewater sees gold as one of few assets worth owning

Rebecca Patterson, chief investment strategist at Bridgewater Associates (the world’s largest and most successful hedge fund), explained how the firm is bracing for a prolonged stagflationary period.

Patterson revealed that institutional investors are bracing for the toxic economic combination of high inflation and slow or negative growth – and to protect themselves from “sustained bear markets.”

Just how severe an economic threat is this? Patterson minces no words:
CNN host Brian Stelter Convicted
September, 20 - 2022
A military tribunal on Monday found former CNN host Brian Stelter guilty of child molestation and possession of child pornography, and, owing to Stelter’s unrepentant nature and failure to grasp the gravity of his crimes, recommended he be hanged by the neck until dead.
As reported previously, U.S. JAG investigators arrested Stelter outside his New York City condominium on August 27. At the time of his capture, Stelter had been carrying a laptop holding a plethora of inappropriate images of children.
In an opening statement Monday morning, Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall said JAG’s evidence would prove conclusively that Stelter was a serial podophile who impulsively fondled young boys during his tenure at CNN. JAG, he said, had sworn statements from 8 minors alleging Stelter had confronted them in isolated areas and, wearing a sheepish grin, touched or fondled their genitals. Although no statement mentioned penetration or sodomy, all the statements told eerily comparable stories on how Stelter had targeted specific children that caught his eye.
“I submit to you,” Vice Adm. Crandall addressed the 3-officer panel, “that no child would ever be safe around detainee Stelter. You’re going to hear him say touching and rape are disparate offenses. But I say his groping of young boys is a ‘gateway’ crime. We know that adult serial killers often tortured, mutilated, and killed small animals long before they set their eyes on human prey. Left unchecked, the detainee’s crimes would most assuredly escalate eventually, once he finds the right persons and situations to carry them out.”
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Media is too big
The Hague, people turn their back to the king with dutch flag upside down💪 Important to understand the slogan StarWars
Swiss metal processing centers have increased imports of Russian native gold to record levels over the past two years, Bloomberg reported, citing data from the Swiss Customs Administration.
Switzerland bought 5.7 tons of Russian gold worth $324 million in August, according to the agency. At the same time, gold comes from the United Kingdom, from where it came from Russia before August 4. Prior to this date, US, European Union and Swiss restrictions on gold imports from the Russian Federation had not yet come into effect and imports were permitted.
Owners of gold in Russia send it to Switzerland for melting, which will facilitate the process of its further sale. Although it was mined in the country before the start of special military operations in Ukraine, the Russian origin of gold eludes many buyers in Europe, even though it can be officially sold in many shopping centers, including London and Zurich.
KHERSON, September 20. /TASS/. The authorities of the Kherson region have decided to hold a referendum on the region's accession to the Russian Federation, Vladimir Saldo, head of the military-civilian administration of the region
Newsletter - The Final Wakeup Call

Breakthrough after Mass Awakening

Turning point in our civilisation
We live in a wonderful time! And every passing day approaches the end of a long Cycle. That shows us the New Age. What a privilege at this moment to ...
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Doorbraak na Massale Ontwaking

Keerpunt in onze beschaving
We leven in een prachtige tijd! En elke dag die voorbijgaat, nadert het einde van een lange Cyclus. Dat toont ons het Nieuwe Tijdperk. Wat een voorrecht op dit moment ...
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Durchbruch nach dem Massenerwachen

Wendepunkt in unserer Zivilisation
Wir leben in einer wunderbaren Zeit! Und jeder Tag, der vergeht, nähert sich dem Ende eines langen Zyklus. Das zeigt uns das Neue Zeitalter. Welch ein Privileg, in diesem Moment ...

Avance tras el Despertar de la Masa

Punto del cambio de nuestra civilización
¡Vivimos en una época maravillosa! Y cada día que pasa se acerca el final de un largo Ciclo. Eso nos muestra la Nueva Era. ¡Qué privilegio en este momento ...

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Una svolta dopo il risveglio di massa

Punto di svolta nella nostra civiltà
Viviamo in un’epoca meravigliosa! E ogni giorno che passa si avvicina alla fine di un lungo Ciclo. Che ci mostra la Nuova Era. Che privilegio, in questo momento ...
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Percée après l’Éveil de Masse

Le Carrefour de Notre Civilisation
Nous vivons une époque merveilleuse ! Et chaque jour qui passe approche de la fin d’un long Cycle. Cela nous montre le Nouvel Âge. Quel privilège en ce moment ...
En savoir plus
The Anunnaki Cosmological Facts
For FWC- Channel by Peter B. Meyer – 21 September, 2022

Approximately 500,000 years ago, a group of humanoid aliens arrived by spacecraft on planet Earth. They came from a planet about three times the size of the Earth, which was called Nibiru by the Sumerians. Nibiru was described in ancient Sumerian literature as the twelfth planet of our solar system. The Sumerians were far ahead of modern man in the field of astronomy, declares the Detroit News in an article. The Sumerians also counted the Moon and the Sun as planetary bodies, thus reaching the total of twelve, the same number that the assembly of Anunnaki sovereigns consists of.

The highest Nibiru god was named ‘Anu’, depending on the source, also known as ‘An’. Two of the Anunnaki leaders and sons of Anu, Enki and Enlil, were half-brothers and they guided the operation of the systematic colonisation of planet Earth by the Anunnaki.

All Anunnaki leaders would later assume the role of “gods” or Nephilim, as perceived by their human subjects. Curiously, one of these Nephilim was called Nazi. The question arises whether the German occultists of the twentieth century were aware of this connection?

Follow this very interesting video to understand people’s enemy even better and the role of royalties, being the people prison guards.

"𝐇𝐮𝐠𝐞 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐎𝐜𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐍𝐎𝐖!! "
𝐌𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐍𝐨 𝐈𝐝𝐞𝐚 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠!!